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Not Just Cycle Buddies!

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Hi Friends! Lots of us have gotten our BFPs these past few cycles and we all aren't "cycle buddies" anymore. I feel like we need a place to connect and keep up the conversation with each other. This way we can keep chatting even if some of us aren't pregnant and some of us are. I'm just starting my 6th cycle TTC and hoping that this will be the one. Please join in and update us on where you are and how you are feeling.

916 Replies • 6 years ago



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Good morning! Photomama i’m so glad you are feeling better and they figured out what was causing all the pain. Have you done more research? Did it hemmorage after you ovulated?

I’m 7 DPO today so one more week to go and I will know if we conceived this cycle.. I will probably test at 12 DPO on Wednesday.

6 years ago • Post starter

@FlamingoGirl13. Hoping this is your month. Are you symptom checking or just letting things happen naturally. Are you still temping or will you stop to take some stress off the remaining of the tww? I stopped temping at 6dpo before I started testing and it didn't bother me one bit and I was happy I didn't. But in a way, I kind of wish I did, so I could have seen the temp dip then rise; if that was case as some don't get temp dips.

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6 years ago

Well, I’ve got some semi good news. I got my blood results back and it looks like I possibly ovulated, but not well if that makes any sense. The progesterone level today came back at 2, which is the bare bones minimum to be able to say the patient “ovulated”. Most post ovulating levels are 5 or above. I’ve had a progesterone level Of 40 before, so I don’t know what to think of this but I’m just going to hope for the best and believe that I did indeed ovulate this month even though I already feel out my temps aren’t drastically higher then pre o, 98.2 when previous cycles they were as high as 99*, also I didn’t have any clear signs of ovulation such as ew cm which I normally have. This month I was on my inositol and epo not sure if it had anything to do with the anovulation this month

6 years ago • Edited

Morning ladies! Sorry I've been MIA. I was traveling and am back on a normal schedule this week. Photomama, I'm sorry to hear your progesterone is low for ovulation. I will hope for the best for you this cycle and I also hope you are no longer in pain.

I'm 10 DPo today and I'm not symptom spotting as much this cycle and just letting myself get through the week and hope that I have clear symptoms this weekend and that I miss my period. I've decided since I'm so regular in getting my period on 14DPO every cycle that I will wait until I miss it to test. This will be a clear sign that I might be pregnant and then I wont waste any tests this cycle if I'm not. I'm hoping really really hard that this is our cycle and we can start preparing for our first baby.

@Dragonlfy23 - I am still checking my BBT... I'm so used to it and I just want to know each morning when I wake up. I also like looking at the chart from this cycle and comparing it to my last cycles. If I'm not pregnant this cycle I might let off next time and not do my BBT after I know I ovulated. I'm also not going to do OPK's next cycle if I'm not pregnant.

6 years ago • Post starter

@Flamingogirl13. That sounds like a good plan. Let's hope that this is it for you and you can start preparing for that baby you guys have been working so hard to get.

As for me, this pregnancy is taking a toll on me. I have never been this moody and cranky before. Hubby thinks it might be a boy this time because I am moody, cranky, and eating things that I don't normally eat. With my last pregnancy, I didn't eat pickles, now I can't seem to get enough. I don't eat dill spice and hubby went and bought potato salad and it had dill spice in it and I like devoured it. Be interesting to see how the ultrasound goes on April 3.

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6 years ago

Good morning ladies. I hope everyone is doing well. We got 14 inches of snow in two days so travelling is horrible. I was 15 min late yesterday and half an hour late today.

I had two really weird dreams last night that still haunt me and freaks me out. The first dream is that there were tons of spider webs with spiders in them (I'm scared to death of spiders by the way) inside this mans house and in his backyard and I was trying to get my daughter home and everywhere I looked there was webs everywhere and it just gave me the hebe jeebies. I believe my daughter was outside playing in the yard and I was in his house trying to get outside but everywhere I turned there were webs everywhere. I also think the one actually bite me as I had a white line on my body. My second dream, I believe I was roughly 4 months along and I was ready to give birth. I was lying in my bed underneath the blankets and the lady nurse was beside me telling me it was time to start pushing. Here's where it gets weird. I started to feel scratching between my legs like fingernails and the baby pushed out no problem. Baby looked like it was full term but I had the feeling that it was too early. I, in my own opinion think it was a boy as it didn't look like a girl and didn't see the body part. So, this baby boy had head full of hair, and 1 front tooth. Here's where it gets even weirder. I felt the same scatching beween my legs and then I woke up. I never did see the other baby.

I know that these are dreams and know that there is only one baby as that was what the sonographer tech said, but could she have missed the other sac during the ultrasound and vaginal ultrasound because it was hiding behind the other baby and it only caught the one heartbeat? I guess all I can do is wait for the next ultrasound on April 3.

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6 years ago

@ Dragonfly23 - Sounds like you are well into the vivid dreams stage of pregnancy. That spider one sounds freaky! They actually both sound unsettling. You might be dreaming of twins because you thought you might be pregnant with twins so your subconscious is probably still thinking about it. You never know though! You might still be pregnant with twins and you should definitely see both on your April 3rd ultrasound if you are. When my Mom was pregnant with me and my twin she had a dream about giving birth to a litter of puppies!

Looks like that snow is coming to the Northeast next! We are supposed to get 8-12 inches Wednesday into Thursday. I might take Thursday off just to avoid the roads after Wednesday night. I'm 11 DPO today, due for AF on Friday. Besides tender breasts (which I always get the week before AF), I don't have any symptoms yet so I'm not feeling very positive about this cycle. I'm looking forward to Friday so I can know one way or the other and move on if I'm not.

6 years ago • Post starter

@FlamingoGirl13. I'm just on Facebook now and saw that we got 35cm from March 3-5. Hopefully it doesn't hit you guys very hard. When the lady told me there was only one sac during the ultrasound that I assumed I was only having one so I pushed the thought of twins to the back of my mind. I guess I will find out on April 3. If only it will get here sooner. I'm trying not to be inpatient lol. Hope this is your month. Keep us posted.

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6 years ago • Edited

Morning Ladies, so I've been here at the children's hospital since Saturday with my 8yr. Old son whom had an appendix eruption so he's had surgery& now waiting for him to get stronger so we can go home...I hate sleeping in hospital chairs...(Worst)

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6 years ago

@Kimberke. I hope your boy gets better soon and that he can come home and heal at home. Mind I ask how his appendix erupted? Must have been devastasting. Yes, some of the hospital chairs are horrible to sleep in but I am sure if you walked around for a little bit you may find some better chairs. I know some locations where I work have couches and a fold down chair that turns into a bed. How is everything else going? Pregnancy going okay?

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6 years ago

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