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April/May 2020 TTC

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Morning/Afternoon/Evening Ladies!!

Hi lol...

You're one month closer to your bfp yay !! Hopefully this is it

341 Replies • 5 years ago



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11 dpo today so 3 more days. Praying I don't dip below. God please I want that bfp

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God Bless

5 years ago

@Alex I send you a big hug, it's really difficult to manage all these difficult emotions.
Unless we have this place to write and share them, it is helping me this cycle a lot.

@Mira! Amazing news! Try to relax and I wish you good luck!

@Shay, I admire your patience! You are doing great, good luck also to you!!

AFM 3DPO and no big symptoms, just very intense dreams. I have practiced mindfulness this morning and today I start Pilates! I could not continue BD after the O day, I hope it was enough!

and to all!!

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5 years ago

I got my today, 12dpo and day after af was due. I can’t quite believe it! If all goes to plan baby will be born just after my 40th birthday

TTC #2

5 years ago

Thak you all for support. ??

@Shay Your temps really do look promising.


AFM. Yeah, reasons to stress out seems to multiply. My son's daycare has a fifth disease epidemic. Had to contact prenatal care practitioner already. She discusses the situation with a doctor and calls me back tomorrow what is our plan. First actual appointment isn't untill next month. I need this little one to be really sticky. And I hope my son doesn't get sick.

5 years ago

Like how my comments are just read over and no reply

God Bless

5 years ago

Russian congrats!!! That is so exciting!!

Mira I would be stressed about all the sickness stuff too!! Ugh I am a teacher so I hate hearing students go home sick but came to school first!! Like my goodness I don’t want your germs!!!

Neisamar it is so important to stay relaxed and continue to exercise while waiting to know!! I went to one of the classes at my gym yesterday too!! Hoping to make it today as well!!

GamerWife just be patient. It is hard to keep up with all the different posts sometimes. Your temps have stayed up which is good. Fluctuating temps are so stressful!!

AFM: 11dpo and just sitting waiting. Not feeling the same need to test like other cycles. Maybe because hubby and I keep talking about everything going on. It is nice to know we are both at the same place. We will be ecstatic if we get a positive this month, but at the same time we are just happy my body seems to be returning to normal and ovulating two months in a row!!! I haven’t had any symptoms the last day or so. Nothing for af or otherwise. Only thing off was I had a hard time eating dinner last night. My in-laws made pasta with marinara sauce which I love!! Yet I could barely get it down!! Like I did not want to eat it once I started. Really odd for me. But otherwise things are fine. No spotting yet like I usually get right before af. My LP is only 11-13 days so I am shocked there is no spotting yet. I usually get it two days before af arrives. Guess time will only tell!!

Oh temps are back in the rise too. Been taking them both orally and vaginally, don’t worry been washing everything too haha but either way my temp is going up and not down so that is good!!

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5 years ago

@gamer Not every post will get a reply, especially if you don't write something that really warrants one. It's give and take too. Ask other women questions or comment on what they wrote so people can get to know you (and you get to know them) and you'll get more interaction.

5 years ago

@shay make sure you note your oral and vaginal temps separately! Maybe use two different apps or something because vaginal temps are always higher so you can't switch back and forth! Not sure if that's what you're doing already, but just in case.

5 years ago

Kait yes I have two apps with the temps. My oral is still lower but going back up. Thanks for the insight!!

5 years ago

@shay your charts looks really good, I’d be so tempted to test now if I was you

5 years ago

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