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Anyone on or near 10 dpo? How are you feeling?

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Just wanted to check in with others who are like me waiting to find out if they are pregnant this cycle.
How are you feeling?
Any symptoms that are standing out that have you hopeful or wondering?
When are you going to test?

I am ttc #1. I have regular 27 day cycles with a 15/16 day luteal phase. I check my cm, take vitamins and use opk's. Been trying for almost 5 years now.

This cylce I got ovulation spotting which has only happened to me 2 times in my life before this. Hoping it's a great fertility sign?

Ovulated on Feb 13th. Now I am 10 dpo.

Symptoms so far
0 day - 7 dpo Not much. Just the usual gassy, heartburn, bloated, nipples sore for a few days after O, Some weird dreams and moody.

8 dpo - 10 dpo (current ) Vivid dreams, hot and cold body temps, dry throat, thirstier, dry skin (but it is winter) rash or pimples breaking out on my chest ??? Stuffy nose for 3 days. Mild ovary cramping/twinges. Getting shooting pains in my breasts a few times a day/night which I have never gotten before. Less moody today then the past week thank GOD! All these could be progesterone as well.

Anyone want to add on so we can obsess, wait, hope, pray and test together?

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7993 Replies • 11 years ago



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Desert chick I'm glad you and your bean are doing well! Crazy you find out the gender so early! I find out aug 28 and I'll be 19-20weeks then my dr up here won't let us go any earlier then that because it can be false test! Lol you'll only be around 16 weeks I hope it all goes well! I totally understand on your scare I had one too glad your ok and so is the baby according to the heart rate it's right there with mine and they say higher heart rate is a girl! Fingers Xd!! Keep us all updated I you can please post your sono pic!

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11 years ago

Pieces the baby girl( bean) is doing great I don't go back for my monthly until aug 13 then gender sono aug 28 so patiently waiting lol I swear as inlay flat on my back I sometimes can feel movements from her down in low pubic area feels wonderful knowing I'm having a healthy baby! I'm not sure if I told ll of you after having the genetic testing done they finally called with the news all came back negative so the baby is healthy right now! Was awesome news to hear! I'm having a lot of back pain from my injuries I think it's time for chiropractor again but I did schedule a prenatal massage tomorrow so I can't wait to have a little me time with taking my son to daycare and relaxing myself away!!!

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11 years ago

@Hello ladies!!!!
Nothing to report 35CD 17-18 DPO - NO AF , Testing Saturday 27th-Monday 29th, I still havent decided yet.

@miskitty-How are you feeling?? NO AF?

@Ants, how are you honey?? Did AF came?

@Pisces, you are close O right?

@Mari2013,how are you? you are almost O right?

@Marycg, how is the hospita??

@Topo, @Marycg @all the preggies (Desert, introuble, jsx) How is that bean growing???

AFM: Sorry if I forgot any of you, have all a happy day!!!

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11 years ago

@ desert- glad everything is going well and sorry u had a scare, u want a girl right? Yes not fair u get to find out gender so early
@ jsx- my dc wont do gender ultrasound till exactly 20 weeks eather, they say its much more acurrate and they can tell other stuff a lot better at 20 weeks, it's so crazy we hav the same due date, maybe we will find out the gender on the same day!
@ pices- so u were wrong lol! Didn't that one lady say the wrong thing to? Have u heard if she is doing better, I Hurd she was in hospital!

11 years ago

@desertchic nooooooooooooo!!!! I can't believe I missed your post, it was that damn Ã?BER long post and I was helping customers in between trying to get a post up so everyone wouldn't think I ran away. Lol. Sweetie I am soooo sorry. Dang you girls are getting along in your pregnancies so fast(well to is seems fast) by the end of next month we will know for sure the sex of 3 beans wxcelt @trouble she's trucking along last but never least. 157 heart beat, awwwhhhhh I used to breathe a sigh of relief everytime I heart my kids' heart beats. It always amazed me. I think it's the only reason I kept showing up at alllllll those appointments. Placenta Previa - my ex sister in law had that with both of her girls and everything was just fine. From everything I read, you will be fine too. My last daughter was breech for so long that they thought they'd have to turn her but she eventually made it to the right place. The girl was 23 inches long & still all legs. I think she's going to be taller than me.

@honCat I don't know how I missed you because I had full intentions of scolding you for making us all wait ALL week to confirm what we all know and that is that are in fact pregnant. You are over 5/6 days late, would TEST !!!!!! If the witch was coming, she would have showed up, now messing with my emotions and TEST!!!!!! Lol Please I know you're pregnant and we need a BFP! **the crowd chants in unison** test test test test test test !!!!!!

@ants mommy don't feel down, well easier said than done but the one thing that I can say positive about TTC, in these forums you learn quickly that even getting the witch each month is a blessing. I have a friend who hasn't had a period in 18 months. She is 31 yrs old and was diagnosed with pre-ovarian failure. So each time the witch shows up, I am thankful that I ovulate regularly, monthly and I am grateful to God for a new chance at a baby every single month. :-D keep your head up and it's never over until the fat lady sings or in our case until we have a full flow, sustained AF. **hugs**

@mari that's right girl shut that cookie operation down for a few days we need good, pressure build up to catapult those swimmers all the way to their destination. Lol sorry it puts you in lousy mood but just think of alllll you'll be getting soon. Lol

@mary lol at you changing the tabs on your computer when DH looks up. I do the same thing. My man (bless his heart) just had no urgency, no worries..."Gal, Jah Bless when Jah bless" **carribean accent**and it means God blesses when he blesses and you can't rush want to light a fire under his patooty but it would be useless. However, I did share my baby board with him on Pinterest....and allow him to post stuff. I keep looking to see if he will post anything. It's been 2 days. Hmmmmm we shall see

@misskitty any AF yet? I know you have an appointment tomorrow and I really hope you get a BFP right on there in his office!!! **Fingers Crossed**

AFM; my doc said that since I will be so close to O on Monday that he will take a look at my follies to see how they are looking. I had a terrible dream the other night that my HSG was not good news and I was crying, I woke up clinching my teeth so bad. So I am working to repel that negative energy and envision a positive outcome. My headache yesterday had nothing to do with clomid, realized later that I left my glasses at home and had been working all days with out them. So I had to make a public apology to clomid. Lol

11 years ago

@piecesgirl dont ever do that lol as much as i want to strangle u i am just going to give u a big hug around ur neck lol i sent u a private message and sent miricalmomma to yesterday i was so crying i was going to delete my account i was having a fit i am not doing anything just waiting to do another round of iui got a loan for it so u know if it doesnt work i am going to attack my RE lmao instead of the opk and frer lol but i am freaking out because the dates if i do it doesnt match what tania said so idk what to do but just doing accupuncture and trying to eat well.. i missed you so much i think i might of made the rest of the girls feel left out wasnt my intentions i am just use to u both that u both put me in a funk lol

@HONCAT lol babe i am not pregers dnt got a lil bean yet lol and u u test for or ur u waiting to ov sorry i been scatter brains lol but any who sorry for being a bugaboo and buzz kill lol

@jsxitzbom u missed my post lol i responded to you and u only responded to piecsegirl

@ Mari2013 clomid its not a garentee babe it has its ups and downs but it helps i was on it in 2005 it was my first treatment it didnt help one round of iui in 2005 didnt help either dd was concieved naturally 1 year later so its up to ur body and why ur geting on the clomid dnt let anything distrub u the clomid did work along with the repronx injectuctions made some follies lol so it depends do what ur says dnt go by other people.


@ Ants mommy i know the feeling ohh so well we all do babe dnt give up it aint over till the comes u dnt wanna be like me and become a bar and a pill poper then end up with a

to everyone i might have forgot becuase if u all know me i only have a one track mind and i been distracted twice this morning while writting my story lets have a people for this month lets go

11 years ago

Hi girls

How are all you girls today.

Well no AF for me its due tomm. I can tell you I feel really down my low back hurts and Im starving but I did a HPT yesterday moring and got a BFN.

This month I feel AF is going to be a bitch.

11 years ago

@tiff yes, Tania told her a girl but it's a boy. And I had said a girl too but I was mostly basing it off of what Tania said and I knew she wanted a girl. Shucks. My baby gender predictor stats and reputation are all messed up **side eye** so your baby has to be a boy gotta get my rep back. Lol

11 years ago

I'm so sorry topo I will go back and look I know my iPhone messes up yesterday maybe just overlooked it! Sorry hunny!

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11 years ago

Hi ladies! It's really refreshing to see you all on here! This is definitely a new and very much appreciated support system for me.

To all the questions, still no AF, no symptoms except nausea and high temps. Already took my 1st morning pee but was seriously thinking about testing.

I do have an apt tomorrow, and am hoping for a BFP right there in the office too!

On an unfortunate note, my BF's parents found out and are causing issues for us. They don't want their son having kids with me, or maybe kids period, I don't know. Just trying to stay stress-free here, and keeping my fingers crossed!

I kind of have a guilty confession to make: do any of the rest of you troll the internet looking for unique baby names? I caught myself doing that last night, and BF caught me too. So yeah, he knows. I think he is excited for results too. Love all of you, and hugs for the support and love I get back so freely. Thank you!

16 DPO today!

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11 years ago

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