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Group for the BFPs

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Hi, girls! I just wanted to create a group for all the BFPs we have gotten. There have been so many lately and i have gotten to know a lot of you and i don't want to go to another forum. I feel bad talking on other groups about my bfp when others are still trying. So I figured we could talk about things in here too! I am 6w5d today. I have a 2yr old dd and am 39 yrs old. Just starting to get a few symptoms and my eye is twitching out of control. Hope to hear from my other bfp friends!

1366 Replies • 6 years ago



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He also started teething!

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5 years ago • Edited

Well it’s sunk in with me and I wouldn’t say I’m happy yet but I’m getting used to the idea, husband on the other hand is not happy at all right now, but I’m hoping he comes around. It was completely unplanned, no idea how or when it’s happened. This is my thoughts, her brother and sister are 20m apart and then there’s a 5 year gap til Nancy so at least she’ll have a sibling close in age too xxx

5 years ago

Thanks ladies. Now 9 weeks and it’s finally all settling in with me that we are having another baby :)
Kelliria your girls are beautiful & calvingirl what a lovely idea, I read all the post from early on too, to see how many symptoms this time around are similar to with Nancy, I didn’t get chance to read it all though. Just kind of on count down to my 12 week scan now, don’t have a date yet, but I’m sure it can’t be too far away now. I’m ready to tell the children (I’ve told Nancy all ready since she has no clue what I’m talking about) and then we need to put our house up for sale as we don’t really have enough room for us all here, but want to make sure all goes ok with the scan first before we do xxx

4 years ago

Aww happy new year beaut1ful38. Glad to hear all is going well. Gorgeous picture. All going good here too with Nancy. She’s almost 14 months, she’s very very clever and can say all sorts and knows exactly how to get her own way, she’s running around and climbing everything too We are currently waiting to move house into a bigger one ready for our new baby arriving, just want it all to hurry up before I get too big and uncomfortable. Here’s Nancy in her favourite place - the park

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4 years ago

Oh good luck @flamingogirl13 that’s very exciting your period has returned, even if it’s no fun bless her on the sledge, she looks so cute Nancy hasn’t seen snow yet as we’ve had none yet this year. And her hair is gorgeous. I do have a little boy who’s 6 and an older daughter who is 7 too He wasn’t too impressed to be getting yet another sister haha but I’m sure he’ll love her xxxx

4 years ago

3d pic of our second son at 20 weeks and 3 days

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God Bless

4 years ago

Hi, I’m 6 weeks & 4 days (7on Monday) previous pregnancies were miscarriages, but Had a viability scan today and looks good so far have a second booked on the 20th. I’m 25 and baby is due a week or so after my birthday!

4 years ago • Edited

Flamingogirl- OMG!!! Wow that didn’t take long at all!!! I’m so happy for you. I love seeing pictures of Annika on FB! She is precious!

I can’t believe Elijah will be 1 April 25th!!! His party has been postponed!

4 years ago

Congratulations flamingoGirl13 and good luck Dragonfly23

Hope all is going well for everyone. Are you all in lockdown too? We have been for a month now. It’s really strange at least the weathers good. Nancy’s growing like a weed and is talking loads now.

Currently almost 34weeks pregnant now with baby number 4 not going to lie a little bit worried about giving birth during a global pandemic butttttt what can you do? Stay safe everyone xxxx

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4 years ago

Congratulations Dragonfly!! That's a great bfp! Happy and healthy 9 months to you and an easy pregnancy. Look at all of you... This makes me want another one, despite the long odds. I turn 45 this year so probably not in the cards for me. We don't prevent though. I have the side effects of pills and I'm allergic to most condoms so I say screw it...I have like a 2% chance anyway of getting preggers at my age. We weren't paying attention to the calendar and just BD last night, and I think I'm ovulating today. I actually got ovulation cramps and I haven't gotten those since before Phoebe was born, so maybe I'll beat the odds! I'd be happy, but I think my dh would freak! Between us, we already have 6 kids living. 1 out of the house and a 2nd leaving next month, and another is trying to move out by next year. So I figure we have room for more! Phoebe is a joy every day. I look forward to watching you all get your baby bumps and your beautiful newborns. Yay! Love babies!

4 years ago

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