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6 dpo, this suspense is killing me!

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Hello ladies, any of you waiting to poas with me? Let's help one another pass the time, and analyze our tests together. I still have at least a good 4 days before i can begin testing, and i am running out of distractions

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260 Replies • 6 years ago



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231 - 240 of 260 Replies | Last Page

In shock! I took a pregnancy test because I’m weak and couldn’t wait I’m pregnant.
I took clearblue digital came up pregnant 1-2 weeks.
I can’t believe it.
Now I’m just praying my lack of symptoms don’t mean a miscarriage again

6 years ago • Edited

Wow @roundthree!! Big fat congratulations!! How many dpo are you??

6 years ago

Congratulations @roundthree!!!

6 years ago

I count the day I got the smiley face on the ovulation test as my ovulation day, so I’m 11 dpo x
Thank you I’m so very happy

6 years ago

Im officially 3 days late now. Im going to wait until Friday and take another test. Im hoping i ovulated lated.

6 years ago

Maybe I’m being a little dramatic, had a small amount of brown spotting this afternoon, literally the size of a fingernail in my knickers, nothing since but that’s how AF usually starts for me. Although it would be over a week early! Fingers crossed it’s an IB but I really thought this was the month!

6 years ago

on your roundthree!

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6 years ago • Post starter

Nohemi and tonix for you guys and lots of

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6 years ago • Post starter

@roundthree that’s awesome news Congratulations

@yesenia&tonix- keeping high hopes for you girls


6 years ago

So ladies just need some advice. Af was all kinds of weird this month. I wiped pink once i think 2 days before af. She shows very light switching from pink to brown. Late night first day goes red a dark red, picks up the flow, a lose maybe a few small clots. 2nd day starting to stay about the same flow, i use a tampon, fill it decently, switch it out for a fresh one see it had watery stuff mixed on it. Put new one in have to take it out it is hurting, looked and it was turning brown. Put pad on turns red half way through day 2 stops. Then starts several hours later, spotted the remainder of day 2 into the later 3rd day. Stopped day 3, day 4 and today brown spotting on and off. Like how do i chart this cycle?! Never had this happen.

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6 years ago • Post starter

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