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October/November Babies 2019*

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Hi ladies

I'm back in for another month as most of you know... My due date would be end October i think so I'm combining the two months again.

Good luck girls !!

568 Replies • 5 years ago



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Sorry I thought I had said, I told him Saturday night, he was over the moon too x

5 years ago

I was left with the idea you were gonna surprise him for Valentine’s Day. Emma..... I’m so sorry! Hopefully he felt that loving feeling and he might want to try again as soon you feel better. Sending hugs

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5 years ago

Emma where in the UK are you? Reason I ask is I'm in London and can recommend a specialist if you are interested? I saw her after my ectopic.Otherwise I definitely suggest you go to your gp. They are very helpful and can refer you for some testing. Did you do the dye test to check your tubes are clear after the ectopic? xx

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5 years ago

Scuba I’m East Midlands, I had surgery with my eptopic and then conceived my twins straight away with no period in between, never had anymore tests but my cycles have been off ever since, this was 12 years ago, then 4 years ago I had surgery to check for endometriosis with the pain from my right ovary still and the irregular cycles which all came back with nothing wrong and I was told to just have a hysterectomy anyways I went on to have my youngest who is 2 next month and we’ve been trying since my cycles started back 13 months ago, this is my first cycle I’ve had a positive ( well 5) and now they have gone negative but with no pain, no cramps or bleeding so I don’t know what to think, my husband said he would think for me to be getting a negative test now he would think I’d be bleeding but I don’t know how it works tbh, when I had my eptopic I woke up bleeding and in pain so this is new to me

5 years ago

Alex yes your right my plan was to wait till Valentine’s Day but it was my birthday Saturday so I decided to put my youngest in his “I’m going to be a big brother top” before we went out in the evening lol it was really cute and he was really happy, glad I did it then though so I’m not going through this on my own x

5 years ago

Oh gosh that's a bit extreme to suggest a hysterectomy How lovely you got your rainbow twins after the ectopic.

Definitely go and see your gp. Maybe you can self refer at the early pregnancy unit at your local hospital? We can do that at my local one. Then they can do a blood draw to see what is going on xx

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5 years ago

I’ve just rang gp and they told me to call back this afternoon to see if I can get an appointment, I can’t even speak to a doctor, here you can only got to the early assessment unit after you’ve seen a midwife around 10 weeks, tbh it’s all a bit rubbish here

5 years ago

I would think with your history of ectopic they should be monitoring you from day one. That's what they do here. You are at a higher risk of another ectopic (even with healthy pregnancy in between) so they should be checking for your doubling rate and a placement scan (way before 10 weeks!) Demand a blood test and a repeat blood test after 48 hours when you speak to him. If you are on Facebook I recommend a group

If it doesn't come up the group name is 'TTC after an ectopic.' Or you can visit the main Ectopic Pregnancy Trust for lots of info on trying for future pregnancies.
Emma I'll pm you so we can chat any time too xxx

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5 years ago

@scuba just wanted to say thank you for your post about age. I’m 38 and my husband is almost 42. I’ve been feeling discouraged the last few days that maybe we are too old for a second, but our family doesn’t feel complete just yet.

@emma I’m so sorry you’re going through this. I hope your husband comes around and you can try again.

5 years ago

@lawrence My husband's sister fell pregnant naturally with her second at 43 and a friend at 45 (surprise baby!). I'm not giving up but appreciate we might need some help after 6 months if nothing happens.

Right now I'm baffled with my very sharp stabbing ovulation pains at 14/15DPO. No sign of spotting hitting the tissue. What does it mean?!?!?! Lolol xx

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5 years ago

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