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April/May 2020 TTC

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Morning/Afternoon/Evening Ladies!!

Hi lol...

You're one month closer to your bfp yay !! Hopefully this is it

341 Replies • 5 years ago



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shay when are you going to test?

God Bless

5 years ago

Mira I hope it’s not a serious disease at the daycare? I know from other parents that they are rife with illness but it’s usually gastro.

Shay fingers crossed for you. The lack of usual pms symptoms is a good sign, it was the only thing different for me this cycle

Neisamar i hope this is your month. As for BD after O, my fertility specialist told me to BD every other day between day 8-17. I used the clear blue advanced opks this cycle too so we did it two days in a row when i got the solid smiley. I broke my ankle the day after predicted O, which put a halt to the BD (i’d had enough anyway ) I consider myself very lucky this month!

TTC #2

5 years ago

@Russian and
My temp is still the same as yesterday. praying that I am and my temp don't go down tomorrow. and I don't spot. spotting the day before is my tell tale sign that af is coming.

God Bless

5 years ago

Gamers thank you! I’ve never charted so must admit I don’t know much about it. When are you going to poas?

TTC #2

5 years ago

Well ladies still no sign of AF or any other symptoms. Hubby is dying for me to test too. I don’t know why but it just isn’t something I feel I have to do haha I am currently 11dpo and my LP is usually 11-13 days. I may test tomorrow.

I have never been this calm around this time. Usually I am dying to know and would have POAS at least once a day since 8dpo if not twice a day. It is weird that I am just so okay with everything. Hoping that is a good sign as well haha guess we will see!!

5 years ago

Shay it sounds so promising.

AFM I’ve just been for a blood test, should have the result this afternoon ????

Also since I’m stuck in the house i’m also waiting for the several hpts I’ve ordered online to arrive

TTC #2

5 years ago

@russian I'm planning on waiting my full luteal phase. 14 exactly never sooner or later. today is 12 dpo..
@shay I keep having the same dream 3 +hpts hoping its a sign for

Im praying that my temp don't drop tomorrow because then I know af is arriving the next day

God Bless

5 years ago • Edited

GamerWife yeah I decided to test for hubby haha I just don’t feel a need for it for some reason.

Well I tested and I think it looks negative for now. Remember I am only 11dpo so not out yet. There may be a slight shadow there but I have line eyes so I won’t count anything but a definite positive.

user submitted image

5 years ago

@shay looking good then! You've got plenty of time if your LP is going the full 13 days! Best of luck

@russian congrats! I hope everything goes well and you have an uneventful pregnancy.

I got the go ahead for Clomid at the doctor today. Since I O'd so late and AF isn't due til Sunday, she wants me to come in again on Monday before they'll give me the script. Just to make sure I'm not pregnant before I start taking it. I was hoping the appt was going to make me feel more hopeful, but it kind of bummed me out.

5 years ago

Just praying for bfps for all of us.

Ok so I have dry cm around this close to af and im having ewcm. which I normally get at ov only.. but ive read you could get it before af too. Please let this be a sign

God Bless

5 years ago • Edited

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