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Anyone on or near 10 dpo? How are you feeling?

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Just wanted to check in with others who are like me waiting to find out if they are pregnant this cycle.
How are you feeling?
Any symptoms that are standing out that have you hopeful or wondering?
When are you going to test?

I am ttc #1. I have regular 27 day cycles with a 15/16 day luteal phase. I check my cm, take vitamins and use opk's. Been trying for almost 5 years now.

This cylce I got ovulation spotting which has only happened to me 2 times in my life before this. Hoping it's a great fertility sign?

Ovulated on Feb 13th. Now I am 10 dpo.

Symptoms so far
0 day - 7 dpo Not much. Just the usual gassy, heartburn, bloated, nipples sore for a few days after O, Some weird dreams and moody.

8 dpo - 10 dpo (current ) Vivid dreams, hot and cold body temps, dry throat, thirstier, dry skin (but it is winter) rash or pimples breaking out on my chest ??? Stuffy nose for 3 days. Mild ovary cramping/twinges. Getting shooting pains in my breasts a few times a day/night which I have never gotten before. Less moody today then the past week thank GOD! All these could be progesterone as well.

Anyone want to add on so we can obsess, wait, hope, pray and test together?

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7993 Replies • 11 years ago



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Hi everyone, it is so busy in here now. It's great!

@picses glad to hear hsg went well and tube is ready to go! Your doc sounds great

@lalee @ lay and @ et welcome!

@lsh paddle boarding sounds very hard!!!!! No wonder you are achey

@mari are you feeling better?

@jsit and @tiff how are you feeling? I am feeling chubby and hate not being to tell anyone!

@mary where in Ecuador. I went once years ago, it's stunning.

@ topo I hate replying from phone too. But always read along!

My update-still super tired and nauseous. Poor dh is great but doesn't understand how I can fall asleep anywhere! Scan yest confirms 8 w and 3 days and have next scan on 16th and then can tel people! Hopefully all day sickness will stop then too!

Hope I remembered everyone and to all

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11 years ago

hey @Introublealot, isn't it great? i'm totally considering maybe moving there someday. we're going to Salinas to visit a friend of ours who just had a baby, and then to Cuenca and Quito which is where my hubbys family lives, where did you go? I can't belive i've gone 3x already and STILL haven't made time for Galapagos, i suck lol

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11 years ago

Hi Ladies -

Can I join in on the TWW "fun"? I'm currently 7DPO (I think) and started feeling some weird things this weekend at 5DPO (Sunday).

We're TTC #1 after a m/c last year in April. That one was a "surprise" but woke us up to trying in earnest, as I'm 40 (will be 41 next month) and am running out of time, so to speak (Although my Mom had me - her first and only - at 42, and DF was born when his Mom was 40, so we supposedly have good genes.)

Have tried since May of last year, but to no avail. Was sent to a fertility center and had a bunch of testing - my eggs look healthy, and I have a lot for my age, his sperm is within all normal ranges. The only thing is that I may have one tube blocked (although I was just informed that it can be a fluke during the test caused by spasming, or it can be something else).

We took several months off from trying, as we're getting married in October, and I want to fit in the dress I ordered - I'm really not vain, I swear - it's more that I don't want to lose the money LOL, so I haven't been temping/using OPKs religiously like I was prior to the break.

Hence my unsureness of DPO - but I'm estimating 7 because of my EWCM day.

Anyway, when I was pregnant last year, I had some weird cramping for the first several weeks, and that is the same feeling I started with this weekend, so we're hoping it's a sign! Similar to AF, but lighter, more constant, rather than coming in waves, and slightly "different". Hard to explain the "different". It eased up yesterday, but I still have it when I move today. Very, very light. I usually get AF cramps just a day or 2 that AF begins (or on same day), so this is SUPER early for me.

6DPO (yesterday) I felt like I was run-over by a mack truck. I slept all morning until 12:30pm, and went to bed at 8:30pm. I'm an early riser, but I haven't had that kind of sleep pattern since college LOL!

Here's to everyone getting a BFP! Baby Dust to all!


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11 years ago

Hi girls hope everyone is doing great.

Just got back from the ob. This month I will do my third cycle of Clomid at 150mg. If this cycle doesn't work then they check the hubby and do one more cycle. So if in 2 months nothing happens I'm off to a fertility dr.

Crossing my fingers this works because my insurance doesn't cover fertility treatment.

How is everyone doing?

11 years ago

@pisces-you always make me laugh! Glad you are about to O!! I totally have a secret baby pinterest board. I would go crazy without it :)

I am actually feeling a lot better today. I just needed to feel sorry for myself yesterday and now i am good. I am 9dpo today and guess what...yep I forgot to temp again this morning! Seriously, I am SO bad at this!!! BUT, typically at 9dpo my bb's start clockwork. Not today. Hoping that is a good sign :)

11 years ago

@Ants, I think all of our time is coming :) Finger's crossed you can stay away from the fertility doc.

11 years ago

@desertchic you bump pic is so adorable! I can't wait to join you ladies in the bump club. DH just told me yesterday that he knows that the maternity clothes shopping is going to be ridiculous. **evil grin** Me: yes honey it is!!! Lol. Glad the bean is looking good too! I know you feel so good when you hear that heartbeat. Awwwhhhhhhhh #cantwait

@tiff oh how exciting! I am not much of a cryer but I think after all that I have been through to get pregnant, I think I am going to wail like a baby when I hear that first heartbeat. Yes do send us a pic. I thought about Saturday night because I saw UFC fight re-run on tv and I thought your hubby. My DH was going to a Royce Gracie MMA school over here in Maryland and he was always practicing moves....usually on me. Lol Then we started playing the Ultimate UFC Game. It was a challenge every night after work. Lol

@daph welcome!!! I turned 41 in February so you are not alone in age. It is a struggle for us girls over 40 but not impossible by a long shot. Every woman in my family has had a baby over 40....we seem to get baby fever around this time and apparently we act on it. So welcome, welcome. We are here for you to lean on. Sorry about the m/c last year. Congratulations on the wedding!!! That is so awesome. My DH & I were common law married by the Air Force in 2009 but I have been telling him that I want a real Vegas! See how men are, he thought I was kidding until recently. He thought since the Air Force took care of that when we were relocating that I was happy with that but I'm like noooooo, I was cool with it because we had to move quickly but a girl wants the real thing, except I want it in Vegas at the Paris hotel. Lol. You are 7DPO and it could be anything. It depends on when you implant. After implant, things tend to pick up quickly after that. Have you had any implant cramping, spotting?

@maryG girl he is a trip and a half. Lol. When you are on Pinterest go to add a board. Or scroll to the very bottom and it says "create a secret board?" Or if you create a new board or click the plus sign a box should come that says "create a board" and at the bottom it says Secret , it's defaulted to No, just change it to Yes. And everything you pin in that board is for you only. It's so fun. My DH has been having fun making a "man" Pinterest....he's so cute.

@fire bug yessssssss! For those of you who don't know. Her full name is Fire Bug, Warrior Princess! She has taken down a BBT in a single bound! Lol. Just did you get Fertile CM? Just remember to take it to get your uterus ready, and give hubby a break for two days before the IUI to ensure that he has a build up of strong swimmers and light a candle that this is the one. Everything is going to be ok. Just relax and promise to be a good girl if it doesn't work out? Please or DH will delete your account for good this time.

@lsch 9 DPO **whoop whoop**!!!! How are you feeling today?

@trouble hey girl! Thanks I appreciate that so much. I a, sorry you are still not feeling up to par but it will pass and everything will be ok :-D 8 weeks golly! You girls pregnancies seem like they are moving so fast. Well to me anyway, to you it may seem like an eternity. Just eat what you can hold down and sleep as much as you can. **hugs**

AFM: never got any OPK's so I am winging it this week. I think it's soon because I got a long stretchy slimey slightly blood tinged situation today when I wiped. Sorry TMI. I think it was blood tinged because of the procedure from yesterday. Maybe?

11 years ago

Hi everyone. Wow lots going on in here. I just got back from a family vacation in Arizona. I went to there to see my grandma who is 82 and probably won't be around very much longer :( I LOVE her so much. The trip was long, hard and emotional for me. Happy to be home as of last night in my own bed. I was gone 7 days. I had to disconnect from this forum b/c my personal relationship is not as stable as I'd like and ttc makes me really want a supportive mate in my life..I don't want to do it alone. I don't know if I'm with the wrong person or just not meant to have a child, but I'm in the grieving/accepting stages of it all.. I'm 41 years old with no kids and never been pregnant.. having a baby is what I thought I wanted all these years..but now I'm just sitting back and looking at it all with a new understanding. God really does know what's best for me. I'm trusting that more now than ever. My best friend who's been ttc for 5 years with her husband with 3 failed iui's, she just did her very first IVF and found out she's worked for them. I'm so happy I can't even tell you. I have missed you ladies. I hope everyone is doing well. I read a few posts and want to thank you for giving me a shout out or wishing me well.. I appreciate your kindness and support. :)

Welcome to the all the newbies. I hope all the ladies in here are answering your questions, cheering you on and sending hugs when you need it.

I won't be able to address everyone just know that I'm cheering for you and praying you get your BFP's very soon.

@pisces ~ I'm so HAPPY you had a successful HSG with a clear good to go open free flowing tube... lol! YES! Thank GOD! Great news for you. Happy Birthday to your dh and your daughter. Leo's are great! My mom is aug 7th and I love her deeply. I've missed you! I think about you often. I'm silently praying for you all the time. I know you will have your beautiful baby sooner than you know it. Your crazy dreams sound like clomid side effects maybe? Hope you are having better dreams now. I will check in periodically on you and everyone else to see how you all are. Keep making those amazing cakes!

@Topo ~ Hi firebug. Your shout outs to me made me cry just now when I read through your posts. I miss you lots hon. I think about you often and wonder how you are.. Even if I'm not here writing daily with you girls anymore.. please know that you haven't left my mind or my heart. I'm praying for you ... for all of you ladies to get your bfp's. I hope this IUI is it for you this time.. remember to keep your cool like pisces said or your dh might delete your account.. lol! Don't worry about what Tania said, she planted a seed in all of us of WHEN we might conceive..but even she is not GOD and doesn't have all the answers.. The conceiving and timing of your pregnancy is between you and GOD, so let go and trust that it's all working out for you for your highest good hon. I'm rooting for you. You and pisces have to keep this room going.. I don't know my future but I trust that I will be ok wether I have a baby or not. I will check in from time to time ok. Be good!

@Lschrader ~ I hope this is your month. Can't wait to check in and see that it is.. Praying for you.. baby dust sweetie!

@Tiff, Mari, Ants, Desertchic, Jsxt, Honcat, introuble and anone else I forgot.. know that I think of you girls and I'm sending good thoughts your way!

AFM ~ I will check in from time to time b/c I care and want to see how everyone is doing.

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11 years ago • Post starter

@ mirical/ great to hear from ya! I'm so sorry things r so confusing for u right now, I sure hope things get better soon! I'm thinking of u!

11 years ago

@miracle you made my day! I have been in agony since you left. I have started a million emails to you but I haven't been able to get it together to type to you. I was telling @fire bug today that I hate it that you aren't here. Thank you Thank you for stopping in & letting know that you are still looking in on us. I was over joyed to read about your friend's successful IVF. That's awesome!!!!

11 years ago

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