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Anyone on or near 10 dpo? How are you feeling?

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Just wanted to check in with others who are like me waiting to find out if they are pregnant this cycle.
How are you feeling?
Any symptoms that are standing out that have you hopeful or wondering?
When are you going to test?

I am ttc #1. I have regular 27 day cycles with a 15/16 day luteal phase. I check my cm, take vitamins and use opk's. Been trying for almost 5 years now.

This cylce I got ovulation spotting which has only happened to me 2 times in my life before this. Hoping it's a great fertility sign?

Ovulated on Feb 13th. Now I am 10 dpo.

Symptoms so far
0 day - 7 dpo Not much. Just the usual gassy, heartburn, bloated, nipples sore for a few days after O, Some weird dreams and moody.

8 dpo - 10 dpo (current ) Vivid dreams, hot and cold body temps, dry throat, thirstier, dry skin (but it is winter) rash or pimples breaking out on my chest ??? Stuffy nose for 3 days. Mild ovary cramping/twinges. Getting shooting pains in my breasts a few times a day/night which I have never gotten before. Less moody today then the past week thank GOD! All these could be progesterone as well.

Anyone want to add on so we can obsess, wait, hope, pray and test together?

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7993 Replies • 11 years ago



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@miracle (and everyone else)- I'm so glad you said what you did about timing. Some days I get so frustrated with figuring out the crazy temping and the inconsistent opks and the bd timing and on and on and on, because I keep thinking "oh, this isn't my month anyway, tania said something about october/november. But then I keep it all up thinking "it could happen at any time really." You just gave me some much needed validation about the positive thinking each and every month :)

@topo- I SURE understand your frustration with the opks and the temps. They make me so crazy some days!

AFM- I got a very, very clear opk this morning. The test line was waaaaay darker than the control line. Finally!!! Now I just have to hope we haven't bd too many times, but I figure a healthy and super happy marriage is even more important, both for any baby to come and the three we already have. Like I kind if hinted at earlier, I knew it had to be today or tomorrow when we bd last night. It was like a slip and slide up in here, hahahahaha! I figure I don't need to apologize for TMI, seeing as how we spend our days discussing our hoo-haws, sex, secretions, gassiness, constipation, poking our boobs, sperm LOL! There is no room for shame with us! I mean, how many of your other friends can you say you know their whole bd schedule for the month??? Here we even post it on a calendar!

11 years ago

Miracle mama- I know you don't know me, but I've been reading y'all's forum for a little bit now. I just wanted to say what you said about timing being in Gods hands really hit home for me. I've been so frustrated because the reading I had said August but because I have pcos it's hard for me to believe when who knows if I'll ovulate. I was really being a Debbie downer this morning on myself and when I read your post my mood immediately changed. So I wanna thank you and I see why all these ladies love you.

Pisces I said hey to you a few pages back but I think you missed it. So just thought I'd see how you were doing.

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

11 years ago

MIRACLE!!!! So happy you popped back in. What a great trip you were able to take and spend some time with your grandma.

I am with @mari and am so beyond happy you said that about timing. I keep thinking about this month...every thing lines up, but can if it's not my month am I out for good? Tania really know it all? No, she can't and you are so right. Thank you, I really needed to read that. I need to trust that when it happens, it is meant to be.

I think you will know when you are ready to be done trying. As stressful as it can be, if you are holding onto some desire to have children still, I don't think you should give up. I do not know much about your partner but he want children as badly as you? If so, keep at it. If you find that you are just not in the right place intimately, maybe take some time for yourself. Having a baby is one thing, but having a baby with someone who isn't 100% with you could be really tough. That struggle doesn't usually go away once the babe is born either. I obviously have no kids, but work in a field with lots of this. I do have a girl that I chat with who is doing this on her own. She wants children so badly and is tired of waiting. Just don't want you to be scared of that option...but you are never alone either :)

I hope I didn't get too personal just felt I needed to speak up and it was nice hearing (reading) from you.

11 years ago

Made my heart so happy reading the last few posts from you girls. You are all so special. Each one of us is on such a individual personal journey and the beauty of it is that we were all created with the ability to be nurturing, empathetic and understanding for one another. What a gift it can be to be a woman sometimes..

@Lschrader ~ No that wasn't too personal at all! Anything goes in here pretty much. I feel accepted :) I'm still not sure of what will come of me and my guy. If he is willing to learn new communication skills with me than there's hope, but if not then I can't continue doing what we've been doing as the results will be the same ol same ol. Life is too short to spend it in a half ass relationship or in a so so job.. I know woman can have babies all by themselves and be supported by friends and family but I think it would be really hard in my situation to do it alone. First I want a awesome relationship ( who doesn't right?) and then if a baby is our future together then so be it... I will welcome it. I just want to get my priorities straight right now AND come to terms with the fact that biological birth may not be in my destiny.. time will tell. I'm becoming ok either way.

@Athena ~ I'm so happy that what I had to say lifted your spirits a little! Makes me happy knowing this. Yep, we can get so invested in what a psychic says and count on it sooooo much and be devastated when it doesn't happen. I know there is FREE WILL and GOD's WILL! Keep trying. Good luck!

@Mari2013 ~ Yippie! Happy you finally got your true positive opk. You did your part with the bedding, timing, opk's... now trust, let go and enjoy the journey! Hope this is your month! :)

@Pisces ~ It's all good my friend.. the ups and the downs. Get to bedding.. with that beautiful clear and open tube of yours I'm having high hopes for you this month.. why not right?

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11 years ago • Post starter

Okay, I'm gonna have to blame this meltdown on hormones from ovulating or whatever, but as I just read through all of our posts about timing and readings, I literally busted out crying, and I'm still just melting down right now. This is soooo not me. I'm that TOUGH girl who never cries, who just takes care of whatever and keeps moving. I was just reading what @schrader and @miracle and @athena said, and the #1 thing that crossed my mind was this: I hope that the little spirits that we will all SOON bring into this world can see us now, and that they all know how very much we are all so desperate to bring them here, and how much we already love them. Any children that any of us have or will have are so lucky that they are so wanted and so prayed for.
Okay. That's enough sap from me. I promise it won't come out again for at least two weeks :)

11 years ago

@athena and Lshrader I just want to throw out there that if you did have a reading done and you say your month is August just take into consideration when I had my reading in January I was so disappointed just like you ladies are when your timeline came and gone just think of me it even slipped my mind but I finally got my BFP in may which puts my due date in January so you are still not out of the game on whatever Tania had told you! I know things get very stressful just try to relax and I know it's hard to hear but god has our time set fr us and it will happen have faith and enjoy your ttc process with your dh make fun with it I notices in April I actually stopped temping and stressing over it and then it just happened I did opk but only once a day and actually didn't get positive until cd 21 so I just let it be and it happened and again with the touchy subject I did use preseed and soft cups that I left in for almost 24 hrs and that seemed to do the trick so just throwing some pointers for you, I hope it helps! Baby dust to you all I know you time is coming!

Mama so nice to hear from you!!! Glad you had a nice vacation! We all miss you! Sorry things are crazy right now but I know it will park on your favor soon and everything will be ok! We're all here for your support you know that!

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11 years ago

@athena and Lshrader I just want to throw out there that if you did have a reading done and you say your month is August just take into consideration when I had my reading in January I was so disappointed just like you ladies are when your timeline came and gone just think of me it even slipped my mind but I finally got my BFP in may which puts my due date in January so you are still not out of the game on whatever Tania had told you! I know things get very stressful just try to relax and I know it's hard to hear but god has our time set fr us and it will happen have faith and enjoy your ttc process with your dh make fun with it I notices in April I actually stopped temping and stressing over it and then it just happened I did opk but only once a day and actually didn't get positive until cd 21 so I just let it be and it happened and again with the touchy subject I did use preseed and soft cups that I left in for almost 24 hrs and that seemed to do the trick so just throwing some pointers for you, I hope it helps! Baby dust to you all I know you time is coming!

Mama so nice to hear from you!!! Glad you had a nice vacation! We all miss you! Sorry things are crazy right now but I know it will park on your favor soon and everything will be ok! We're all here for your support you know that!

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11 years ago

@athena- of course you're not out if it doesn't happen this month! These things are just a guideline, but you have as much of a chance as any of us do in any month! As I've said over in the other forum,my sister also suffers from pcos, but she has just started the, all natural diet with me (I don't have pcos, but until now I've gotten preg from sneezing too hard) and she is just as likely as I am to make this happen, prob even more since I'm 40! We're all learning important lessons here. Like @pisces, I've been pretty spoiled and pretty much always had what I wanted when I wanted it. Right now, I am learning to trust and have patience.

Just took TWO opks and both are negative. After the super-duper positive one this morning, I'm guessing I'll actually release that eggie tonight or tomorrow night. That's just a guess, but we shall see :)

11 years ago

@athena and Lshrader I just want to throw out there that if you did have a reading done and you say your month is August just take into consideration when I had my reading in January I was so disappointed just like you ladies are when your timeline came and gone just think of me it even slipped my mind but I finally got my BFP in may which puts my due date in January so you are still not out of the game on whatever Tania had told you! I know things get very stressful just try to relax and I know it's hard to hear but god has our time set fr us and it will happen have faith and enjoy your ttc process with your dh make fun with it I notices in April I actually stopped temping and stressing over it and then it just happened I did opk but only once a day and actually didn't get positive until cd 21 so I just let it be and it happened and again with the touchy subject I did use preseed and soft cups that I left in for almost 24 hrs and that seemed to do the trick so just throwing some pointers for you, I hope it helps! Baby dust to you all I know you time is coming!

Mama so nice to hear from you!!! Glad you had a nice vacation! We all miss you! Sorry things are crazy right now but I know it will park on your favor soon and everything will be ok! We're all here for your support you know that!

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11 years ago

@jsx- I've been ttc for a year now and actually ovulated maybe 2 times. I am currently using soy isoflavones to help me ovulate and it has definitely helped. I have used softcups for like 5 months now and I haven't use preseed but I've found that if I take evening primrose oil it helps a lot with fertile cm.. The reason i really thought it would be this month and it still could be, I am by far not out yet, August hasn't started yet lol, but I had another reading besides the one with Tania and it gave me actual dates, saying I would could conceive or get a bf between July 22 and August 22. So we shall see. I definitely have had my doubts with the whole reading thing, but I did think it was crazy that they said the same month. I know it's all in God's hands and I am trying to just give it all too God and let him handle it and not stress. Thank you for your help though. I really appreciate it.

@mari I am 25 and I always said this is the age I wanted to have a baby. The reality is that isn't going to happen now and it hurts a lot . I always thought I would have no trouble getting pregnant because I was always regular, like I knew exactly the day I would start. We start trying and bam my periods stop or don't stop or come early. I think that God is trying to teach me a lesson in patience though and one thing is for sure when I do have a baby, my baby, I will love he or she (Tania said she) more for the struggle I've been through and cherish the struggle for teaching me more about my strength.

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

11 years ago

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