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Continue new thread from previous. Cycle buddys

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My last thread got lengthy and am affraid it will lock out at 15 pages( that its on) according to admin. Calling out my last cycle buddies as well as new ones. Most of are waiting to O

4483 Replies Closed • 8 years ago



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Thank you so much Cronins. I think I'm going to try and wait until Monday after my beta but before the phone call lol. I know tomorrow is still a little early but if I did get a bfn I would be so disappointed. I might change my mind between now and then though bc I've got 3 tests lol.

7 years ago

Lol lucky. You're beginning to sound like dandy and I!!! Well know that we have your back no matter what happens. Prayers continued for strong willpower to wait on testing lol and of course for your bfp that you'll get Monday afternoon.

7 years ago

Lol Cronins, I will probably give in and maybe do it tomorrow bc it will be 8dp3dt. At least then I know its still a little early but at the same time its possible lol. I guess I will just have to see how I feel in the morning, ideally I would like to wait until Monday.

7 years ago

Lucky : I will be stalking the thread like a mad woman for an update tomorrow lol!!!! Just in case you decide to test, wink, wink....

7 years ago

Good morning. Haha. Lucky, Cronins is right you are starting to sound like us with testing. We are rubbing off on ya ; ) im praying praying praying. I will be chevking this site like crazy too to see if you test. No pressure! If you want to wait till Monday then you should.
Cronins, has all you snow melted? We are getting a couple inches today. Crazy!
Afm, 14dpiui/14dpo. Temp went back up a smidge today. Nothing impressive, just the witch toying with me. My lp last cycle was 15 days so maybe things are changing a bit.
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7 years ago • Post starter

Dandy: we are supposed to get a Nor'Easter on Tuesday, sigh. Just when all the snow melted lol. So looking forward to spring.

Lucky : best wishes dear friend and many prayers for you.

As for me 6 dpo today. Just waiting for surgery day on the 23rd. I fly out the 21st, but I purchased an international calling plan with my cell phone company so I don't have to worry about being away from home. I'll also have free Wi-Fi at the hotel and hospital. I am going to do a medicated Clomid cycle this time. I figure I will take it CD 5-9 and see what happens.

7 years ago

Cronins, I bet you are so ready for ttc again already. I imagine skipping a month feels like 3. Lol. I think my body reponded better to earlier clomid days. Yours seems to respond good both ways. You arnt triggering? That stinks about the snow. Our weather guy jst said the snow is going to miss us. I was looking forward to building a snow man. Lol.

7 years ago • Post starter

Yeah, no trigger this cycle. It's too late to order one and have it arrive in time. Getting so excited! !! It has definitely felt like a long time has passed since ttc. Even though I know it hasn't been that long lol. Can't wait to start poas lol! Gotta relieve the itch.

7 years ago

Good morning. Well I was able to surpass the testing this morning. I think I've decided to test sometime tomorrow so that Monday when I'm at the clinic I can go ahead and make my consult appt if it's needed. I continue to pray it's not going to be needed and my little ones have found their 9 month home. I did try the cervix thing last night and this morning and it is high and hard but I don't know if it's accurate since I'm taking progesterone and estrogen.
Cronins not more snow for you guys. I'm with you and ready for spring to get here.
Dandy we aren't supposed to get snow until Monday but very little. Hopefully AF stays away for you and you get that bfp :-) Did you run out of tests?

7 years ago

Good holding out Lucky! Lol. Im so weak. I would have caved. That sounds like a good plan though. Idk how accurate cervix checking is on meds or even off meds that that matter. Lol. My RE told me not to check mine at all and said it doesn't indicate much and isn't reliable. But I still do.
No I dont have any tests. Took my last one at 12 dpo in the evening. Didn't get anymore since my temp didn't go up. Just waiting on the witch now.

7 years ago • Post starter

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