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You might be a TTC lady IF ....

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So, I thought we could all use a little laugh at ourselves right about now.

This post is going to run a-la-the Jeff Foxworthy Redneck jokes, "You might be a redneck if ..." but instead, this is where we can come to find out "You might be a TTC lady IF ...."

Feel free to add your own "if's" afterward and lets have some fun!! :)

You might be a TTC lady IF ........

You can form a sentence that makes no sense to any of your friends and family, i.e. "Hoping AF doesn't come since we BD'ed when the OPK was positive and I am now at 12 DPO."

You might be a TTC lady IF ........

to you, the phrase "sticky bean" has absolutely nothing to do with cooking.

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271 Replies • 13 years ago



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Replies (sorted by laughs)

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... you get to the point (where I was a couple of minutes ago) where you find yourself crying and pleading with your own abdomen in a tone of voice that sounds like a toddler havimg a tantrum: "please please please please pleeeeeeease BE IN THERE ALREADY... and please please please please pleeeeeeeeeeeeease hold on tight.. I promise I'll try to be a good mom..." How absurd. Now I'm laughing at the absurdity of me begging to a fetus in questionable state of existence. I feel like Lambert's mom in the disney cartoon - "Lambert the Sheepish Lion". The little sheep that none of the lambs wanted to choose as their mother. And to think of that makes me cry. And OF COURSE all these mood swings are in fact PMS and not a pre-BFP. AGAIN.

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11 years ago

You talk so much about ovulation your five year old DD asks " Mommy, did you get an egg yet?"

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11 years ago

IF ... when you get home from work, you're more worried about taking your prenatals on time than having that EOD glass of wine ;)

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11 years ago

If your in the store buying every type of OPK and your daughter says Wow you will get it now!


11 years ago

When you take pictures of a stick you just peed on and post it on the internet and not think it's weird at all lol x

11 years ago

----you wonder if maybe if was not such a good idea to have been on the pill...what if they made it so I can't get pregnant

----how do all of these people have unplanned pregnancies when I can't even have a planned one

---how people can give up a child or have an abortion when that's all you've ever wanted

---makes you feel crazy. Over thinking/over analyzing everything

---I never thought this would happen to me. I always figured I would get accidentally pregnant too soon or be able to have a baby when I wanted to

 BabyFetus Ticker

11 years ago

...not only do you check the Chinese gender predictor for your maybe-baby, you have run it against all of your previous pregnancies to see if they called it right.

My prayers, His promises. Psalm 91:1-He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust. Psalm 113:9-He gives the childless woman a family, making her a happy mother. Praise the LORD!

11 years ago

...beginning around 12 DPO, you find yourself doing the pee pee chant every time you go to the bathroom. "Please don't be blood. Please don't be blood."

My prayers, His promises. Psalm 91:1-He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust. Psalm 113:9-He gives the childless woman a family, making her a happy mother. Praise the LORD!

11 years ago

---you spend one week of the month shaving your legs and getting sexy, two weeks of the month POAS, and one week not even washing your hair.

---you have ever chased your husband with a small bowl asking him to just leave his deposit.

---you save your pee so you can do BOTH a HPT AND an OPK.

---you either save your POAS for later viewing or wrap them in other trash before throwing them away so nobody sees them.

11 years ago

This topic is great, made me look at my crazy ttc habits with a little optimism, and it feels great that we are not the only one...

this is what I do lol

...If one positive vote on your HPT image gives you hope and you get excited, and you are sure that there is a line, even though 46 people confirmed negative.

Sad and funny , but also true at least for me lol

My Ovulation Chart
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My Ovulation Chart

11 years ago

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