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It's a long TTC road!! Come and stay awhile! :)

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I'm starting this thread for the women who have been TTC for a while....and either not having success or are having multiple frustrating losses. There is no judging....and it's a group for support (and virtual hugs!) whenever we need it.

So, come....stay awhile....grab a hot cup of tea (or coffee!) and type away!

Me...33 Hubby...34 Nov 2002...high risk pregnancy, preterm labor @ 31wks, held in our son until 37wks, born 7lbs, 20in October 2007...blighted ovum @ 6w4d, D&C October 2012...fetal death @7w4d subchorionic hematoma, D&C, 46 chromosomes, normal female Waiting to TTC until June!

300 Replies • 11 years ago



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Well maybe BDing before it got it. I heard before ovulation is most important :)

Next few months are prep for treatments.

11 years ago

Yes before is more important. One of my pregnancies occured from ing the day before and the day after ovulation. We didn't actually get to it on the day and it still worker! Don't count yourself out until the is here!

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11 years ago

Shit we only Bded once and that was the day before so hopefully it worked. All my pregnancies were "one shot" miracles! Lol

11 years ago

I guess it only take one time......fingers and toes crossed for everyone..,,..

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11 years ago

Hey ladies - got a little down about TTC this cycle so I've been away for awhile. Just got caught up...

According- my heart is breaking for you. I know we don't really know each other but I am praying for you and for your little ones. There is nothing like losing a baby. I firmly believe we will see our little ones again.

Dolphin- CONGRATULATIONS!!! You definately worked for that one. Wishing you lots of good things and a happy and healthy baby this winter!

11 years ago

My name is Jackie and I am a 29 year old Mother of 4. My oldest is 13 down to the youngest at 7. I have been newly married since 2009 and been trying to conceive since late 2010. In Sept. of 2010 I had a tubal reversal and was then diagnosed with endometriosis and had an implant to help reduce the symptoms that lasted for over a year (no cycle during all that time :( ). I had one miscarriage back in early 2012 and haven't been pregnant since. The doctors are going to run some tests to see if I have PCOS :( Not happy but what can a big girl do.
One would say, If you have 4 why the hell do you need more? Well my husband does not have any children besides mine and we all as a family agreed to try to continue for a new member of the family. We are not really in any financial bind and can afford another. I have tried the digital ovulation monitors, ovulation sticks, clomid as well as femara and did not have any luck what so ever. Not to mention all the money I wasted on pregnancy tests with high hopes. I am tired of this battle and would like a bit of insight if all possible. Any words of wisdom out there? Please let me know :)

Bless to all and hopes for what your looking for :)

11 years ago

Welcome back! Thanks for the congrats! I am still so nervous and doubt it every two seconds!

Welcome! We may be able to share wisdom back and forth! 4 kids wow how luck you are! But I understand the want for another one. I don't have any yet so I may come to you for advice once I am able to carry a little one home! We are still on the TTC journey for our first after 3 years so I can't tell you it gets easier, but keep trying! Ask away!

I have been feeling sick off and on and my IBS has really kicked in which makes the sickness even more difficult as I don't keep food in my body for very long. TMI! I have also been peeing like crazy, my boobs are sore, and I have been having cramping off and on. But thankfully this pregnancy feels 100 times different then either of my last two so that helps to calm my nerves. MAYBE this is the one! Still taking prayers if you have extra! Tomorrow will be the passing point of my miscarriage and by Sunday I will be passed the point of my ectopic. I go in for another blood draw on Thursday.

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11 years ago

Jackie, why do you think you have PCOS?

Next few months are prep for treatments.

11 years ago

Aleerph- thank you for the kind words, this has been really difficult because people really have not been very supportive this time.... kind of like I'm old news and this is nothing out of the ordinary for us and I should just get over everything...... 5 pregnancy losses in a row totalling 7 babies is definetly taking it's toll on me and I feel pretty alone in all this

11 years ago

You are not alone! You will never be alone. We are all here for you! I know how loosing a little one feels and I would never down play it even if you have been through it so many times. No one deserves that. Have you had any testing done to see why you may be miscarrying?

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11 years ago

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