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3DPO - Need a TWW buddy...

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Hi, I'm 3DPO ttc my first. This is my first cycle of clomid also. I'd love to have someone to share the dreaded/anticipated tww with!

583 Replies • 11 years ago



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Sorry have been out of phone/internet service for 2 days. Tested today BFN. AF comes Wed. Have super sore bbs and EXHAUSTED. Hoping it's promising but don't want to get my hopes up like I have so many times before!!!

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11 years ago

Morning all!!!! Well I'm just waiting for to arrive, rather today or 2mora, so I can get this cycle start AGAIN!!!!!!

11 years ago

Morning! AF was due Saturday and she still hasn't shown her face...GRR! I just want her to come now so I can move on with my life and try another month! I did take a digital pregnancy test Saturday afternoon and it was a BFN :( so I know she's on her way!

How is everyone else doing? Sorry to those who also got BFNs!

11 years ago

Hiya, we'll I've got 1 more month if trying and if nothin happens, I'm at my docs at the beginning of September to see what the next steps are!!!! x

11 years ago

Well, we r on a much needed vacation . I have been getting bad dizzy spells so we r seeing a neurologist hopefully this month and so we will b taking the month off from TTC...I'm hoping its just this bad virus and stress from mc not anything that could keep me from TTC again.

Jade...keep us posted!

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11 years ago

Morning everyone. AF is supposed to come Wed. Last night was a BFN.

Out of curiosity what is the earliest you have got a BFP? (dpo) I have had 2 BFP's one on the day of my MP and the other at 13 dpo.

Who else is still waiting?

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11 years ago

Hi girls, sry to hear abt those bfns...i really hope next month is more productive.

I've been having an interesting, sometimes painful time. Like I mentioned before the only strange 'symptom' i had was constipation, the week before af was due...that constipation lasted until yesterday...omg it was THE WORST!!

I tried everything and nothing seemed to work. Doc said it was completely normal during pregnancy and that the progesterone was to blame. But seriously, being clogged up like that had me depressed and sluggish. I ended up taking a fleet enema that my pharmacist suggested. Oh the relief! Sry if this is tmi.

So now, i think i have diarrhea, it's like all the stuff I was taking is now starting to work. Ugghh not having a great time ladies....apart from that though I'm just getting this milky white discharge, like lots of it but no other real symptoms...sometimes i wonder if it's for real.

Doc did an ultrasound at 4wks but said there wasn't much to see so we're due to have another at 5 1/2 weeks which is Aug 14. Will let you know what we see.

Baby dust***

11 years ago • Post starter

Bashworth, I got my bfp at 11dpo.

11 years ago • Post starter

Well the showed up few hours ago, bang on time, so here's to another month AGAIN xx let the count down begin xx

11 years ago

Jade - poor thing! Just will all be worth it in the end :) So happy for you! I can't wait to hear how your pregnancy progresses!

Therose69 - I am right there with you :( The showed up this morning. I am soooo disappointed :(

11 years ago

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