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Continue new thread from previous. Cycle buddys

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My last thread got lengthy and am affraid it will lock out at 15 pages( that its on) according to admin. Calling out my last cycle buddies as well as new ones. Most of are waiting to O

4483 Replies Closed • 8 years ago



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Replies (sorted by laughs)

2521 - 2530 of 4483 Replies | Last Page

Hi ladies! Dandy that dhea must have lengthened your cycle or maybe there could still be a surprise in there :-)

Cronins how are you holding up in the snow. I was watching the weather channel and wow. I definitely couldn't live in that kind of weather lol.

AFM, I'm doing ok today, better than I thought I would be. I've been comparing donor egg prices of clinics around here lol. Nothing like looking for the cheapest price for eggs lol. In the meantime, I am going to go ahead with 1 more IUI but I might just do a clomid cycle instead of injectable, depends on which will give me more follicles this time. I think that's why I'm feeling ok is bc I've got something to look forward to while I figure out the donor stuff.

7 years ago

Lucky : I am holding up ok. This snow is really a bummer. Thousands are without power so far. I am hoping that it doesn't happen to us.

Glad to see that you are moving forward with an iui cycle while you figure out the donor egg situation. At least you have a say in the egg selection process. Maybe you won't even need them if you get pregnant with the iui cycle. Now that would really be something.

7 years ago

Cronins that's what I am hoping for. A co worker had 2 failed IVF cycles and started supplements and was on them for about 4 months when she got pregnant naturally. That is my inspiration, Ive been on the supplements for 5 months now so I'm hoping and praying that this IUI is the one. Also, Ive always wanted a little red head child so I'm looking for a red head donor lol. I feel so much more relaxed with this because I'm not getting my hopes up to high. The doc told me he would do what I want but chances are very very low. Miracles do happen though!!

7 years ago

Thats right Lucky miracles happen everyday. Im glad you are going a head with the iui! Thats awsome you are looking for a red headed donor : ) red heads are so cute. Lo had a red tint to his hair till lately. Now its lightening up to blond like mine is naturally. Keep your hope high. That is what will get you through.
Cronins lossing power in a snow storm is scary bc you lose heat. Warm wishes your way!
Afm, still waiting. I didn't even stop and get more tests. Tired of making extra stops or trips for tests just to see bfns or shadow lines. My smu test this morning had three lines. Haha. Forget it. Ill call my RE for bloodwork tmrw if af hasnt came or my temp hasn't dropped.

7 years ago • Post starter

Yes lucky I am a firm believer in miracles. They happen every day.

That's frustrating dandy. I don't blame you for wanting to get blood work done. It stinks when everything points to possible pregnancy but it's still a bfn. Keep us posted.

7 years ago

Oh good gravy! Im staying away from dr google. Lol. It has me thinking about ectopic pregnancy. Im still having a little pain like I do in my ovary from the corup luteum. So I started my looking up cysts and delayed periods only to end up at eptopic prego threads over n over. Surely a test would be positive though, right. Uhhh. Its been a long time since Ive been this late. Def calling dr tmrw. Wish I woulda called today.

7 years ago • Post starter

Just tried calling. Just my luck. They are normally open till 4:30 except Tuesdays the close early at 2:45. Nice. Well at least I held out for three days late before I started going nutso. Lol.

7 years ago • Post starter

Oh my goodness, a huge tree just crashed through my sisters kitchen area of her house. The fire department and EMI have been called. Hoping there are no injuries. Please pray ladies.

7 years ago

Praying for you and your family Cronins. Is everyone ok?

7 years ago

Oh no. Praying Cronins. Please update us when you know more!

7 years ago • Post starter

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