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Anyone on or near 10 dpo? How are you feeling?

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Just wanted to check in with others who are like me waiting to find out if they are pregnant this cycle.
How are you feeling?
Any symptoms that are standing out that have you hopeful or wondering?
When are you going to test?

I am ttc #1. I have regular 27 day cycles with a 15/16 day luteal phase. I check my cm, take vitamins and use opk's. Been trying for almost 5 years now.

This cylce I got ovulation spotting which has only happened to me 2 times in my life before this. Hoping it's a great fertility sign?

Ovulated on Feb 13th. Now I am 10 dpo.

Symptoms so far
0 day - 7 dpo Not much. Just the usual gassy, heartburn, bloated, nipples sore for a few days after O, Some weird dreams and moody.

8 dpo - 10 dpo (current ) Vivid dreams, hot and cold body temps, dry throat, thirstier, dry skin (but it is winter) rash or pimples breaking out on my chest ??? Stuffy nose for 3 days. Mild ovary cramping/twinges. Getting shooting pains in my breasts a few times a day/night which I have never gotten before. Less moody today then the past week thank GOD! All these could be progesterone as well.

Anyone want to add on so we can obsess, wait, hope, pray and test together?

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7993 Replies • 11 years ago



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Oh don't worry, you guys will be the first to know!!! I am a hypocrite i know! I am always begging you guys to test and here I am refusing!! I just know how my body is and it likes to trick me too often!

11 years ago

@piecseigirl u made my day u are so presious sexy momma lol y6esterday was dh bday lol no bday sex my hormones have been out of wack not feeling it yesterday but with his memory he wouldnt remember my mini me is so my mini me she is so bad lol. do u know if miricalmomma has instagram someone tried to request me idk who they where idk her name. OH and you i heard u with ur plan observation and here comes @ATHENA with her POAS addiction dnt u start piecesgirl i am on to u and going to watch u closley. Hey i was just wondering and so confused remember during our readings tania always says are periods dnt always start and end in one month i am so confused please shed some insight on what that means maybe i can still be in the loop de loop i am hard headed after all have said believe and thy shall be cured i know i do believe i am still fighting with self doubt sorry. just want u to know i u and thank you for everything.

@ATHENA please dnt encourage piecesgirl with the POAS addiction how are things with u. i am unsure if the forum was the one u where in becuase there was a couple me personally that i found to be so not welcoming and ignored i dnt keep track no hard feelings it just shows where some women are in there life. i am so blessed to have found this forum and these women dnt get me wrong i left some awsome women in some forums inclduing urself but some things are not meant for all of us and found my calling here where i was able to like u be of service to other women and create the bonds u had created in ur forum here but i hold not resentment towards ANYONE got nothing but love to give unless ur are a thermoter a poas or a opk that i love to break and torture lol have a great morning.

@miraclemama2be here i am babe easily annoyed i been grouchy latley and irritable i missed u i am glade ur popin in again. this will be so awsome not even trying and get to get ur how awsome will that be i am not tempting or opk nothing going in blind. i wish u and honey beautiful bliss i so can agree with u babe because me and husband are so like u and ur honey we always bump heads manley me though he just stays quiet havent had my vacation yet babe it is truley needed sometime in the end of the month i am going to be starting my medication iui sometime in mid september. yes i heard at piecesgirl she thinks she is slick but i am on to her and her game i am watching her closley even more.
@HONCAT i must say i ur post thank you so much it brought peace and a smile to my face i so needed that u where so right on sometime in this TTC journey we can forget and we need to always remember that god has a plan i gots to hold that close to my heart and not forget. love u hun thanks for always being there u and piecesgirl there i go being all emotional

@ skyline welcome hun hope u find peace and welcoming from our forum u jumped in just fine hun welcome again i am topowifey aka firebug i tend to get angry and frustrated alot lol and break my poas and opk and even thermoetors .

@LSchrader test babe lets go sending all these ur way

@Tifferz hey babe hope all is well with u i love when u pop in.

AFM nothing new waiting to start medication waiting to start iui and waiting for this bfp becuase my emotions are all over the place. hope everyone has a blessed and wonderful days my for the this month ladies lets do this

11 years ago

@ topo- I'm doing great! I posted a new belly pic yesterday! Can't wait to c my little one and have a drink again ( and whatever's clever) lol! So were r u n ur cycle? It's hard to keep track, r u getting ready to o? Ur time will be soon!

11 years ago

My temp was waaaaay up this morning, and that's three days, so O has been confirmed and locked in :)

11 years ago

Topo thank you and I'm a little depressed right now. It's cd 22 and still no ov. I hope that I supressed my ov from being stressed because dh was gone or I did ov and my temps are whacko. Idk but it is not very fun right now. It just makes me wonder if it will ever happen. I had Tania's reading that said August then another reading that said I would conceive or get a bfp between July 22 and August 22, but if I don't ovulate then that can't happen... Grrrrr.....

Lsch girl you need to test. I understand that your scared but what it's a big ol blarin bfp?

Honcat your words were just what I needed yesterday. Thank you.

Pisces and mari fingers crossed for both of you. I'm glad y'all's temps are looking good. I hope y'all get bfp's and can be bump buddies :)

All of you that posted bump pics, y'all all are adorable. Keep it up to give some motivation and hope that we will all be there.

Oh and about Pinterest, isaw this ecard that said "someday we will all find out that Pinterest is a conspiracy created by a group of men who are tricking women everywhere into cooking cleaning and working out" lol

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

11 years ago

@Miracle Girl thank you.. Hang in there with the hubby relationships go threw there ups and downs but you will see everything will turn out great.

@pieces I havent noticed any weight gain I actually lost last month because the Clomid gives me serious diarreah. (tmi) I do get suuuperrr moody and hot flashes. The remodeling is going good my mom called me and told me there was dust EVERYWHERE so my Friday night I will be cleaning.

@Jsx My first cycle I did 50 MG then last month 100 MG and now this month 150 MG. I really hope this works .

@Honcat I have been praying for you, I hope you get answers soon on whether you are pregnant or not. Let me know tomm.

To the new girls welcome

I hope everyone has a great weekend. I will be drinking this weekend I need a stiff one.. lol

11 years ago

Good Morning Ladies! I saw loads of ewcm on tp this morning. I think ovulation is today or tomorrow according to cm. I bedded yesterday morning. I hope I get the chance to bed tonight or tomorrow morning. He doesn't get home from work until 10 pm tonight.. I will make sure I get mine in if I can :)

@Tiff ~ Just saw your baby belly pic and commented on it. So freaking cute. Love it.

@Lschrader ~ 12 dpo huh? Feeling hopeful for you.. but I totally understand not wanting to see a bfn.. so just follow your heart on it.

@Topo ~ Hi Hon. I don't have instagram. I need to get it. I hope you get some bedding in. If your still on the same schedule as Pisces and I then your O'ing right now right? I think we are flying blind.. at least pisces is temping.. I'm glad next month you will start the iui but maybe you won't need it b/c you will get a bfp this month. We shall see .... I just pulled one of my cards for you that I make and have in big bowl and out of 400 individual cards I got "Be in Gratitude" for you.. I know you're grateful.. Love ya hon. I'm glad I'm back too!

@Pisces ~ I want to see your new cake pic's. If I was a guy I would start calling you sweet cakes.. lol! I'm working on getting my guidance cards into my first small store this morning. I hope they say yes! It's alright to have selfish reasons for wanting me back in the forum.. I need you just as much.. all of you girls that is.. I appreciate you all.

AFM ~ Wish me luck for 2 things.. #1 to get bedding in tonight/tomorrow for O'ing and #2 to get my new guidance cards into my very first store today.

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11 years ago • Post starter

I think I will for sure test tomorrow. If I don't start spotting today that is. I will let you ladies know!

@miracle...I am still SO tempted to do your cards!

11 years ago

@Lschrader ~ I do the gypsy readings and then I also make these watercolor tiny individual cards with inspirational message/words on them. I have 3 types of sets that I make.. each set has 111 cards in them. My bestie who was ttc for 5 years with her husband couldn't get pregnant.. and last month she did her first IVF cycle and I went over to one of my little guidance cards and out of 400 of them.. I pulled BIRTH for her..our jaws dropped to the floor. I knew then that she was going to be pregnant and sure enough her IVF worked she is officially preggers..

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11 years ago • Post starter

Miracle do you do readings online? Do you have a website?

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

11 years ago

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