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Continue new thread from previous. Cycle buddys

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My last thread got lengthy and am affraid it will lock out at 15 pages( that its on) according to admin. Calling out my last cycle buddies as well as new ones. Most of are waiting to O

4483 Replies Closed • 8 years ago



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Yep. Ready to start over. I was thinking last noght that I could really use a ttc break for a month but who am I kidding lol. Plus with diminishing ovarian reserve I dont have time to waist. Im considering skipping iui #3 though n go to ivf.

7 years ago • Post starter

Awe dandy I'm sorry it's negative. This stuff is so emotionally draining. Hopefully AF will show and you don't have to worry about provera. We are always here for you :-)

7 years ago

Thanks for the support girls. Im just more frustrated at this point than anything. It will be nice to take poas break while taking the provera and during af. Im sure I will be itching to by the time arives. Lol

7 years ago • Post starter

Hey ladies,

Good morning! How is everyone doing today?

Dandy : did AF rear her ugly head yet?

Lucky : have you been able to see about egg donor services?

As for me, just waiting for AF to arrive. She should arrive Monday or Tuesday. Other than that, I am packing for my trip and making sure that I have everything.

7 years ago

Good morning ladies. How is everyone today so far?
Afm, going great. Felt good not to temp, and slept in on top of it. Yeah! Got a big day of running around. Starting with los preschool screening. Im so nervous for him. Lol. Had some bad ovary pain last night though n my uterus feels so tite. Im sure I will feel better when af starts. Bet I have a cyst or smthn.

7 years ago • Post starter

Lol Cronins. Our posts crossed. Glad you are about ready for your trip. Are you getting excited? No af hasnt came yet. I think there is something wrong in there. Lol. Idk. Hard telln. Im thinking cysts. Took an opk yesterday and it was near positive. So probably so

7 years ago • Post starter

Yeah cysts have a nasty way of delaying AF and causing ovarian pain to boot. They totally suck. Let's hope it resolves quickly.

7 years ago

Good morning. Cronins, what day do you leave for your surgery? Do you have all the details figured out? Any layovers in your flight? Lucky how are things coming along with IUI preparation?
Afm, still no af. I havnt started the bc yet. Figured I would give myself a couple days. I will probably start it tmrw. Im not temping so idk as far as that goes. I think I will tmrw just to see where I am.

7 years ago • Post starter

Hello ladies,

Dandy : I leave to San Diego on Tuesday morning at 7:45 am. I have an hour layover in Los Angeles before heading to San Diego. I touch down at 1:25 pm. I am meeting up with a good friend of mine in San Diego at 5 pm. So that gives me enough time to check in at the hotel. I stay overnight in San Diego and cross the border into Tijuana, Mexico on the 22nd. I will have lab work and an ekg preoperative then check into the hotel in Tijuana. On the 23rd I will have surgery. Woohoo!!! So excited.

Sounds like you have a plan to get AF kickstarted. Hopefully she shows so you don't need the Provera.

Lucky : how are you holding up?

7 years ago

Oh Cronins Im jealous. Lol. Just kidding only a little. I hope you arnt to tired from your travels and time changes and can enjoy your time in Cali and Mexico. Im so happy you are getting this surgery done! Just a few more days wow!

7 years ago • Post starter

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