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Continue new thread from previous. Cycle buddys

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My last thread got lengthy and am affraid it will lock out at 15 pages( that its on) according to admin. Calling out my last cycle buddies as well as new ones. Most of are waiting to O

4483 Replies Closed • 8 years ago



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Replies (sorted by laughs)

2581 - 2590 of 4483 Replies | Last Page

Yes Lucky, I started it this morning. I dont think your crazy for spending the money on the iui. Like I was saying to my mil earlier, At least if I spend everything and go in debt and it still doesnt happen I will know I did everything I could. At least I wont have to live with that regret.

7 years ago • Post starter

Yeah Dandy that's true. There's always that chance that it really can happen. I have my US Monday and will start my injections. I will exhaust all avenues. I'm excited about my red headed sperm lol.

7 years ago

Yeah Dandy that's true. There's always that chance that it really can happen. I have my US Monday and will start my injections. I will exhaust all avenues. I'm excited about my red headed sperm lol.

7 years ago

Haha Lucky. I think thats pretty cool. Fingers crossed the baby takes those redhead genes. What color is your hair?

7 years ago • Post starter

My hair is a medium brown. Hopefully baby would get his hair and height lol. I think he is 6'3 and I'm 5'2 lol. Can you imagine how hard its going to be to pick a sperm and egg donor if I have to lol. I could end up creating a monster.

7 years ago

I just laughed to hard at that. I just assumed lo would have gotten my blue eyes but he got brown like his dad( who is almost 6'2 n Im 5'4 haha) he looks absolutely nothing like me! You could always try n pick a redheaded egg donor as well as the sperm donor. It would be almost a sure thing! Lol. Hopefully it doesn't come down to that though. xx come on golden egg, show yourself <3

7 years ago • Post starter

I'm with you, come on golden egg. Give me one biological at least then whatever needs to be can be :-) I have hazel eyes and I'm thinking the donor might also or blue can't remember which. I wish this didn't consume my life but it does. I'm tired of all the tears daily and can't do anything to make myself happy anymore. This has got to get easier!

7 years ago

Lucky, I completely understand about it consuming your life! I has mine as well. In fact I was just reading about bbt charting on provera( piontless by the way) I came across a thread about cinnamon. I had no idea about the fertility benefits of it! There are so many! Why have I never heard of this? I love cinnamon, its going to be my new bff : ) its great for uterine lining and blood flow. Good for suppressing endometriosis ( yay) Good ovulation inducer and the best yet.... proven in study after study to improve egg quality and helps boost ovarian reserve. Its on! Hello cinnamon.

7 years ago • Post starter

Lol..put it on everything:-) just start sprinkling it on your tongue lol. Anything that can help.

7 years ago

Well ladies, AF decided to come early. She just announced her arrival lol. I may skip the clomid and go for a natural cycle this time around. I don't want to ovulate too soon and miss my chance to bd during my fertile window. On an unmedicated cycle I usually ovulate between Cd 14-18. So let's hope it is on the later end so that I can bd with dh.

7 years ago

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