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Not Just Cycle Buddies!

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Hi Friends! Lots of us have gotten our BFPs these past few cycles and we all aren't "cycle buddies" anymore. I feel like we need a place to connect and keep up the conversation with each other. This way we can keep chatting even if some of us aren't pregnant and some of us are. I'm just starting my 6th cycle TTC and hoping that this will be the one. Please join in and update us on where you are and how you are feeling.

916 Replies • 6 years ago



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Replies (sorted by hugs)

251 - 260 of 916 Replies | Last Page

@Kimberke - Thanks for sharing the ultrasound pic! Glad everything looks god and normal :)

@Drangonfly23 - I’m glad you and your DH are doing better and sounds like you are having a better day today.

6 years ago • Post starter

@FlamingoGirl13. I am in a much better mood; thank you. I tend to be very quiet when I am upset and then sometimes my german side comes out and I can be a total biotch and I am not that type of person. How are you feeling today?

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6 years ago

@Dragonfly23- I’m feeling good today! Thinking positive thoughts towards implantation this weekend and going to have some salmon to help out any little bean that’s in there.

6 years ago • Post starter

@Kimberke OMG what a beautiful thing!! Congrats on having a great u/s!! Seeing/hearing the heartbeat was such a relief to me last time!! H&H 9 months to you!!

6 years ago

Ladies - I was just looking at this u/s pic from my last pregnancy. This was my first ultrasound pic. I was 6w6d and the baby measured on track and had heartbeat of 127. I went for checkup at 10 weeks and baby was measuring 8.5 weeks w/no heartbeat.

My question is - everyone else's u/s pics I see - they have a circular sac/uterus pic that the baby is in - is the shape of mine not normal? I would assume if it wasn't my doctor would've said something to me, but I don't think I've ever seen someone else's u/s pic look like this and I'm concerned maybe there's something wrong with my uterus or something else?? Just curious because if I am pregnant again now and the pic looks like this again, should I be concerned? Or am I just worrying over nothing? Has anyone else in here EVER had an u/s pic that looked like this at first? Looks like the baby was in a canal rather than a round sac...

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6 years ago

Hi BB, I’m not an ultrasound tech or md, but it looks pretty normal to me! Some of my ultrasound pics looked like that, could just be the angle of the wand. The greatest concern for uterine shape is that it’s not bicornuate and I doubt yours is.

Hi ladies, writing from the ER Last night and all day today I’ve been experiencing severe lower abdominal pain (like where the uterus is), chills, fever, couldn’t sleep at all, and threw up last night. I hate the idea of the ER, but I need to see what’s going on. Could be cysts, or an infection. I’ve been here 2 hours so far and am hunched over in pain. My husband has an important meeting today from 5:30-7:30 pm soooo not ideal, not sure who will pick up Alina, but it’ll probably be sick me. Been texting a few sitters but so far no availability. They just took my urine and blood, hopefully they can put me in a bed and medicated soon, but they don’t really care about people being in pain. They don’t have any heat packs or anything h for the pain, and no one has offered me even Tylenol for the pain. Can’t keep anything down so oral Tylenol will just make me more nauseous on an empty stomach. Hope you guys are having a better day than me!

6 years ago • Edited

@photomama - oh honey! I hope you’ve gotten some answers by now. I’m thinking of you and hoping it’s nothing serious.

6 years ago • Post starter

@photomama, have you heard anything? I really hope everything is ok and you get answers to what is going on with your body. I am sorry you're in so much pain. Praying you get some answers soon.

6 years ago

@photomama. Hey girl, I hope you are feeling better today and you got the answers to what is going on with your body. So not fun when your sick and peeled over in pain.

I brought my previous ultrasound pictures and will post them (friends only) when I get a chance to my journal once I figure out how lol. I hope everyone else is doing well and good luck to those testing soon and keep us posted on the outcome.

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6 years ago

@photomama I hope you’re doing okay!!!! And thank you for chiming in pb my Old ultrasound pic

I’m 13dpo today and my tests aren’t getting darker???? I just had bloodwork done and should have results by 3pm today. Please pray for me that it’s just really early and not a chemical pregnancy???????????????? I’m still having symptoms - boobs hurt when I drive over potholes even lol, tired, dull cramps on and off and sex is more heightened.

What do you all think? Waiting til 3pm is gonna be so hard and even if it’s hcg higher than 5 I’m gonna have to repeat it. Hoping for the beatbox but prepared for bad too. Praying so so hard

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6 years ago

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