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November IVF buddies

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I'm doing my first IVF this November. I don't normally post on here but if there was ever a time to reach out it is now.

Anybody else?

Mrs. Fridley

952 Replies • 10 years ago



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Thanks ladies for all of the tips, so far Lupron injections have been easy. I'm starting 225iu bravelle and 75iu menopur in the am and night tomorrow. I've done follistim before for iui and the pen was super easy. I'll try icing after the injections to reduce bruising as I seem to get worse and worse with time and look like a druggie with all of the bruises on my stomach :)

Mnor- glad to hear that you have a plan in place for your fet and surgery, hopefully this will be the one :)

Sura- have you gotten any updates as to when you'll have your egg retrieval. Are you doing accucntire at all?

Have any of you done acupuncture?

10 years ago

Awhittaker -- Glad to hear the lupron is going well for you. You will feel like you're going to run out of stomach space -- at least I did -- but it does get easier.

I'm on the "go every day" plan now. Yesterday my estrogen had shot up to 2,895! That was from 1,900ish the day BEFORE. So I'm going back again this morning.

I keep trying to get a schedule from them (so I can plan accordingly) and they seem to think I'll trigger Sunday for Tuesday retrieval -- or close to that.

On Monday they asked if I was feeling "full," and the answer was no. I was still in my skinny jeans no problem. Well what a difference a few days makes! I'm feeling very full -- and what a strange feeling.

Hopefully I'll know more this afternoon.

10 years ago

MNOR- thinking of you this surgery morning!!! Keep us updated!

Everyone else- thinking of you as well with positive thoughts!

10 years ago • Post starter

Mnor -- Yes, thinking positive thoughts! Good luck!

10 years ago

Surgery was pretty quick! Got there at 6 and left by 9. Even got my iv in on the first try, which is unheard of! They used this little accuvein machine that shines a red light on your arm and I could see my whole vein system in my arm in like a black, relief/ shadow deal. Probably the coolest machine I have ever seen, at least to me with tiny tiny almost invisible from skin level veins. Blood draws are my nemesis!

My re did find some scar tissue which is what she thought it was. It's all removed and I am relaxing at home. Hopefully my uterus is baby-ready now! Feeling ok other than a burning sensation. I am assuming it's from either nerve endings or cauterization during the scar tissue removal? Feels like my vajayjay is on fire! Not painful just annoying, constant burning like a uti. Hopefully it will go away soon because I had a uti before and could not sleep through the burning sensation.

10 years ago

Mnor -- Glad to hear all went well! Relax and enjoy your weekend. :)

So, my estrogen was at 3,454 this morning. NP called to tell me and asked, "How are you feeling?" with a giggle.

But I'm fine! I mean, I feel like there's a small animal hanging out on my right ovary, but aside from that and this silly cold I have, I feel just fine.

... But of course I googled this and won't my estrogen be like, whoa, sky high by the weekend? What if I overstimulate?

I'm back in the next two days (have to go to the hospital, which is annoying, but oh well), so at least they're paying attention.

NP is guessing a Sunday trigger to let as many of these follicles get as big as possible.

10 years ago

When I got up over 3000 I started to worry about ohss too but my re said they don't start to worry until it gets to like the 5,000-6,000 range. Then she said they have other methods of avoiding ohss, like triggering right away and pulling out extra fluid during the retrieval. I felt much better when she said that. I drank a lot of gatorade which I think helped, leading up to retrieval and after it. I have also heard eating salty foods and eating extra protein. I retrieved 24 eggs last time and had ovaries the size of grapefruits but no ohss thank goodness.

10 years ago

Holy cow, 24 eggs!! Wow. I think I feel icky now -- haha - I can't imagine how that felt to carry those around.

Thank you, though, that makes me feel better. What's the reasoning behind gatorade/salty foods/protein? I haven't altered my diet at all.

Since it's the weekend I have to have my monitoring at the hospital, which is always irritating because the people there don't have the same knowledge or patience. I'm so used to the special treatment we get at our practice and the diagnostics lab it uses, I suppose I'm spoiled.

The main hospital is high traffic and way less friendly. ::whine::

10 years ago

It's all about stopping excess fluid from being retained in your ovaries/ abdomen. The gatorade has electrolytes, salt and high protein help pull water back to your vascular system and away from the abdomen.

10 years ago

How are you feeling today, MNOR? The flaming vagina still present?

10 years ago • Post starter

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