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Continue new thread from previous. Cycle buddys

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My last thread got lengthy and am affraid it will lock out at 15 pages( that its on) according to admin. Calling out my last cycle buddies as well as new ones. Most of are waiting to O

4483 Replies Closed • 8 years ago



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Replies (sorted by laughs)

2601 - 2610 of 4483 Replies | Last Page

Im so glad you have support from your family Lucky. Its so important. My heart goes out to you, it truly does. I used to cry way harder and everyday almost ttc lo. I get that feeling! I was ttc with my x for 5 years before we found out we had a make factor. His morphology was all messed up so there was no chance. He didn't want to use donor sperm. Long story short, it was a tixic relationship anyway. The only thing keeping us together was ttc so with out that, it was over pretty quickly. It took dh n I 2 years to concieve lo, I thought it was never going to happen and lived in fear of him leaving me. So I definitely can relate to your deviation. I pray for you my friend. Its going to happen, it just has to as hard as we have all been praying.
Your mother will love them both equally. I dont have two yet to compare but I know a mothers love and she will be just as excited, if not more when you get pregnant.

7 years ago • Post starter

Good morning ladies,

How are you beautiful ladies doing?

As for me, I printed out my boarding passes for tomorrow morning in Boston! So exciting! !! I can't believe that it is finally here. Today is Cd 2 for me and I am flowing moderately. Hoping it stops by surgery Thursday. I think by then if anything, I will be spotting only. Woohoo, we have an imminent lift off.

7 years ago

Cronins Im excited for you! Your af is usually more towards the shorter side than the long, so hopefully by Thurs is will pretty much be non excitant. Although traveling with her wont be pleasant im sure. Haha
Afm, waiting for lo to take a nap so I can finish painting lol.

7 years ago • Post starter

Thank you both for the kind words. I am just jelous and envious of my sister and every pregnant women out there. Its just all the firsts I wanted to do with my mom being the oldest, but I just need to get over that lol bc obviously its not going to happen. Its just something I had looked so forward to. I guess for me the bottom line is I just need to get pregnant so I can join in on the fun lol.

Cronins, I cant believe its time for you to go already. This month has gone pretty fast. I pray you have a safe trip and speedy recovery. This is so exciting and I can't wait to hear all about it. Surgery day is the 23rd?

AFM, had my US today and started injections. I will go back Saturday for another US and if follies are ready will trigger. I'm ready for my little redheads :-)

7 years ago

Yes lucky, surgery is the 23rd. Not yet sure what time. I'll find out during preoperative testing.

Thank goodness for this iui for you. It's so exciting to see those follicles grow and mature. Now let's pray that sermon meets egg and implantation happens. I'll keep you ladies posted as I am able. So excited! !!

7 years ago

I read an interesting article today about blood types and different things they can tell you. I learned that type O has connection with infertility and that's what I am. Also 2 other girls and 1 guy who have all battled infertility have O as well. I thought it was very interesting. Here's the link:

7 years ago

What time are you leaving in the morning Cronins?
Lucky, that's interesting. I will have to check out that link. Dh is O neg but his boys are ok. Cant believe your iui is so soon. Exciting! This month has definitely flown by!

7 years ago • Post starter

Hello everyone. Cronins praying for safe travels for you today. So happy for you. Lucky, what are you up to today?
Afm, not much after work. Enjoying that living room is done! Lol. Two short hallways to do. But Im in no rush : )

7 years ago • Post starter

Dandy- Not much going on here today. Just waiting for my US Saturday so I know whether or not I can trigger. I'm excited about this IUI.

Cronins- Ive been thinking about you today. Praying for safe travels and a relaxing day for you tomorrow before the big day.

7 years ago

Come on Saturday! Lol. Im excited for you too. Im enjoying my time off lol. I have 6 days of bc left. I know I will be ready to get the party started before then. Then I have to go through af. Hope its not a horrible one since its brought on by bc.

7 years ago • Post starter

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