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Not Just Cycle Buddies!

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Hi Friends! Lots of us have gotten our BFPs these past few cycles and we all aren't "cycle buddies" anymore. I feel like we need a place to connect and keep up the conversation with each other. This way we can keep chatting even if some of us aren't pregnant and some of us are. I'm just starting my 6th cycle TTC and hoping that this will be the one. Please join in and update us on where you are and how you are feeling.

916 Replies • 6 years ago



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Dragonfly -thank you I will order some and see as I have not ovulated this cycle yet since.amd ask dr

6 years ago

Hi Ladies!

@Beaut1ful38: I think that it's a very personal thing. Some get pregnant right away. For me, it took a few months, but I WAS under a lot of stress (post miscarriage stress and trying to get pregnant fast and also a lot of other things in life including a lot of traveling). I think the Clear Blue digital is great. That's what I was using for OPKs and it helped me to pinpoint the fertile days.

Yeah - Blank circle on Clear Blue digital means not fertile so you want to see a smiley face (very fertile) and then flashing smiley face (peak). But the most important thing is not to stress out. Things need to normalize in your body: all the hormones, etc.

When I lost my baby (at 7+ weeks) in March 2017, I had to have it medically managed as the baby was gone, but my body did not recognize it and there was no spotting, no signs at all. So I had the pills on April 1st (yeah - the joke was on me...). I did not have DC. Then they rechecked to see if all was clear in my uterus, but there was some more tissue. So I got the same pills again. Then they checked again and all was clear and I got an OK from the doctor to start TTC again since I was emotionally ready. So I guess you're already there (all clear and ready) which is great! :) I got my period back on April 25th and started TTC (BD-ing on May 12 - because of my traveling I could not do it earlier which was stressing me out! ;)). And it took me a few months to get pregnant : in November 2017. It just takes how long it needs to take and I know that in the first few months I was "on a mission to get pregnant" and I think it might have stressed me out. Then I just sort of took a more laid-back approach, relaxed and that's when I got pregnant. :)
I was also temping and that helped me (temping + OPKs). I did not do cervix check ups, at all.

So I'd just give it one cycle so things can normalize. I was also taking some natural supplements and did things that I think helped me with conceiving. I started taking prenatal vitamins at that time. Also maca, vitex, fertile aid, fertile CM, cassava root with folic acid. I was also using pre-seed before BD in the last few months before conception and I think it might have helped, too. I stopped caffeine and alcohol completely. I'm trying to think what else I was taking...

I was hoping for a boy (but most importantly just for a healthy baby - I'd be happy with a girl, too!), so I was reading about what can possibly have some impact. Well - I'm having a boy so maybe I did something right. :) I'm 41, too, so I had added stress of "now or never", but I realize that I cannot speed things up in my body and when I let it go and relaxed, the miracle happened! :) I'm wishing you the same and for you to have your rainbow baby soon! :) Stay positive and it will happen. :)

My baby was born on July 26th, 2018 And it's a ! And my 2nd baby boy was born

6 years ago

I got a “flashing smiley face” just now!! Oh so happy to see that! Thank you ladies for all your input and advise and I do concerned it all. Let see what my next few days bring. I know that this might not be my cycle but I’m just happy to see that I’m still in the TTC period. And I’m in a healthy happy joy stage after a loss.

6 years ago

@Beaut1ful38. I would definately start the cream once you get it in the mail now that you got your flashing smiley face. Good luck and I hope you get your rainbow baby.

User image[/url]

6 years ago

@beaut1ful yay! Get baby dancing! To correct hoping4rainbow, flashing means high fertility solid is peak fertility so keep bd and testing until peak fertility
Today I’m about 10/11/12 dpo and Just tested was bfn at first but then a very light line after about 10 mins. Probably just some risidual hcg from the trigger but it’s been 2 weeks since the very low dose trigger so I dunno

6 years ago • Edited

@Beaut1ful38 : Yaaay! That's what you want to see: a “flashing smiley face” ! Go and have fun! You are back in the game and it's a new beginning! How wonderful and positive! You'll get your rainbow baby and your It's so great that you're back in a joyful stage!

My baby was born on July 26th, 2018 And it's a ! And my 2nd baby boy was born

6 years ago

@Beaut1ful38 yayyyyyyy!!!! So happy for you and spreading positive vibes your way!!!!

@photomama - that sounds promising. Fingers crossed it’s the tart of your BFP!

AFM - My opk is starting to get darker! I’m on CD10 and I usually O between CD12-14. Staying positive and hopeful this is my month! Been taken my baby aspirin and I’ll start using progesterone cream after I get my positive opk!

6 years ago

@photomama: You are correct! My mistake (sorry : must be my “pregnancy brain” ). , Flashing smiley face on Clearblue Digital OPK means high fertility and solid smiley face means peak fertility. Thanks for correcting it photomama! and I’m keeping fingers crossed for you and that !

My baby was born on July 26th, 2018 And it's a ! And my 2nd baby boy was born

6 years ago

@hope4rainbow haha the first time I used it, I didn’t read the instructions and was like why won’t the solid smiley go away? I need to keep testing to get the flashing smiley (not realizing I was at peak fertility).

@BB thanks girl, I’m kind of doubting it’s my month though I took a wondfo last night and stark white.

Feeling weird little cramps today and last night. Period is due Thursday on CD 31 although I’m not always super regular.
Anyone testing soon?

6 years ago • Edited

Hi Ladies. I got my period yesterday day so it looks like we get one more shot at having a 2018 baby. At this point i’m starting to worry about our fetitility. It took my mom 9 months to get pregnant we me and my twin so maybe I shouldn’t worry just yet but I can’t help it. This is taking a lot longer then I ever expected! Well CD2 and i’ll Temp and do OPKs again. I thought about not doing them but I like the reassurance they give for fertile days. I used EPO last cycle and will again. I can’t remember if I can start taking it now or wait until AF is done?

6 years ago • Post starter

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