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TTC January/February 2020 babies

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Hang in there ladies!!

295 Replies • 5 years ago



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Fingers crossed pandorica x

5 years ago

Burkette Wow! Hypnobirthing always sounded like you need to be too brave to do. I’m the “I will definitely ask for an epidural first thing” type of girl lol! I have so much respect for all the ladies who are doing this!

Emma Seems like too legit to be false! Fingers crossed you’ll confirm it with another brand soon!

Pandorica I really hope you’ll be getting a god progression tomorrow and the days after!

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5 years ago

I couldn’t wait any longer, I’m 10dpo and I think that’s a pretty good line ? Would I be right in asking my gp to do a blood test because I had the miscarriage in February ? And to think my blood results came back this month to say I wasn’t ovulating I pray this will be my sticky rainbow baby xx

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5 years ago

@Alexplpl hypnobirthing isn't necessarily about no pain relief in labour, it's for every type of birth - even caesareans! Because it's about cultivating a mindset to ensure that your Birth experience is always a positive one regardless of the route it takes that's the easiest way to describe it in a quick paragraph!

Wow congratulations @Emmamumof8

Fingers crossed for you @Pandorica

5 years ago • Edited

@Emma yes go ahead and ask to see your Dr. Asap because you had miscarriage last time.
@Pandorica i also have fingers crossed for you
@Burkette welcome. I have so much respect for midwives. Along my 1st pregnancy , i had midwives and Drs. Visits and I have to say y all are so amazing and supportive. I can't thank you enough. Support is everything no matter what delivery route you take. And the post delivery support was even better. In other countries, midwives assist more pregnant women than Drs. Idk why it is not the case in the US. I definitely thank you for your work and thank you for your husband's service.
@AFM I am a bit depressed this morning. First of all I started Keto. Again. Yesterday I dd well. Lost some. Last night I have a bit too late and this morning I gained a pound. I have to get better. This upcoming weekend We will be seeing a lot of friends and I am not looking forward to it because I have gained another 12 pounds since I saw them last and when I gained weight I loose my self confidence. I should not care but I do. The other thing is my mum. She is always criticizing me, my weight. I have told her before that criticizing me only get me down and makes me want to eat more because I eat my feelings. I am a stress eater. Zhe says she was not going to bring my weight up as a subject anymore. But she started again. I have been ignoring her bjt this weekend I will tell her that I won t be taking it anymore. For real enough is enough. She needs to respect my decisions. If i don t want to talk about it then son t bring it up. Point blank. Anyway the other reasons why I am so bad this morning is that yesterday I heard that my 2nd oldest wife is expecting his 4th child another boy and she is due anyday. They like to hide pregnancies in my family. Idk why. Also my baby brother and his wife were separated. She gave birth in December i think I told y all about that. She is crazy. Anyway they decided to reconcile and she is almost. 3 months pregnant with twins. I am so upset. She already has 3 kids. 3 girls. She just gave birth and she is already pregnant again. It s so easy for others to get pregnant . i mean they were separated. They only saw each other for 2 weeks when he went down to see his daughter. They were separated and it only took that for her to get pregnant again with twins. I mean i knew one of us would have twins because twins run in both sides of my family. But I am so jealous. I know I have one child and I should feel blessed. I do feel blessed. I just think that it is not fair that people wget pregnant so easy and some others like us take forever to get pregnant. It took me 4 and half year to have my boy. Will it take that long again for another one? I saw my baby playing with his cousins last weekend at the wedding and I know he is ready for a sibling. My husband is an only child. He has friends but I know that he wished you have had one sibling. Anyway sorry ladies. I needed to vent a bit. I try to stay positive but every now and then it is hard. I am cheering for you all. And you are all so brave throughout this journey. Do not let go. Keep going.
@scuba we have not heard from you for a while how are you?

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5 years ago

@Emma - Big congrats!!

5 years ago

Congrats Emma!

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5 years ago

Emma!!!! I’m so happy for you. Please contact your doctor ASAP since you had a MC recently. This is such a blessing! You must be so excited!!!!

Burkette Sounds like something worthy to practice!

Lalou here in Greece a midwife is a person you see only once, at the day of delivery. In the whole pregnancy you see only your doctor.
Don’t let anyone bring you down about your weight. Obviously you know your body better and if you feel you need to lose weight, you will! No matter how anyone else is pushing to do or not to do it! Remember you are beautiful no matter how your body is shaped. If you feel that YOU want to lose weight then go ahead. We live once and for a very short period of time actually.. No one of our close people is gonna remember us because of how our bodies were shaped. They will remember us of how we made them feel and of our efforts! Don’t do it because stereotypes are pushing you. Do it because it will make your health and your mood better!! You’re perfect as the way you are, we all are!!!

I’ve seen scuba in another board this morning. She’s not feeling her best! Just taking it slow. Sending her love and hugs if she reads us

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5 years ago

Congrats Emma! I pray for a sticky bean for you also :)

I am 1 or 2 dpo …(Trying for number 2) I've had troubles with irregular cycles the last few months so I bought an OPK. Ive had positive OPK for the last 3 I don't know if it was too late or not but we could only do the deed last night, so I am hoping that was good enough!

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5 years ago

I am in the UK, and here us midwives are who women see through their entire pregnancy, birth and postnatal. The doctors only get involved when something deviates from the norm, so we do have a lot of input and responsibility! It's such an amazing job though

5 years ago

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