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March/April TT 2020 babies

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Welcome back to a new month everyone !!! You've got this ladies

315 Replies • 5 years ago



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Lissa I saw all your tests and they look so beautiful lol hopefully everyone in here see this two pretty lines!
Emma happy to see that you and your baby are doing ok!! I’m very glad to see you in such an amazing mood! I hope everything keeps running smoothly for you!
Kait Hopefully you won’t need medical advice till winter and you’ll get your bfp during summer!
Agatch Sending relaxing vibes your way babe! I really hope your symptoms to be showing more often so you can be calmer!
Scuba I’m so so sorry girl! I really was hoping to see your bfp today! Af is not there yet though so fingers crossed for a late bfp

AFM I’m kinda mad cuz I think my ovulation pains are coming again from my wrong side. I know it’s not standard to have them alternate each month but my pattern since I checked it with my doctor was my good side every other cycle and I hoped this would be the case this cycle too I really hope I’m wrong tho....

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5 years ago • Edited

Thanks for all your comments, ladies! My line was a little darker still this morning and i had a big temp rise. I know you're not supposed to temp after BFP but since i'm still a few days from AF i want to keep temping just in case it's a chemical (AF due friday).
@Scuba - don't give up yet girl! And if you do get AF this month (i pray you don't) and after your next medicated cycle you have to do it on your not despair! I got my BFP this month after doing a medicated cycle last month with a BFN so it is possible!
@Alex, you're so sweet thanks for your kind words. I really hope you O from the correct side this month and get your BFP! If i can do it, so can you!
@Agatch - so happy for you and your rainbow baby. It is so nerve-wracking, isn't it? When is your first appointment? Mine is 8/9 when i will be about 6 weeks. Hopefully we will be able to see something (last time i had a blighted ovum so all we ever saw was the gestational sac).

5 years ago

Hi ladies, I've been a bit quiet on here...mainly because I'm trying not to get too obsessed, and it's like a spiral with me, once I start symptom spotting/testing it becomes an obsession ???? I've been reading all of your updates though!

@scuba I'm so sorry that the tests have tricked you like that still praying for you though!

@Alex I've got everything crossed for you! Enjoy BD'ing

@lissa and @agatch huge congratulations!

AFM I'm now approx 8dpo, not really any symptoms. Had a little bit of mild but sharp cramping a couple of days ago, and boobs might be starting to feel tender but that's about it!
I go on holiday on Saturday with hubby, so I'll be taking all of the tests etc with me to prepare for all eventualities ???? we're going in a big group though, with people who don't know we are TTC, unsure of what excuse to use for why I'm not drinking

5 years ago

Thank you ladies for being so encouraging!!
Alex I have a feeling this is your cycle. Stay positive and I am sure your body will do what it should!!
Scuba I am sorry that it looks like your trigger didn’t work. I am sure you will see those two lines soon!!!
Burkette I hope this is your cycle!!! I know it is so hard not to symptom spot!! I am dealing with the same issue!!

AFM: Nothing new to report really. AF should be showing any day, but I am not getting my usual spotting yet. Really hoping I am not having one of my random 50 day cycles. It does look like I O’ed so I am sure AF will be showing soon. I took a test yesterday that was stark negative. Not surprised but it was the middle of the afternoon and not a strong hold. Got really weird heartburn last night and this morning. Haven’t had heartburn issues for a couple months now so that is a bit odd. My chest is a bit sensitive but nothing too out of the ordinary for just before AF. Not giving up hope yet but not going to be disappointed if AF shows. Looks like we won’t be in our own place again until early next year so it might be better if we are a month or two later in the year. My temps are hovering around the same with no dip for AF too. So weird lol but just letting it be at this point.

Good luck ladies!!!

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5 years ago

Good morning ladies. I have been MIA the last few days. AF showed her ugly face on sunday so I have been a little depressed to say the least. Was really hoping this was our month. I guess there is always next. Can't help but feel like my window is closing to have another. Sorry for my little pitty party .
How is everyone else? I see some BFP congratulations ladies so happy for you all. Fingers crossed for happy healthy pregnancies and babies for you all!! I guess here is to April 2020!

Praying for baby number 3!

5 years ago

@scuba I’m so sorry! I was really hoping this was your month.
@Alex sorry to hear O pain are on the wrong side. I hope you are still enjoying your vacation and will still get a beautiful BFP in a couple of weeks!
@Burkette you should be able to test by Saturday and know whether you can drink during your vacations or not. ????you do have to come up with an excuse for not drinking
@Shay hope you get AF or a BFP in the next few days!
@Miam sorry AF came. for an April baby
@Lissa are they seeing you so early because of what happened in April? I actually haven’t even called my OB yet. I tried today but couldn’t talk to the scheduler so I have to try again tomorrow, I probably won’t have an appointment until the last week of August. They usually do the first one at 8 weeks but that’s just to confirm the due date and I know exactly when I ovulated so I think i’ll skip the datation ultrasound which means there’s no point for me to go in until 10 weeks. I’ll see if they want me to come in earlier because of my recent miscarriage though.

5 years ago

Lissa fingers crossed for your hcg to keep going higher and higher!
Burkette You could say you’re on antibiotics for whatever reason so you can’t drink alcohol! Hopefully you’ll get your bfp soon!
Shay Hold onto that hope girl! You may have a surprise hopefully!!
Miam don’t worry hun! We’ve been there many times! Let yourself go through this and in a few days you’ll be feeling better! Don’t lose hope! Miracles happen every day!!
Agatch I think that it would be really good if your OB could see you earlier just to calm your thoughts after the MC. I know that if I were in your place I would really want that!

AFM unfortunately my O pains are still strong on my wrong side damn it! No positive opk yet but I believe tonight or tomorrow morning I’ll behaving it. Not exited anymore thought. I already know I’m out for sure once again. I’m like a broken record at this point.. this is a joke really!
Anyways.. I really hope you ladies will have a lovely weekend

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5 years ago • Edited

@agatch - they are seeing me early because of my history of M/C and also because of my age (41) which is considered high risk. Last time they saw me when i was actually even earlier because they go based on LMP and that month i ovulated late around CD19. This time i ovulated on CD13, so using LMP the dates should line up exactly. They actually wanted me to come on 8/2 but i asked for an appointment closer to 6 weeks so there is a chance we actually see something. Last time we only saw the gestational sac which was growing, but then i started bleeding at 7 weeks so it was classified as a blighted ovum. At my age the risk of M/C is about 50% (that's what my RE says) so i'm trying to be cautiously optimistic and not stress too much until we can have that first appointment and know for sure. Thankfully i have progesterone suppositories so i should be able to keep the pregnancy long enough to make sure everything is OK before that first appointment. Meanwhile i'm just doing an HPT every day at home to see the lines getting darker. Don't really have too many symptoms except feeling hot (progesterone), heartburn (progesterone) and very tired (progesterone...). I had a few weird food things earlier in the week but that seems to have settled now.

5 years ago

Well ladies AF still hasn’t shown and neither has my spotting that usually occurs. I have had some weird dreams lately too. My temp spiked up huge last night, but I think I was tossing and turning a good amount since the hubby didn’t sleep well. Took a test this morning and I think I see something!! What do you think? It is super faint if it is truly there!!

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5 years ago

@shay I think I can see a faint something! Fingers crossed for you! xx

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5 years ago

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