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September 2018 Babies

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Hi ladies, I am hopping over to the September board since I am teetering between Aug and Sept (due date Aug 30th if I conceive this month). For new ladies, welcome!! I am CD 12 right now and believe I will be ovulating in the next day or so. I just started using preseed and am BD every other day all month if we can! I also have an obgyn appt tomorrow just to get completely checked out and make sure there are no problems since we have been trying for a while.

Any Aug 2018 ladies that are moving over here you already know my story and I wish none of us have to move over to this Sept board but I am sending positive vibes to you all!!

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419 Replies • 6 years ago



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@beautiful I did test early and got a a BFN so now I'm waiting until AF is late. She is due tomorrow so I plan to test the day after (friday) if she doesn't show. When do you plan to test?

If AF comes, I'm definitely buying the clear blue OPKs, and the preseed for next cycle.

@dragonfly I will definitely keep everyone posted. I think the group is the only thing keeping me sane! Lol

6 years ago

@Ksyd94. I agree about the forum and keeping everyone sane as everyone is trying to achieve one thing and that is to get pregnant. When AF shows for some people, then the rest of the ladies feel what that person is feeling and can relate. Good luck hun; I am rooting for you (and everyone else) for a BFP.

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6 years ago

Hello everyone ! First time using any online websites. I have a 9 year old daughter and 6 year old son from my previous marriage . My husband and I are ttc . I came off birth control at the beginning of December. I've been tracking ovulation and from what I have I ovulated December 28th . So if I conceived this cycle I'm due in Sept. I'm 6 dpo today and I think I have a little implantion bleeding maybe ?

6 years ago

@ msallaz - Welcome! I ovulated on the 28th and am 6DPO too! With your first two pregnancies did you experience implantation bleeding? I've never been pregnant so I'm still not sure what to expect. This is our fourth cycle ttc. If we both conceive this cycle we will have very similar due dates!

6 years ago

@FlamingoGirl13 hey there! Woohoo a dpo buddy, lol . So with my first two pregnancies I had no symptoms except a missed period. I was only 16 and 20 when I went through pregnancy so this would be a different experience as I am 27 now lol Im sending lots of baby dust to you!! fingers crossed :)

6 years ago

@msallaz and flamingogirl. I ovulated in 28th as well. I’m 7 dpo today as today is the 4th here. I seriously think this month we did what we could . We used conceive plus even tho it wast a good lubricant but I have my fingers crossed.

@flamingogirl I’m 30 years and old too and this will be my first pregnancy and this is our 4 th month ttc. Some times I feel if it didn’t happen all these months what makes this month so special ? But as I said we did everything we could this month.
@dragonfly have you u tested yet ? Keep us updated.

Well I don’t have many symptoms yet except for achy and heavy boobs.

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6 years ago

Hey yall i just created the October 2018 babies forum! Please have a look at my post, tell me what you think in terms of the wording and lemme know if I need to tweak or reword anything! Y'all are a great group of ladies and I'm forever grateful for your comfort, words and prayers!

please excuse any typos as I'm on my cell phone

6 years ago

Hi ladies! Sorry been MIA, been pretty busy with work stuff. Sooo... yesterday evening I had a BFN and this morning a definite BFP!!! I’m only 7 dpo how can that be?! With my daughter I found out at 8 dpo. Hopefully it’s a legit pregnancy and not a biochemical.
I posted it on the pregnancy test forum, not sure how to add a pic to this forum. Good luck ladies, and wish me luck! Just got first beta drawn.

6 years ago

katyfootballmomma spending you lots of

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6 years ago

@photomama that is definitely a positive but I'm not sure how it could be at 7dpo!! Is there a chance you O'd a bit earlier?!

6 years ago

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