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Does anyone else feel like a crazy person???!!!

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I think I might be pregnant ....I'm probably not ....could be, I'm late and crampy ....or maybe I ovulated later than I thought ...My breast feels sore, I gotta be pregnant ...maybe it's sore from me poking at it to see if it's sore. LOL! Anyone else mentally wrestling yourself ?!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9961 Replies • 12 years ago



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@hkeller, I started Fertilaid this cycle as well.. I love the energy I have! Good Luck! I am going to start using PreSeed if this month didn't happen :-)

11 years ago

Thanks ladies I'm gonna goto gnc today or wouldn't vitimain world have it also how is everyone doing today as for me the same still taking clomid day 3 waiting to ovulate

11 years ago

Well ladies I'm pretty sure I'm out, I'm having like cramps. I wanted to cry this morning when I saw the bfn, but then I had a realization of some things. I need to stop sabotaging myself. I bought some ebooks from amazon "Permanently beat PCOS: Diet and Exercise Shortcuts", "Beat Pcos and boost fertility", and "The Impatient Woman's Guide to Getting Pregnant". I am going to stop feeling sorry for myself, stop being negative about whether I will ever get pregnant or not because attitude is a big part of getting there. And basically after reading a small part of two of the books I realized my attitude sucks. I need to stop half-assing it and expecting full results. It's not going to happen with herbs to help, it's not going to happen with just exercise. I have to improve my diet. I've decided that if and only if I make the changes lose more weight, cause 6 lbs isn't cutting it, I need to lose over 100, then I will go to Clomid. Is it going to be easy, No, Is it going to suck, Probably, but if it helps bring me my baby, then it will be worth it. I also am going to stop testing early. I want to wait until af is due because this poas is driving me crazy and I just don't need the stress. I am making some big changes and there will be a new me, in the end and hopefully a mini me too lol. I just feel like this is my step in the right direction. Sorry for the long rant I just wanted to share.

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

11 years ago

In answer to your question pisces....yes this tww feels different!!! Mostly because as I type this, I'm contemplating getting a puke bucket just incase. I'm so nauseous !!!!! I had a WEIRD dream about cleaning my toilet and after I wiped off a yellow stain with a dont ask me why I did this in my dream but...I smelt the papertowel. It smelt like month old urine. I woke up dryheaving!!! I was ready to puke in the floor. Later, when I rinsed the toothpaste out of my mouth, I gagged into the sink. Then...when I got to my sister's house, I felt like it was getting ready to come up but I burped instead, except...I puked in my mouth too ! I've been nauseous ALL DAY. The only thing that helps is snacking on dry cereal and crackers between meals. That's my most noticeable symptom so far. My nipples are really sore and still having light cramping. I'm peeing a lot too. If it wasnt for the nausea...I'd just pass it all of as progesterone, but the last time I was this nauseous was when I had food poisoning! The insane part out of all of this....I"M LOVING IT!!!!!!!!!!

@xomandy- that is a dip in temp! Cant wait to see it respike tomorrow. I havent had a dip but like you said...not many get an implantation dip.

@staggart- etrade baby HAHAHA!!!! It made me think of the twilight baby LOL.

@babybundle- enjoy relaxing! May I recommend a therapeutic massage?!!!

@hkellerman-I'm sorry hun. At least quit messing with you. Enjoy the fertilitea....I loved that stuff with honey!

@athena- I'm sorry honey. Ignore my email....I read my messages first. I'm 100% positive you'll have a baby before you know it. It's a great idea to lose more weight cause it will decrease your chances of gestational diabetes .

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

11 years ago • Post starter

Woke up with nausea again and a horrible headache.. I'm at 10dpo now.. trying to wait until at least 12dpo to test.. I really don't want to see AF come next week..

waiting.... waiting...

11 years ago

my poor hubby...
he is wondering when these hormones stop for me..
I'm not having the major mood swings anymore... or the nausea etc... but.. I'm still having HOT flashes... I had to sleep with the fans on last night... and he was FREEEZING...
night before... I woke up several times just soaked in sweat...

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11 years ago

@waiting, Well my temp went up! Not up as much as I'd hoped but it went up! I woke up at 4am with a burst of energy that refused to let me lay back down and felt NOTHING, I mean NOTHING! I was like "Really! WTF!" So whatever, I was upset yet relieved cause my mild cramping/pressure/pinching/pulling had stopped after 7-8 days straight.. No appetite though at all, I love tomatoes and last night I couldn't force myself to eat them! Anywho, got to work and now I am getting little twinges/flutter feelings in my lower front area so who knows! I will keep thinking positive

@s.tagg, I am waiting till at least 12DPO as well!

11 years ago

And, I'm COMPLETELY FREAKING OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm so nervous. Scared to get a another . I'm feeling less nauseous today but have had a couple episodes. I've also had a few sharp cramps/pains on both sides of my uterus this afternoon. It's painful enough that it makes me wince and yell...ouch! Like now....OUCH!!!
Is it bad I wish I was more nauseous today ??? It'd make me feel better.
These last days are going to take forever!!

@staggart- No for us! No for us!!!

@soarys- You and me both. I'm the queen of nightsweats! Cant count how many times I've woke up with wet sheets. Does anyone else wake up with sweat dripping between their tatas!?? Doesnt help that dh is like a furnace.

@xomandy- I've been staring at my temp chart like it's getting ready to break out in song and dance ! I'd wait til 12dpo to test but I have so many that I'm just going to go crazy.

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

11 years ago • Post starter

Just spent the past 15 minutes staring at my BBT charts! My temps are looking good!! Compared to my 1st clomid post OV temps are consistently higher than last time!!!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

11 years ago • Post starter

Hoping for some BFP's for all of us!!

can't wait until saturday... going crazy!!!

for all of us and I've got my

11 years ago

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