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Continue new thread from previous. Cycle buddys

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My last thread got lengthy and am affraid it will lock out at 15 pages( that its on) according to admin. Calling out my last cycle buddies as well as new ones. Most of are waiting to O

4483 Replies Closed • 8 years ago



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Replies (sorted by laughs)

2771 - 2780 of 4483 Replies | Last Page

I just got done with my meeting with the my trust rep. Things are being liquidated as we speak to prepare for the financial end of the ivf. Im so scared spending this money. It will be pretty much depleted. Im still just so unsure about everything. Nothing feels right about it. Im more nervous than excited. Shouldn't i be more excited? sigh. I honestly feel like this is going to be such a waist! I gotta shake this off. On to work I go.

7 years ago • Post starter

Dandy I think isso scary on the financial end and such a risk. I've depleted everything and didn't really concern me until it didn't happen, but I still want a family so am going to go further into debt to get my little miracles. Its hard to get excited when you see those dollar signs but once you get that bfp it will all be worth it and then you can work on replenishing your funds :-) My mom always says it's only money and you can't take it with you lol. It will all work out Dandy :-)

7 years ago

Dandy : I agree with lucky. You can always replenish the financial end of things. This endeavor will most likely get you your miracle baby/babies. It will b e so worth it in the end. Deep breath sweetie.

7 years ago

Thank you guys. I really needed that. You have no idea how much better that has made me feel. I just know if I dont do this then I will regret it. I dont want the "what ifs". I at least have to try this at least once.
Ill be stressing about all the trips back and forth for monitoring later lol.

7 years ago • Post starter

cronins! I hope this is it! I ll look at the chat for news from you! I think I also see the faint but let s wait for next test. So excited for u!

Dandy I agree with the girls you better put all chance on your side - you will never regret the money after a while but I fear you might if you don't do the ivf!
Let us know how it goes but it will be exciting I hope this works well for you!

Me finally got my periods yesterday and am positive bc it s 2 days before expected which means dh will be with me at time of o (hopefully if cycle is regulated).

I am hiking this week end for Easter. I wish you girls restful 3 days!

Let's be positive!

7 years ago

I absolutely love this group you girls are the best. Thank you Marie, you made me feel better as well. Have fun on your hike!
Afm. ive given up on ovulation this cycle and thats fine with me. Getting excited to hear what my RE says. I hope he is positive about all this that will help me too. Lol
Coloring eggs tmrw and 2 Easter diners and egg hunt Sunday : )

7 years ago • Post starter

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Not sure that I can see too much on this test. It was only a two hour hold though. I should have used a wondfo again lol. Thoughts?

7 years ago

Cronins I don't see much on that one, but I do t have good eyes either lol.

7 years ago

Cronins I can still see something on that one toooo! Please darken!
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7 years ago • Post starter

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7 years ago • Post starter

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