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November 2018 babies

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Welcome to the November 2018 babies club! I am starting this discussion a little early I am sure. I carried over from September and October 2018 babies and hoping to see some BFP soon!

please excuse any typos as I'm on my cell phone

380 Replies • 6 years ago



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@penny so exciting!!! So happy first you!!! I love following these boards for that exact reason.

I tested this morning with fmu, 12dpo. Still BFN. due to start tomm. I’m so bummed. Once I had a chemical and I didn’t get a faint bfp until 14dpo. With my son, not until 15dpo, but that’s bc I didn’t test until i was 3 days late... I couldn’t bare another bfn.

I’m already torturing myself with #2. Wahhh. I know I need to not stress it. God’s timing is perfect - he proved that with my first!!!

for I created you in your mother’s womb.

6 years ago

@ Penny1366 - I see the line!!! So exciting for you!! I'm so happy to see that this cycle looks like you got your sticky bean!! Keep us updated if you take any more tests.

@Katyfootballmama - Sorry to hear you are out this cycle. I'll be thinking of you and crossing my fingers that you get a December baby. Do you say one more chance because it's your last chance to have a 2018 baby or are you and your DH going to stop trying if you don't get one this cycle?

@Becks1824 - Welcome!

AFM - I'm 10 DPo and really really hoping that this cycle will be it for us and we get a November baby. I've decided not to test until Friday or Saturday as I should get AF on Thursday and my luteal phase is like clock work. I always get AF sometime on 14DPO. This cycle I've been feeling a persistent twinge on my right side. It started the week before ovulation and comes and goes. I noticed it particularly when we BD in a certain position. I'm not sure if this is a good twinge or a bad twinge... If it persists into my next cycle I might call my OB about it. If I get pregnant I guess that is what it is. Not many other symptoms yet, except increased creamy cm.

6 years ago

@Penny1366. I see the line, let's hope the tests get darker should you continue to test.
@kattyfootballmama. So sorry that AF caught you. I am hoping that next cycle will be it for you and you and DF get your BFP. Will you be trying anything different this cycle.
@FlamingoGirl13. Hoping this is your cycle and hoping what you are feeling are good things and nothing bad.

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6 years ago

So today I am 10 dpo. I have been nauseous the end of last week, I have been eating more, my husband notices my nips are bigger, and sensitive when it’s cold outside, I had some streaked spotting this morning which has stopped. I’m still bloated. I was told by a friend my face looks different almost slimmer, I’ve had some cramping and my lower back hurts. I’m going to get a test tonight and going to test tomorrow.

6 years ago

@Leanwoman20002000 - Did you test this morning? I'm 11 DPO too but to nervous to test until AF is a now show. Let us know how it went!

@Penny1366 - Did you take another test this morning? I'm excited to watch your lines darken!

6 years ago

Hi guys, i hope you don’t mind me joining in?! I never really post much, I’m a bit of a lurker! I love seeing all the bfps, they keep me going month to month. This is our 6th month of trying, and it’s looking like today is O day. AF is due around the 17th of March, my luteal phase only tends to be 10/11 days. It’s getting harder to keep going because despite charting my temp and peeing on countless sticks, it’s still not happening for us. I tell my SO it’s the best day for BDing and all of a sudden he’s tired. So our timing isn’t the best. Our due date would be 20th November if we are successful this month. Please keep your fingers crossed for me over the next two weeks! to all!!

6 years ago

@SuperRoo - Welcome! Me and my DH sound very similar to you. We are on our 6th cycle of trying as well and I'm nervous because we were super tired during my fertile window this time. We only managed to BD on O day and the day after. I'm hoping that was enough. Fingers crossed for both you and me! I'm 11DPO now so if I miss my AF I will test on Saturday.

6 years ago

@flamingogirl13 yes I tested today still BFN still spotting it’s only when I wipe though. I’m 11 dpo today. Feel like AF is going to show lower backaches, mild cramping, not as bloated anymore even lost a pound or two. Going to wait and see what goes on with the spotting and if I get my period Friday.

6 years ago

Hi all I am new here, I am hoping to see a BFP soon, just trying to wait it out and not go poas crazy. I had my second iui mar 2 so now the dreaded tww. Only symptoms right now at 4dpo is a terrible headache, bloating and tonsss of cm but it could be from the ovidrel. keeping my fx to all!!

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6 years ago

4 DPO for me today too! This TWW is so awful!

BFP 10/17, MMC - 11/17, IUI#1 - 4/18 BFN, IUI#2 - 5/18 BFN, IVF#1 - 6/18

6 years ago

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