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October Testers Part 2!

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New thread required! Come on in girls :)

AFM CD 15 waiting to O!

503 Replies • 10 years ago



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JLH thanks I try it is hard though.

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10 years ago

This site is giving me the ?!#%%^ Been trying for 2 days to get on.

Thinking of all you ladies.

2005 2007. 2008 1/2013 6/2013 User ImageMake an ovulation ticker

10 years ago

Nico--it's been acting up on me too. Grrr.

I didn't sleep much last night---this lack of sleep is really wearing on me. I feel exhausted and emotional. Also a little irritable...hubby isn't nearly sympathetic enough and it's mostly his fault so I'm a bit resentful.

10 years ago

OMG this site!!!! I could not get on at all yesterday from noon on. I'll try to respond to some of you, I am sorry I fall behind :(

lawbride sorry about your husband being a poophead :( Men just don't get it. I hope he buys you flowers or something.

JLH sorry about the bleeding, that is weird that it would be bright red! I would maybe call the doc because that might be a bad thing. :(

Cam FX that AF stays away!!!

Nicolene hey girl I was thinking about you! Isn't your D&C on Thursday?

AFM 4 DPO no changes :)

10 years ago • Post starter

@Law: Sorry you didn't sleep well :( Hope your day gets better!!! :)

@Camasia: Fx'd for you!

@JLHart: I am doing ok. Thanks for asking. Sorry about the headache and I'm not sure about the bleeding, but I hope you can get some answers!

@Luv: FX'd for you! :)

Sorry if I missed anyone else!!!

AFM: CD13 today... Still negative opks as of last night.... Last cycle I got my first positive opk on CD 13, so FX'd that today will be the same..

10 years ago

JLH: Im good. Thank you for asking. Not a lot going on just been busy with the kids school stuff. Its making me so tired that I fell asleep in the car waiting for one to get done with an after school thing lol. How have you been?

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10 years ago

Good morning ladies,

Cam, I bet, but I am sure it's rewarding too!! How are you feeling today?

Law, so sorry you aren't able to sleep and rest :(

Nicolene, hey lady, hope all is well with you!

Luv, hiya...really praying this is your month!

1st, fx'd for you!!

AFM, I did call my nurse and she basically said not to worry about just monitor and if it happens again then the doc may want me to come in. So I was like, ok cool...well at 3 this morning I get up to go the restroom and I had clots coming out!!! WTH?! I am trying to remain positive and thinking/praying that perhaps it's fibroids (I have a lot of them - had surgery 4 years ago to have 12 removed) dying off...which should be a good thing. Last month after my period I had older blood leaving my body, so I am trying to remain positive and believe that my body is cleansing itself and preparing a healthy environment for a baby?! Today is our 10th month wedding anniversary...just can't believe how fast time goes!! The nurse also told me that if we haven't conceived by the end of the year then to call so we can start looking into the we will see!

10 years ago

Mamak, think we were writing at the same time. So sorry to hear how tired you are!! How's the baby?

10 years ago

I tried to get on all day yesterday and couldn't. I was so frustrated!

Mama--you sound exhausted. I hope you get some down time.

JLHART--I'm glad you called about it.

AFM--so, I had my appt yesterday and I get there and they're asking repeatedly about my HSG and then they finally said they don't have the results and absolutely need them for me to see my RE. Then they ask for my husbands bloodtest results --no one ever told us about any bloodtests for him. At this point in FUMING. 45 minutes passes and I still haven't seen my RE. they send a student in to diffuse the situation so I vented at her. Such a sweet girl--I apologized profusely for being an ass.

About 5 minutes later my RE comes in--she knows I'm upset and I try my best to put it behind me. Then she talks to be about the plan AGAIN and about my normal HSG and dh's SA. So the plan is follistim , trigger and progesterone after I. Whew a solid plan. So then we go into an exam room and she does an u/s and says my lining is thin--showing inadequate estrogen and ny ovaries are "quiet." No recruited follies yet. What a relief--this means it's not too late to start injects, right? Absolutely. I went home with the follistim pen and have a follow up u/s on Sunday!!


10 years ago

Law: So happy for you. Sorry I could
Not read half of it cause the site is
Cutting everything off at the end.

Tnx to everyone who asked about me.
I'm going in to hospital in 7 hours. Will
Get all the blood results back from last week.
Just not very happy with being so
Exposed (hoo ha) while under anaesthetia.
Feel very ashamed for the amount of
Weight I gained after the 2
Mc this year;(((

2005 2007. 2008 1/2013 6/2013 User ImageMake an ovulation ticker

10 years ago

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