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September 2018 Babies

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Hi ladies, I am hopping over to the September board since I am teetering between Aug and Sept (due date Aug 30th if I conceive this month). For new ladies, welcome!! I am CD 12 right now and believe I will be ovulating in the next day or so. I just started using preseed and am BD every other day all month if we can! I also have an obgyn appt tomorrow just to get completely checked out and make sure there are no problems since we have been trying for a while.

Any Aug 2018 ladies that are moving over here you already know my story and I wish none of us have to move over to this Sept board but I am sending positive vibes to you all!!

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419 Replies • 6 years ago



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Ksyd, no I don’t think so? I was monitored with this and previous pregnancy, and previous one was 100% on 8 dpo urine test, I worked in IVF and had daily blood draws. I heard they can implant 6 dpo? I took another test this evening and it’s getting a bit darker. Fingers crossed

6 years ago

@Penny1366. No, I won't be testing till AF is missed. I know it will be tempting to test early but really don't want to see a BFN. In my opinion, these symptoms are different from over cycles but still nervous. As I'm typing this, I'm getting AF type cramps. When do you plan on testing?

@photomama. Oh my God. That's awesome, congrats. I think that some people's peak time happens anytime throughout the day depending on when the egg was released and until it was fertilized by the sperm.

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6 years ago

Ksyd and Dragonfly thank you! Yes, I’m being cautiously optimistic. I had really intense ovulating cramping pains 12/26 and 12/27 (possibly 2 eggs?! I was on clomid) we DTD on Only on 12/27 due to being sick. Another weird thing I discovered is the line is a total squinter on the wondfo and definitely getting progressively darker on the medical grade tests from my work. ( I submitted to image gallery) and they were from the same urine sample! Just goes to show that the doctor’s tests are much more sensitive, I think.

The only side effects I have had are: stuffy nose (still sick), feeling little twinges around my uterus, and being almost deathly tired! Boobs and everything else feels totally normal.

Praying for BFP for the rest of us who are in the running for this month!

6 years ago

UPDATE: JUST found out my beta level from today at 7 dpo, came back at 14 MIU. Anything over 5 is considered “pregnant.” It’s a bit on the low side, but to be expected at only 7 dpo. But geeze, those are some sensitive pregnancy tests! Next beta will be Friday, hopefully it doubles!

6 years ago

Hello ladies congractulations on the bfp!!!

I think I am 3dpo last night I had sciatic pain in both legs and terrible low back ache today slight right ovary cramp my OH said he thinks I'm coming on my period however not due for under2 weeks hope this is it !xxx

6 years ago

Wow photomama, that's AWESOME! Congrats!!

Afm, AF is due today and I was going to hold off on testing and I just couldn't. BFN again. Still no AF ( no sign of her) but I think I must be out. :/
Goodluck to everyone still in!

6 years ago

@Ksyd94. Oh hun, it might still be a little bit early. I wouldn't count yourself out till the witch shows up.

@MidnightMystery. Oh that's good to hear. I don't think you are coming on your period as that would be too early. Hope this is it for you.

As for me. Not much here. Some minor cramps, behind the knee pain, and minor breast pain. I am trying not to look anything into it but it is easier said than done. Hubby is now asking if I am pregnant. AF due in three days.

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6 years ago

@ msallaz - Fingers crossed for you too!

@Penny1366 - So many ovulation buddies with me this month!! Crossing my fingers for you as well.

@ katyfootballmama - I went and read your October 2018 Babies forum post. I think the wording is great! I followed it to keep up with you ladies as I finish out my tww. Good luck! I also said hi to help bump it up above all the spam we are seeing in the forums lately.

@photomama - Congratulations!! I hope to see those numbers double on Friday! What a wee one you've caught at 7dpo!

AFM - I'm 7DPO today and woke up with cramps similar to AF. I still have them now, although they have subsided a bit. I keep tensing my lower abdomen as I am not used to having cramps like this at this point in my cycle. I'm hoping this is a sign of implantation and not something else.

6 years ago

Hi ladies. So, since I am not tracking my cervix or anything like that, I thought I would check by toilet paper and see if there is anything on it. Rolled it up and when I took it out, there was some dark brown blood. Could that be implantation bleeding as I read that it can take a couple days for it to come out. I didn't experiece that with my first pregnancy. I am trying so hard not to freak out or put myself into having a anxiety attack. Nose just started dripping and still cramping a bit. Does anyone have any insight on what it could be?

@FlamingoGirl13. I had AF type cramps ever since 4dpo. I hope that this is a good sign for you. Fingers crossed. I agree with the spam as its even worse in the Q & A and other ladies questions are getting missed because of it.

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6 years ago

photomama- Wow you are one of the lucky ones!

MidnightMystery- Hope this is your month as well!!

Ksyd94-Don't count yourself out yet! I hear some ladies dont see it till 15dpo.


FlamingoGirl- Your temps look great!!! HOPE YOU GET YOUR BFP!!!

AFM- I am not tired, feel exhausted (i just dont want to do anything) and i havent done anything in 2 days!!! i finally returned to work today after 2 weeks off due to holidays! My boobs are started to hurt but its different than AF/PMS symptoms, not sore to touch just ache behind the fat i guess you could say. Its so hard to explain. i usually always get EWCM before AF nothing today but CM creamy. Oh think i mentioned a sore throat for 2 days only 7-8dpo, then went away. i have Stuffy nose, smell of blood since 7dpo. We will see how the day progresses. AF due Monday.

6 years ago

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