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Anyone on or near 10 dpo? How are you feeling?

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Just wanted to check in with others who are like me waiting to find out if they are pregnant this cycle.
How are you feeling?
Any symptoms that are standing out that have you hopeful or wondering?
When are you going to test?

I am ttc #1. I have regular 27 day cycles with a 15/16 day luteal phase. I check my cm, take vitamins and use opk's. Been trying for almost 5 years now.

This cylce I got ovulation spotting which has only happened to me 2 times in my life before this. Hoping it's a great fertility sign?

Ovulated on Feb 13th. Now I am 10 dpo.

Symptoms so far
0 day - 7 dpo Not much. Just the usual gassy, heartburn, bloated, nipples sore for a few days after O, Some weird dreams and moody.

8 dpo - 10 dpo (current ) Vivid dreams, hot and cold body temps, dry throat, thirstier, dry skin (but it is winter) rash or pimples breaking out on my chest ??? Stuffy nose for 3 days. Mild ovary cramping/twinges. Getting shooting pains in my breasts a few times a day/night which I have never gotten before. Less moody today then the past week thank GOD! All these could be progesterone as well.

Anyone want to add on so we can obsess, wait, hope, pray and test together?

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7993 Replies • 11 years ago



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Hey guys I'm new to this forum. I believe I am 9dpo and my AF is due on the 4th of September .current symptoms are dull pressure/ache in uterus, heavy boobs, temperature and dull headache for the past three days, I've cried 3tines in the past three days for no good reason and tiredness/laziness too. Anyone else experiencing these... Nice to join you all xx

11 years ago

@miricalmomma thinking of you two hun u get that dame egg lol yup i have been calm these past few weeks dnt get me wrong TTC is always on the back of my mind i went to the fair this weekend and omg i just stared at my dh with our godson and i was like aww he wants a baby so bad then i got grouchy then i felt better

@piscesgirl229 i had a great weekend at the fair with the family swim day all sat food money spent that was not a good part went over board and refusing to look at my bank statment till friday payday good think is though this month is a extra day of pay day woohoo free money so ur dh father came into town was that a good thing or a bad think omg ur cakes are the bomb u had me want to eat my phone with the halk cake how are u babe how is everything going so far.

@lsch hey luv how are u feeling anything new i seen your pix busy weekend for you guys huh u guys looked awasome.

@Ants mommy girl did u get that i bet didnt come from some strange reason i had a dream about the forum and i swore u gave us a this month let us know how everything is.

@Athena the drink was called a mitchalata if i spelled it right lol i rather drink the homemade onces becuase the ones that come premade in the budwiser cans i had to much tomato taste the salt around the rim so good.

@jsxitzbom i am not good at the guessing came cant wait to see what it is

@Tiff again i am not even going to try to guess i am just going to sit back and watch everyone who is wrong and just

@Ems1183 welcome i dnt encourge symptom spotting sorry hun i cant help lol ask the ladies i am the police around here for symptom checking dnt allow it i am sure someone on here that is sneeky aka @piecesgirl will help

@lolee817 how is the lil man doing hope he is feeling better this week i think this is the week he will be in the hospital god is good prayers your way luv

@Donna_W welcome

AFM nothing new to report just waiting and hoping for are mirical these months are the months that tania predicted keeping fingers crossed. i had a great weekend with the fam got a lil depressed with god son this weekend only becuase i can see my dd and dh in there face how they want a lil bundle of joy.

11 years ago

@ jsx- only one day to go!!!!!! About this time tomorrow we will both know, I'm so glad u got an earlyer appt cuz that would of been hard! I hope u get ur little girl this time!
Thanks to all for ur guesses and response to tomorrow we r very exited! My dh keeps chanting boy boy boy that last couple days!!!
Good luck to all this month but a big fingers crossed for r long term tryers, @mirical, @pices, and @topo! I hope it's all three of ur month!!!! I bet that's how it happens lol!

11 years ago

Hey Girl no yet, I was supposed to get it yesterday and nothing. But I think shes coming. I usually get itching right before and I have that today.

I tested Saturday night and got . So I have a feeling Im out. If I dont get it today Ill test again tomm morning.

I wish your dream comes true!!!

Hang in there you will get you soon, you are a good person and God will give you that bundle sooner then you know!

11 years ago

Hey Topo So nice to see your doing well and in a happy state of mind!!

Tiff Im so anxious now and i cant wait til morning! Im really hoping for a girl i really think it is just everything is so different this time around and from 4 different psychic readings and the chinese gender all said girl so my heart is set on a girl! Either way ill be happy to have a healthy baby! I really hope you have a boy and we both get what we want for once! lol

Get that Eggie MiracleMama!! Im praying Tania is right for you pieces and topo!! very soon you will all be in the bump club and i cant wait til it happens for all of you!

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11 years ago

Hi guys! Sorry for my absence, I've been reading along, but have been feeling down in the dumps about my stupid cycle. Well... I'm not in limbo any more! Hoooray! I was never so happy to see the .

@pisces- So sorry to hear that about the deaths. :( Is DH in the military? Keeping my fingers crossed as you approach O.

@intotrouble- That's awesome about your friend's BFPs!

@LSchrader- Glad you are feeling good and not stressed. :)

@miraclemama- Saw your etsy store. I like the beanies. I had a crochet shop for a little while, but I got burnt out. :-P Good luck with it!

@Ants- Any news?

AFM - I'm feeling great now! So relieved to have that never ending cycle over with!

I have stumbled upon something I'm EXTREMELY excited about. I subscribe to TEDTalks on YouTube (which are amazing btw) and this one popped up in my feed and I watched it and my brain nearly exploded. So I ended up buying her book and have been reading it, I was eager for AF to show up because I want to do this reset and see if it regulates my cycle/hormones. I will definitely let you guys know how it goes.

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11 years ago

Hi Girlie, sorry you are feeling down. You shouldnt becasue at least you can try again this month.

For me, No sign of but I have a feeling shes coming.

I saw the video WOWW shes a great speaker.
Im going to buy her book but I googled it and found this.

Week One

Focus on: Sprouted and Fermented Foods

Some of my favorite and healthiest sprouted and pickled foods are sauerkraut, kimchi, bean sprouts, broccoli sprouts and sprouted Ezekiel bread. These foods contain prebiotics and 3-endole-carbinol â?? two key micronutrients that help the body metabolize and break down estrogen. This is important during the first week as estrogen begins to rise (if you have a cycle).

Week Two

Focus on: Raw Juices and Fresh Veggies

I recommend veggie juice made from beets, lemon, kale, apple, celery and ginger along with any fresh, raw veggies. Raw fruits and vegetables are important because you experience a surge of estrogen during this week, and they provide the antioxidants and fiber your body needs to break down and move estrogen out of the body quickly. Most importantly, raw juices and fresh veggies also ensure that the liver gets the micronutrient glutathione, which is required to break down estrogen. We cannot bottle glutathione â?? itâ??s only available in raw fruits & vegetables.

Week Three

Focus on: Grains and Greens

Eat quinoa, buckwheat, bok choy, kale, escarole and swiss chard. In week three, there is both a surge of estrogen and progesterone and then a decline. This affects brain chemistry, and ultimately, our mood. Grains provide B vitamins, which give your body the building blocks to produce serotonin to help keep moods stable. Greens contain calcium and magnesium, which help your body use the hormones you do have efficiently. Grains and greens combined provide your body with plenty of soluble fiber to help move estrogen out of the body as quickly as possible.

Week Four

Focus on: Healthy Fats and Root Vegetables

Eat salmon, avocados, sweet potatoes, pumpkin, carrots and beets. During this week, hormone levels shift toward their lower levels and the essential fatty acids help stabilize mood and energy. Additionally, root veggies give the body vitamin A, which is required to help the liver process estrogen.

A Note on Soy

You may have noticed that I donâ??t mention soy products very often. There is a reason for this. In my experience, women with estrogen-dominant conditions, like PCOS, fibroids, ovarian cysts, infertility and low libido, have a harder time including this as a significant part of their diet. So often we tend to overconsume foods that are touted as health foods. Traditionally, Asian cultures consume no more than two teaspoons of fermented soy a day, which has been shown to be health-promoting, while more than that quantity becomes problematic. Soy products contain high levels of phytoestrogens that mimic the bodyâ??s natural estrogen hormones. If youâ??re struggling to break down what youâ??re already producing, adding more to your taxed system can make your symptoms worse

11 years ago

@Ants- Oh, yes! I'm feeling good now that AF has finally reared her ugly head. I was just feeling down because I thought my cycle would never end! :-P

I found that after watching the video too! Haha! The book goes into a lot more detail, there is a 4 day cleanse diet that goes before the regular cycle food guidelines that's meant to regulate blood sugar. I'm reading about it right now! So glad I bought the book. I can't wait to get started.

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11 years ago

Hi everyone and welcome to the newbies!

Just popping in to say good luck tomorrow @jsit and @tiff - can't wait to hear your news!

Good luck too to all the ladies approaching O - this seems like am important cycle date wise!

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11 years ago

Hi Girls

Must report I got my .

I will see my OB this afternoon to see whats next but I have to tell you I have an appoinment on Tuesday with a fertility Dr here in Miami. I have done Clomid 4 months and nothing. I will tell my Ob today and see what he says.

Im down in the dumps.

11 years ago

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