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Continue new thread from previous. Cycle buddys

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My last thread got lengthy and am affraid it will lock out at 15 pages( that its on) according to admin. Calling out my last cycle buddies as well as new ones. Most of are waiting to O

4483 Replies Closed • 8 years ago



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Replies (sorted by laughs)

2851 - 2860 of 4483 Replies | Last Page

Dandy, you didn't have any trouble with AF arriving before did you?

Cronins, looks like you are going to be ovulating soon. Ive never used anything but the smiley's and would probably miss it lol.

AFM, nothing new yet. Just researching, etc. The stupid part of me is thinking that maybe try one more IUI next cycle, at least I will feel like I'm doing something, but the smart side of my brain is saying doc gave you less than 10% with IVF why waste money on IUI lol. Oh to be in my head lol.

7 years ago

Lucky, no. Ive never had to induce a period before this last cycle. Even when I didn't ovulate before, af still started, eary as a matter of fact. So Im confused but trying not to let it consume me or read to much into it.
Cronins, have you tested again today?

7 years ago • Post starter

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Finally they are positive. Woohoo, the bding has already commenced lol!!!!

7 years ago

Cronins- woohoo. about time to enter the tww :-) I'm living through you, so come on and get that bfp!

Dandy- any AF yet?

7 years ago

Yay for that positive Cronins!! Hope this is the one for you!
No lucky. No af yet. : /. Ill call for bc on Monday Darn it. Thats at least 10 more days of waiting so I can move forward. Blaaa

7 years ago • Post starter

Dandy we might end up doing ours at the same time, although I'm no closer to getting the money yet. Still hoping and praying!

7 years ago

Thanks ladies! I am totally praying for both of you. Here's to hoping that there are some bfp's really soon.

7 years ago

Cronins. Start our bfps out. Lol. Get em rolling : ). Woohoo.
Lucky. That would ne awesome doing them so close together! Im sure I will be asking you so many questions when its time. Lol. I wish the stupid witch would show can I can be a little closer.

7 years ago • Post starter

Hey ladies, how are you doing? Just checking in, nothing new here just trying to get my mom's house cleaned and packed and ready to sell lol. There is 41 years worth stuff, yikes! I'm going to have a garage sale in May so hopefully make some egg money lol.

7 years ago

Hey lucky,

I am doing good. I am either 1 dpo or today is ovulation day. Not totally sure as the opk's were near positive on some days lol. Been lounging in the house most of the day while dh went hiking with his best friend. So needed to do this lol. I'll definitely be testing on cd 6 until AF arrives. I already have a poas itch lol. Guess I'll just have to wait though.

Yard sales are so much fun. Wish you lived closer.

7 years ago

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