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Does anyone else feel like a crazy person???!!!

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I think I might be pregnant ....I'm probably not ....could be, I'm late and crampy ....or maybe I ovulated later than I thought ...My breast feels sore, I gotta be pregnant ...maybe it's sore from me poking at it to see if it's sore. LOL! Anyone else mentally wrestling yourself ?!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9961 Replies • 12 years ago



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Congratulations, Laura!!!!!!

12 years ago

Thanks so much Phatgurl! I dont want to get too excited yet. I'll take another test on Tuesday and fingers crossed I get a big fat dark line!! Sending to you!! :)

12 years ago

Spotting, so I'm pretty sure AF is on the way. I"m going to give it a day just to be sure it's the real thing then count myself out for the month. Then I can start obsessing about the pulling next to my bellybutton that's still there and wonder if it's a hernia.

At least now I know which HPTs I hate and which ones I hate even more. :-)

I'm still in shock that my cycle changed after being the same for over a year since I stopped nursing my youngest.

12 years ago

Laura!!! I'm so happy for you!!!!!!!!!!!

Good Luck Lammy!!! I'm testing tomorrow too..maybe!

@Phatgurl-I've never seen a dollar store with a digital. Most grocery stores/walmarts/walgreens will have the clearblue digital! It's hard not to buy those but they are soooo expensive! I think we're both feeling like something is really wrong with us, like medically wrong. I'm on day 60 of my cycle now with no answer in sight. Afraid I'm broken or cysts or something. Are you going to test tomorrow morning with the digital?

@Claripossom-Agreed, the crazyiness is only beginning with the 2WW. You worry thru the entire pregnancy that something could be wrong (FYI-if you havent read it yet, cramping is completely normal as long as you're not bleeding a lot. My sister freaked out her entire pregnancy cause of her cramps. Because she's an RN in a special care nursery so she got an ultrasound whenever she wanted it to calm her nerves). And then crazyiness and worry will never end either once they are born. (maybe I should 2nd guess myself on this baby thing. LOL Kidding).

I was up between 2 and 3am with diahhrea last night (not unnormal for my ibs) but my stomach was hurting so bad I was on the verge of thowing up. This morning I have heartburn and when I try to burp (feel like i need to) I feel like I'm going to vomit acid. My chest feel sore and I'm tender around the perimeter of my breast tissue. Just sitting here not doing anything makes them feel sore.
Cant wait to see updates tomorrow!! and to everyone!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

12 years ago • Post starter

Waiting. - no, I'm not going digital tomorrow. I'm pretty sure I'm out this month as I've started spotting. I'm actually relieved to know something one way or the other. That digi test I was talking about is apparently a UK only test. In addition to telling you if you're pregnant it tells you how far along you should be based upon hCG levels. I found them on amazon for $15.00 each including shipping. Wal-Mart here has the regular Clear Blue Digitals in a 5 pack for $15.00 which seemed reasonable to me. Next go around I will probably use those instead of making myself insane staring at those damned lines. I hope you get your BFP tomorrow, and I still think you should go see the doc! :-)

12 years ago

Yeah, I am aware cramping is normal, thankfully I haven't had any uterine cramps at all. I get a lot of stomach cramps because I have digestive issues too (lacking a gallbladder--did I mention that before? I don't remember) so sometimes I worry about that, but I have to remind myself it's NOT "real" cramps! Hehe.

I will say, though, that the little bit of constipation I've had is more than welcome after over a year of mostly the opposite, since my surgery. I should limit my fats to ease that discomfort, but that requires self-control. ;)

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12 years ago

@phatgurl-I wish I could go in. When I called my doctor they didnt want me to come in. Either wanted me to wait or just take some pills they would prescribe to start AF if not preg. So sounds like they dont want to go thru the trouble having examining me if I'm not. They'd rather have me experiment from home and tell them I'm preg rather than them tell me.

@claripossom-I hope I didnt offend you with the cramp remark. I just care about you and didnt want you worrying if you had cramps..I also couldnt remember if this is your first peanut or not sorry lol. I'm glad you're experiencing some solid stool !! If it gets uncomfortable, I made these chocolate chocolate chip muffins from the fiber one website that are awesome! Gave some to my sis who hadnt gone potty in days...she was in the bathroom a few hours later, yelling "THANK YOU FOR THE MUFFINS"!! ROFL!

Heartburn and funky tummy getting worse

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

12 years ago • Post starter

LoL, no worries, waiting. :) This is my second child, though I dunno if I mentioned that before. I guess I'm a bit more paranoid this time around, though, cause so many women here have miscarriage stories and I have been fortunate not to have had any. I kinda feel like it might be "my turn" or something, KWIM? Like I've had too much good "luck" or something. I know it's silly.

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12 years ago

Well, testing might be out for tomorrow. Don't worry still no AF but I may be waking up at 5am to drive my cousin to Tennessee and driving back that night. She's a christian music singer and is moving outside Nashville. She has 2 jobs lined up but needs a way to get down there. Her housing here feel thru and she needs a place to stay ASAP. Instead of housing her until she finds a way to get there (her car broke down), we're going to just take a day long road trip :). Please say a prayer everyone, tomorrow is gonna be a long day. Dont need to be stressed out if there is a bun in the oven!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

12 years ago • Post starter

Well, my nausea is still no where near what it was, but now I'm starving. Ate like crazy yesterday at the in-laws' cookout, then slept for something like 3 hours, went and watched fireworks. Got home about 2:30am, slept until about 10am, ate a pretty sizable lunch. Was going to have pizza for supper, but when I was about to put it in the oven, my stomach lurched, so I decided just to wait a little bit to see what happens. Supposed to POAS in the morning. REALLY nervous about it. Praying for BFP!!!!!!!!! A friend pegged me on it today. She's got 2 kids and has been around watching all my symptoms, has been telling me for 2 weeks she things I'm preggers. Guess we'll see in a few hours!!!

& Shell

12 years ago

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