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Not Just Cycle Buddies!

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Hi Friends! Lots of us have gotten our BFPs these past few cycles and we all aren't "cycle buddies" anymore. I feel like we need a place to connect and keep up the conversation with each other. This way we can keep chatting even if some of us aren't pregnant and some of us are. I'm just starting my 6th cycle TTC and hoping that this will be the one. Please join in and update us on where you are and how you are feeling.

916 Replies • 6 years ago



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Think I got my positive opk tonight... posted on my page, what do you think? May get a little darker tomorrow. I BD’d just now just in case. I’m on CD11

6 years ago

@DiviniumLiv - Did you take another test with FMU today? I hope it's getting darker for you.

@BB2018 - Your OPK looks like it's getting really positive to me! Did you take another one this morning? It looks like it might be able to get a smidge darker. Good luck!

6 years ago • Post starter

Good morning ladies. Anyone looking to Escort? WTF . How is everyone doing today? I'm in a really good mood today so I hope it stays that way.

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6 years ago

@FlamingoGirl yes I tested this am and it does look darker! And today my bf and I are home because of snowstorm (we work together) so we can BD and hopefully catch the egg!!????????????????

Question though... I don’t have much EWCM right now... I Usually do, so I’m thinking maybe from BD’ing every day I’m a little drier but when we BD and I get excited it def gets wet (sorry if TMI). The lack of CM is the only thing worrying me this cycle...

We DTD 6 days in a row. We should again today since I just got positive opk, right? I get confused about the positive opk. Does that mean I’ll ovulate within what time frame from that

@Dragonfly - when should I start the progesterone cream? I’m thinking Thursday to make sure I ovulated?

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6 years ago

@ Dragonfly23 - I know right! This is the wrong type of website to advertise for Escort jobs!! I reported the user that created all of those so hopefully they'll come down. This new website has been better at keeping the spam away.

@BB2018 - The positive OPK means you'll ovulate in the next 12-36 hours so today is perfect to BD!!! Get at it. I would BD today (positive OPK) and tomorrow to be safe. If you are drier I would suggest using preseed as that is similar to EWCM. The wetness you get from being turned on is not the same as EWCM and doesn't have the same nutrients and properties that help sperm out.

6 years ago • Post starter

@BB2018. I would start the cream I think maybe Thursday to make sure that you did ovulate. What kind of cream did you buy again? Your OPK should be about the same darkness or more darker than the control line. At least that is what I was told. I just used the FR Ovulation tests for the month (yes or no) and then once you got the yes then the egg will be released in the 12-36hr range. Dip tests are so confusing for me so I don't use them. I hope you guys catch the egg this time around. That's a lot of BDing and hopefully the swimmers had enough time to rejuvenate but anything is possible. I am crossing my fingers for you.

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6 years ago • Edited

@FlamingoGirl13. I totally hear you on the spam. It has gotten a lot better. I reported what I could on the posts as there are so many of them. How are you doing today?

Just checked the main page and they are all gone. Kudos to admin for staying on top of things.

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6 years ago • Edited

@Dragonfly23 - They are gone! That was nice and quick. I like that we can report them or users now and say that they are spam. I'm doing well! My new batch of OPKs should be here on Wednesday and I'll start using them on Saturday or Sunday. I considered not using them but then I've grown to like the confidence they give on pinpointing ovulation before my temperature spikes. I've take Beaut1ful's advice and I'm only going to start temping when I start using my OPKs and then I'm going to stop at 6DPO. This will show that I ovulated and take the stress away during the tww of hoping my temperature doesn't drop. I hope we are not as tired during my fertile period this time around as I want to make sure we BD the day before, day of and day after O. Last cycle we got 4 days before O, O and the day after. I think we need more swimmers waiting. We also have not used preseed the last two cycles so I'm going to insist on that for my fertile days this time around. I'm SO ready to be pregnant!

6 years ago • Post starter

Yes that’s correct, after a positive opk you should ovulate 12-36 hours later.
Definitely not pregnant this cycle, I’m like 15 dpo common period, get here already! (I tend to have long luteal phases) been cramping a lot the past few days but I’m not sure if it’s gas/ovarian cysts/period trying to start. Hopefully period gets here soon so we can attempt a late December baby.

6 years ago

Thank you ladies for the info!

Dragonfly this is the cream I got...

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6 years ago

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