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April/May 2020 TTC

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Morning/Afternoon/Evening Ladies!!

Hi lol...

You're one month closer to your bfp yay !! Hopefully this is it

341 Replies • 5 years ago



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5 years ago

Hey y’all! I wanted to see y’alls opinions. I am now 20 dpo (approx) LMP was Aug 4th and I still have not seen AF! But all my test have been Vvvvvvvvvery faint/negative could have been evap line and did a blood test yesterday at the dr, she called back and said it was negative. But where is AF?? I’m 7 days past my normal due period and I have always had my period every 28 days like clock work. Should I wait another week and test again? Could I have ovulated late this last month? Its so frustrating I want to know. Like can I get a positive already or start my period so I can start TTC again! Help me!


5 years ago • Edited


5 years ago



5 years ago

Sorry i’ve been MIA lately. Lots going on with kids starting school this week, first colds of the season and trying to figure out whether I am going to start that part-time school program I want to do. I also got bad news from my best friend who just lost her mom which makes me so sad. I’ve known her since I was 5 and am very close to her family. It seems like every time I lose a baby, someone I love dies too ????.
Gamer and russian congrats on the BFPs
@Alex I’ve been thinking of you. I’m sorry it’s been such a rough road for you so far and i wish there was something I could say to help with the disappointment you felt this month. I’m still convinced you may have a wonderful surprise sometime soon. Sending big hugs your way.
@scuba thinking of you too
@shay hope AF stays away. If you think your vaginal temp is the accurate one, do you think it’s possible you only ovulated on CD 28?
@Lalou I hope you O soon and get a BFP in a few weeks!

5 years ago

Agatch I have wondered if maybe I O’ed later than I thought maybe like cycle day 24 when I had a slight dip again and then a rise. It is so hard to know for sure though. I spotted twice this cycle which I had hoped was ovulation and implantation. But now I am wondering if the first was an attempted O and the second was the actual O. I guess time will only tell. It is all so frustrating. There is still no sign of AF. I had some cramping this morning but now nothing. No spotting, cervix is high again though soft, and cm is super sticky/clumpy. None of this is normal for me. Ugh I hate it!!!

5 years ago

@Gamer congratulations!
Afm: i just hit the second trimester and i am feeling so happy! ????
Morning sickness and nausea has near enough disappeared!

5 years ago

BSauce if you did a bloodwork and it came back negative then I would say either you ovulated later than your normal and AF is around the corner or maybe some hormonal imbalance caused this delay. Hopefully is the first case scenario and you’ll have your bfp!

Kait did AF came? I’m having my fingers crossed for you!

Agatch I’m so sorry babe about your friends mom! This is so heartbreaking.. It has been such a hard time for you lately. I really hope things to start changing for the best from now on!
Did you had any answers about waiting 3 months before trying again? Did anything changed? Sorry if you already said that before.. I wasn’t in a very good place and thank you for your encouraging words

Shay I still think that this might be your month! You so much deserve it

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5 years ago • Edited

Thanks ladies!!
Alex it is so good to hear from you!! Miss you girl!! We all understand needing to step back.

Sam glad everything is going so well!!

AFM: I decided that I need to stick with my oral temps since those are the ones I started with. By sticking with them though, I no longer have an O day. Looks like my temps are just fluctuating wherever they want. This seems more likely for me since I haven’t O’ed two months in a row for as long as I can remember. So whenever af shows up I will start temping vaginally for more consistent temps. I will be setting up an appointment with my doctor soon to see what is going on.

Good luck ladies!! I hope the best for all of you. Looks like I am just waiting around another month.

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5 years ago

@alex yep, AF is working on starting. Woke up with cramps and starting to spot. I'll be getting my Clomid prescription tomorrow for CD5-9. Hope you're feeling better!

@shay that's a bummer. I hope you O soon.

@agatch I'm so sorry, that has to be tough when everything keeps coming at once. Did you ever find out more from your doctor about having to wait to keep trying?

5 years ago

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