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Anyone on or near 10 dpo? How are you feeling?

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Just wanted to check in with others who are like me waiting to find out if they are pregnant this cycle.
How are you feeling?
Any symptoms that are standing out that have you hopeful or wondering?
When are you going to test?

I am ttc #1. I have regular 27 day cycles with a 15/16 day luteal phase. I check my cm, take vitamins and use opk's. Been trying for almost 5 years now.

This cylce I got ovulation spotting which has only happened to me 2 times in my life before this. Hoping it's a great fertility sign?

Ovulated on Feb 13th. Now I am 10 dpo.

Symptoms so far
0 day - 7 dpo Not much. Just the usual gassy, heartburn, bloated, nipples sore for a few days after O, Some weird dreams and moody.

8 dpo - 10 dpo (current ) Vivid dreams, hot and cold body temps, dry throat, thirstier, dry skin (but it is winter) rash or pimples breaking out on my chest ??? Stuffy nose for 3 days. Mild ovary cramping/twinges. Getting shooting pains in my breasts a few times a day/night which I have never gotten before. Less moody today then the past week thank GOD! All these could be progesterone as well.

Anyone want to add on so we can obsess, wait, hope, pray and test together?

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7993 Replies • 11 years ago



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forgot to mention i love to eat osters dh opened them and i smelled them a mile away couldnt go there. lol dh is mad at me lol he wanted to change the channell and his tone of voice annoyed me so i threw the remote at him and told him how ffffeennnn annoying he was and broke the remote lol oppsy

11 years ago

Good morning. I didn't sleep very well last night. Could barely walk this morning with my stiff and tight Well I had crazy dreams, my breasts were only tender yesterday. That's not normal for me. I usually get sore breasts about 10 to 12 days before AF starts and they continue to get more sore as the days go by. Once AF arrives my breasts return to normal. So far this cycle I have had no sore breasts and only one day yesterday that they were sore and now today nothing at all ??? Stuffy nose still. I have never had this much CM in my entire life. I'm like a river of it...sorry tmi. What is going on? Bedding with my honey was different this morning. I'm usually dry with a cervix that is med to low and hard, especially 4 days before AF is due. Instead I'm extremely wet with cm, I have a high cervix that is very soft and open. This is weird and has never happened to me before. Either whacky cycle or I have to be pregnant. I'm getting nervous, very curious and excited.

Ladies how are you feeling today?

@piscesgirl ~ how are you?

@topo ~ We are in the final countdown and it's a emotional roller coaster for sure. The waiting, the symptom spotting, the prayers, hopes, dreams and fears... Answers will be here for all of us soon. I am really keeping my fingers crossed for all of us. Hang in there.

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11 years ago • Post starter

Good Morning Sunshines!

@topo poor DH! Is he still mad? I hope not. And let's have moment of silence for the remote who was tragically killed in the efforts of trying to conceive. He was a good remote, kind and sweet but we asked him to stay out of the way but he didn't....**silence** head bowed** lmao
Sore bbs is good, the only time I have ever had sore bbs is when I was pregnant and when I had the trigger. And this emotional roller coaster is a good sign. I literally punched my son's father in the arm once for wearing a cologne that made me sick during morning sickness. Lol #good times. Don't worry too much about the implantation bleeding/spotting, only 30% of women get it. Did you have it with your daughter? I never had it.

@miraclemama you have so many good things going on this month. I'm getting excited too !!! I wish I knew how to do that cervix check situation. Lmao me and @topo were straight confused when that lady said it...lmao. And as your post 5k body, the 2nd day after is always the worst after a work out. Take some Tylenol. No ibuprofen its not good for us pregnant girls ! Yeeeee haw!
So IF you were thinking of cheating and testing, when would test?

AFM: lounged all day in my bed with hubby after some weird strange drama on which my hubby told someone "my wife is pregnant" ...I woke up smiling...then got sad. In my dream he was SO PROUD and seemed so real. **sighhhh** I tried to go back to sleep so i could pick up on that moment. I wanted it to real!
I'm crampy today and lower back pain. My nose is still stuffy. I woke up and did my basil and it was a 98.23 (yesterday 98.25) ...I don't know if good?? Any one know. Now i found my piece of paper that I jotted my first two temps and it was 97.04 (5DPO) and then 98.25 (yesterday) and 98.23 today.




11 years ago

@Piscesgirl ~ LOL at your rip remote control to topo..
It's hard to tell with the charting temp thing until you have done it a full cycle. You need to be able to see your pre o temps, dip and after o temps. Just for fun though I would say with your dip in temp around 5 dpo is when you had implantation. They say not always, but that your temp can take a dip during implantation and then spike up afterwards. Sounds like that is what happened to you. Let's hope and pray. Yeah all I can do is lay around, eat and moan today too. That's great you're having some pregnancy related dreams. I have heard that is a good sign. At least you have been pregnant before and know what to expect. I guess it can't be that bad if you are willing to do it again. I get scared at the thought of all the changes I will go through physically, emotionally, ect... I'm sure it will all be worth it though. Do you normally get this crampy with lower back pain during your tww? I'm still shaking my head at all the cm I'm having the past 2 days... crazy!

@topo ~ I hope you are feeling better today. We have to get you in a karate class for pregnant mama's... lol.
Where are you?

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11 years ago • Post starter

@miracle yeah I suppose that I should have started and temp'd the whole cycle. Lol leave it to Beaver to chart 3 days of a cycle and expect answers. But for fun lets pray that it was an implantation dip and that its higher tomorrow. This is only my second 2ww, last month I started cramping at 3dpo and had nausea, cramps, the whole time and was attacked by the witch 3days early. I had IVF last year and i only had sore boobs because of my trigger. Otherwise, I didn't know enough to chart or anything. Normally, I have cramps the day AF starts or they start AFTER she appears. I don't why pre-AF cramps are the new norm. I do remember with my other preg's feeling AF cramps for days and thinking she was due any minute & nothing.

You have lots of cm, if its different then we like it. :-) I am unusually light in the cm department which is a change for me. We are on a good path!! I have to go get groceries and I kind of want to buy a test but DH is with me so I doubt if I will buy it ...want that whole surprise effect when I announce we are preggers **notice usage of the word WHEN I announce**

***Amber Alert***Missing TopoWifey, last seen giving CPR to a remote control. Be on the look out for our friend please. Lol

11 years ago

@piecesgirl i needed that lolz i went to church today said a prayer for all of us feeling so down boobs are getting more sore with my daughter they where not sore had implantation with her bleeding sore boobs are always my sign af is coming but idk why so late in the game i can start tomorrow or wednesday the latest and they are just hurting now i dnt get it i been googling and cnt find anything i am so not a lil ray of sunshine poor remote lol dh na he is not mad no more if i where him i wouldnt be mad becuase i can be much worse if u hold on to anger with me lol

@miricalmomma not out of the norm my boobs hurt right before af but not at no 10dpo 9dpo they start at like 6dpo 1 week or two after ov i am so not sure what is going on and have nasuea like a crazy person anyone google someone google

AFM tp watch tp watch boobs hurt more today then yesterday nasuea like hell no cramps nothing

11 years ago

I keep getting witch like cramps and lower back pain. I was in Walmart about to buy a digital CB Easy but the AF cramps were do intense that I said forget it. With my luck, I would buy a test and start in the car on the way home. So I resisted the urge and came on home and as I unpacking the groceries I was sure the witch attacked me and I ran to the bathroom and no it was another BM. I am so confused?? Shaking my head. I should have just bought the rest and cheated but I am afraid of a BFN

11 years ago

okay i said wouldnt test but idk whats up because i should have the hcg from the shot still in my system that today i bought the cheapy from 99 store and it was bfn i new it i walked out the restroom like a flaming raging person so i guess thats my answer negative huh shouldnt i bfp by now omg i am so pissed i can scream dh is so staying away from me lol @piecesgirl ur luck babe i got the same luck so i am waiting for my mess to come lol

11 years ago

@topo the fact that you had the courage is awesome! I am a chicken ! The only reason I didn't buy the test is because I know it's going to be a BFN. But you(we) are still too early to test babe. You are not out until the witch shows her face. At least you know the trigger is gone and any results you get going forward is yours. Keep your head up. **hug**

11 years ago

Hi everyone. Symptoms ~ Ever since yesterday afternoon I have been getting these random pokes a few inches below my belly button. Keep chalking it up to being gas. Breasts not sore. Stuffy nose still. Cm still, but it's not as much as this morning or yesterday. Still plenty though.

@topo ~ I'm so sorry about the early bfn. It is too early for testing still right? I keep forgetting when is AF due? There's hope still. The witch hasn't arrived and you are still in the running.

@piscesgirl ~ Don't test. Just wait. Make sure that you have plenty of time to get a accurate result. Your cramps sound so painful. I really hope they mean Preggo. We have to all be pregnant together. Like I told topo, the witch hasn't arrived and you are still in the running. We must stay positive..

I'm actually in no hurry for the first time in my life to poas. I am scared to see a positive and scared to see a negative. I don't know if that makes any sense.

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11 years ago • Post starter

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