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Continue new thread from previous. Cycle buddys

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My last thread got lengthy and am affraid it will lock out at 15 pages( that its on) according to admin. Calling out my last cycle buddies as well as new ones. Most of are waiting to O

4483 Replies Closed • 8 years ago



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Well ladies,

My morning hpt's came back about the same, maybe even a tad bit lighter. It may very well still be the trigger. At least I know that if it does darken, then it's the real deal. I am 7 dpo and 9 days past trigger. Now I just need to be patient and wait. I did get some uterine cramping last night as well as ovarian cramping. So that's encouraging. My breasts are also a little bit tender, but that could be due to upcoming AF or the trigger. I usually get AF by 14-15 dpo, so there is still plenty of time to get a bfp.

How is everyone else doing?

Dandy: how are your opk's this morning?

Lucky: did you start your medication yet?

Miam: How are those pregnancy symptoms coming along?

8 years ago

Good morning Cronins. That stinks, but like you said.... Plenty of time for that bfp! My opk looked the same! Maybe a smidge darker( or wishful thinking) but my cervix is not ready. It was still open last night ( bd'd), from Af im assuming. But its closed this morning. Still hard. Hoping it softens rather quickly. I dont have any experience in this yet. Still wandering if the surgerys on it may have impacted that aspect. Still the same hight as always. What do you think?
Im interested in Cronins questions about everyone else : )

8 years ago • Post starter

Good Morning ladies,

Cronins I started my microdose Lupron yesterday twice a day and will add the stim meds starting tomorrow :-) it's getting closer, I can't wait! Im such an impatient person lol

8 years ago

Dandy: what type of surgery did you have done? It is possible that it had an impact, but I am not 100% sure. The cervix is a tricky body part to evaluate.

Lucky : so excited for you. Tomorrow is right around the corner for you. Yay!!!!

8 years ago

Cronins, i had several cryotherapies (freezing of cervix to kill cancer) and a couple leap procedures (they cut it out). It was 20 years ago, but still may have made a difference. idk i may just have to get to know my cervix better.
Lucky, getting so close! Its like watching a pot boil on the stove. If you watch it, it never boils (thats what my gma used to say) but it will be here very soon. one day closer : )
Our thread has gotten 15 pages again. Should we start a new one or see if we actually get locked out? I see threads that go way passed 15. Up to you guys.

8 years ago • Post starter

I see some threads higher than 15 so should be ok.

8 years ago

Dandy : that may very well change the way your cervix feels. As you keep checking during your cycle, you will become a pro lol.

8 years ago

Good Morning ladies!

Dandy that your opk gets where it needs to be!
could it possibly be the new meds messing with them?

Cronins I sure hope that stick gets darker!

Lucky good luck on the microdose.

AFM- nothing too crazy some pinches and twinges here in there a few waves of nausea and bbs are strating to get tender. which isn't too crazy cause its some of the AF symptoms I get. AF will officially be late on Sunday I think I might wait a week to call my doctor or should I just call on Monday. what do you guys think? plan on telling DH tomorrow night. just not sure what im going to do just yet. lol

Praying for baby number 3!

8 years ago

Miam, idk. Dr office said letrozole doesnt stick around when your done taking it. But its rather odd that they have been the same color for two days. I even googled images of the same brand to make sure it wasnt the opks themselves.

8 years ago • Post starter

I just don't want you to get down on yourself. I only got that one opk that was close to positive after that they were all lighter. that this is your surge. what tests are you using?

Praying for baby number 3!

8 years ago

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