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Continue new thread from previous. Cycle buddys

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My last thread got lengthy and am affraid it will lock out at 15 pages( that its on) according to admin. Calling out my last cycle buddies as well as new ones. Most of are waiting to O

4483 Replies Closed • 8 years ago



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Hey ladies,

Dandy : my hpts were negative. I'll keep using both opk's and hpts just to be on the safe side. I will also bd just in case lol. This is definitely weird to say the least.

7 years ago

Hi girls

How have you all been?

@lucky I was wondering how come the cost of donor egg is higher than embryos as the latter are already feconded? Sorry for the ignorance but was curious and wanted to understand. I hope your prayers guide you I m sure you will take the right decision!

Cronins: good that you bd in any case but true that your cycle seems on its own timing! I think I m a few days ahead now if you o is on the delayed timeline.

Dandy hope af shows up for you! And that you can start your cycle again!

Afm I m now 6dpo and hope to wait until Sunday for 10dpo (not sure I ll manage though!) I ll keep you girls posted!!


7 years ago

Lucky, idk Im just guessing. Its mostly in my head about the donor eggs so everytime something happens or changes I keep thinking about the ovarian failure and thats what I will need. Plus I was reading on estradiol tests and how that can indicate menopause. So Im just assuming thats why he's ordered it.
Poor Cronins how confusing I can just see you dippn multiple sticks at a time seeing if your pregnant or just now ovulating. Lol darn it.
Marie let us know how your test turns out. Good luck on holding out to test till 10 dpo. I sure cant hold out that long. Hehe

7 years ago • Post starter

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Here's today's hpt. Don't see much on it, and do not know how many dpo I am. My opk's are still positive. Posting for records only. What a pain in the butt this cycle is being.

7 years ago

Ah Cronins. Still positive opls? Thays so confusing, I hate when that happens. So many questions. Darn it. Keep testing. Hoping to see a second line on that hpt soon xx
Afm got my bloodwork done this morning. I did an hpt w fmu then spilled coffee on it. Im sure its neg but to be sure Im going to take another here in a bit then call it in to my RE after lunch. Everything is flooded here. A lot of main roads are closing. Luckily with us being out in the country there are several ways to get home so hopefully dh makes it home safely.
Lucky, are you getting all this rain too?

7 years ago • Post starter

Cronins hoping to see a second line :-)

Dandy we are getting the rain also. It started last night and think it's supposed to continue through Sat or Sun :-/. Doesn't help with moving stuff from my moms lol.

AFM, I spoke with my nurse this morning but still not sure which route to take. Fresh vs frozen vs embryos lol.

7 years ago

Dandy and lucky : that stinks that there is flooding due to rain. Hopefully it let's up for both of you.

Dandy : did you retest yet?

Lucky : that's such a tough call. What are the statistics on each one of them? I guess I would go with the one that has the highest statistics for implantation. Just a thought though.

Marie: good luck with testing. I would definitely have a hard time waiting to test lol. I am such a poas addict.

7 years ago

Cronins- last year results with fresh without PGS testing was 81% pregnancy, 75% uterine pregnancy, frozen eggs were 56% and 50 % uterine and not sure about embryos but she said today maybe around 30%. If I get the money I know fresh makes sense but the other 2 are options if can't get full amount. She really wasn't too sure on the data for the embryos that was just a guess I don't think they do many embryos. And for the frozen eggs there are a lot less attempted with frozen so the 56 really isn't too bad because I think last year they were 18 total cycles with the frozen eggs. It's all just a big gamble and the bad part is I have an a luck and I never win lol.

7 years ago

Here is a pic of behind our house. Thats not a lake back there. Thats a corn field and the water is almost up to our property! We sit on top of a huge hill. The pond off to the left is ours and is about a full acre in size. So that should give you some scale size of the flooding out back. So I imagine we will be flooded in by tmrw, thats when its supposed to stop raining here. Hoping it subsides quickly. So the roads clear up.
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7 years ago • Post starter

Wow Dandy! Its still raining here as well. Hopefully the water doesn't make it up to the house. Are the chickens safe from the flood water?

7 years ago

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