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Continue new thread from previous. Cycle buddys

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My last thread got lengthy and am affraid it will lock out at 15 pages( that its on) according to admin. Calling out my last cycle buddies as well as new ones. Most of are waiting to O

4483 Replies Closed • 8 years ago



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Found this, makes me realize my feelings are normal.
Top Ten Things I Learned About Infertility (from a retiring volunteer support group leader)
1. Infertility is don’t know how you’re going feel about any treatment or any part of it until you get there. One minute you may say “no way” to IVF, and then you find yourself giving yourself shots and counting follicles!
2. Men (husbands/partners) do care, and they will be great fathers. But, in my experience, I’ve noticed that their highs are not as high nor are their lows as low on the path to parenthood. Most of them are able to picture life without children without tears coming to their eyes and can easily see how life with more money and no children can be a viable version of a happy ending. I don’t completely buy the conventional explanation of “it’s not happening to their body.” I think it’s more that many of them are Cubs fans and are used to painful disappointment for the team they love.
3.There’s no dipping your toe into the infertility world. You’re either underwater or by the side of the pool.
4.You cannot understand this until you go through it. Period.
5.Pick a few people to talk to this about, and then forgive them if they ask you how it’s going when you don’t want to talk about it. Letting people in and talking about this pain can really ease the burden, but once they’re in, they’re in -- no two ways about it.
6.Baby showers, baby pictures, hearing moms complain about their kids -- these are all things that can, and probably should, be removed from your life for the time being.
7.Jealousy and intense dislike (I intensely dislike the word hate) are a natural part of the human rainbow of emotions. Feel them, forgive yourself, and move on.
8.It’s likely that not all relationships in your life will survive infertility. Friends who get pregnant while you can’t may be casualties. It happens.
Have talking points when you go to Christmas dinner....or just out for coffee. 9.When people ask if you have kids or if you plan to, have something ready to say, so you don’t have to think on your feet. Mine were: “It doesn’t look like it’s in the cards for us.” That seemed to make people feel a little bad for asking (which I have to admit I wanted) and let folks know we’d tried, which, for some reason, I also wanted.
10.Nothing stresses a woman out more than being told to relax. This is not your fault.

7 years ago

Hi Girls

Sorry for the return to work lucky but god think it helps distracts from pregnancy I found. For example during the www time goes faster so hopefully it makes also time goes fast until you get your baby! ; )For the baby shower are you able to excuse yourself and invent a story to escape (I know lying is bad but in this situation I think you have a good reason!)

Cronin I hope you get BFP (or even AF) soon so you can start new as this cycle seems quite complex ; )

Me I got AF 2 days early yesterday evening. Only at 12 DPO and a cycle of 26 days. A bit weird as I m always very regulated on 28 so a bit shorter than usual.

Dandy good luck with the baby chicks! It must be so cute!

Looking forward to the coming cycle! Good thing about this group is that there are not so many people it s easier to follow everyone! Otherwise I get confused with all the stories!

Have a nice day!

7 years ago

Good Morning!

Marie- work is actually worse for me at this point bc everyone is having babies lol. I've gone through 4 babies being born and 2 on the way now since I've started this journey. It just reminds me daily of what I can't have :-( As for the shower, if it happens before I get pregnant there is no way I can go and it makes me feel so guilty by it being my sister. Anyway, good luck this cycle :-)

7 years ago

ahhh I understand, that's an intense workplace (sounds almost like a baby shower!) Hopefully you are the one living this experience very soon and telling your colleagues all about it!

7 years ago

Good morning ladies,

Marie : sorry the witch got you. Here's to hoping that you get that bfp this cycle.

Lucky : hugs sweetie. Here's to praying that the time flies by quickly for you and that you get that bfp soon thereafter.

Dandy : has AF made an appearance yet? Hoping that she doesn't take much longer to arrive.

As for me, my opk's are just a tad lighter today. They are cooking right now so I will know in a few minutes time. My hpt looks promising. Not sure of how many dpo I am, but I think that I may see a hint of a line. I still have a few more minutes for the test to run, but I will try to get a picture of it.

7 years ago

Marie, boo for af. On to the next cycle for you. Starting over can feel refreshing after a bfn.
Lucky, im so sorry that you have been put in this situation. You are not alone i. Feeling the way you do. Its so common. Infertility is soal crushing. Hoping you get a bfp before the shower so you can enjoy that moment with your sister and feel comfortable.
Cronins, I want to seeeeeeeeee!
Afm, no af yet. Im sure she wont till after Im done with bc. I actually forgot to take it last night. Took it first thing this morning. Hope it doesn't mess anything up. I decided to stop the dhea. I really think its doing more harm than good. I have convinced myself that my upcoming ovarian failure is due to my endo. It killed my other ovary. So it makes sense to me. I actually woke up this morning content with my only child and considered backing out of ivf. But realized its probably just my fear of it failing so onward we go. Lol

7 years ago • Post starter

Thank you ladies! I know it's going to happen very soon. AF is late for me, would love if that IUI did work last time, but I'm sure the witch is just running behind. I did have a period after but could have been just bc stopped progesterone (wishful thinking). Can't wait to see your positive hpt :-)

7 years ago

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Hey ladies,

Sorry about that. I couldn't get photo bucket to upload my picture. What a pain in the butt lol. I think that I can see a shadow of a line, but I might have line eye or wishful thinking. I didn't use fmu because I kind of gave up, but decided to use smu with no hold. Silly I know, but I couldn't help but test. I am doing a urine hold now and will retest at 12 or 1 pm. Trying to hold out for as long as possible.

7 years ago

Oh Cronins that does look promising. I think I can see a shadow too. I would love love to tweak that but I gotta run. Cant wait to see your next test!! Just wanted to show ya'll something. She did it!! Im so happy for her. She at least has one : )
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7 years ago • Post starter

Omg so cute. I want one lol :-)

7 years ago

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