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Continue new thread from previous. Cycle buddys

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My last thread got lengthy and am affraid it will lock out at 15 pages( that its on) according to admin. Calling out my last cycle buddies as well as new ones. Most of are waiting to O

4483 Replies Closed • 8 years ago



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Hey dandy,

Good morning to you as well. The testing stinks lol. BFN and at least my opk's have been negative for several days now. I think things are finally settled down. Now I am just waiting for AF to arrive. My temp this morning was still high but I am starting to get uterine cramps. AF should be here in the next 5 days sometime. Can't wait to get this cycle started. I am going to take Black Cohosh CD 1-10, Clomid 50 mg CD 3-7, and 5 mg of Folic Acid. I plan on bding every other day during my cycle after AF vacates. I also plan to temp. Hopefully with these measures, I will be able to catch the egg or eggs. I so want twins lol. I keep dreaming that I give birth to them lol. Must be my subconscious working on things.

How are you doing?

Lucky: Anything new with you?

Marie : how is AF treating you?

7 years ago

Good Morning ladies!

Sounds like we are all in the same boat lol. AF showed up today, a week late. I do have to say I had a little hope in the back of my mind that maybe I was pregnant but didn't get my hopes up by any means. I'll probably talk to my nurse this next week and get prep started :-) Hopefully I will find out about the finances as well. Cronins maybe we will all get twins and then can meet up with our 6 babies :-) Dandyno work for me today, I'm watching my nephew play baseball:-)

7 years ago

Lucky, well at least yay for moving forward. So glad things are falling into place.
Cronins, what is Black Cohosh? How high are your temps?
Afm, about 4 days left of bc. So af should be here a couple days after. Then I will be able to schedule the hsg. I almost feel like its a waisted cycle. If they would have gotten clearer pics the first time around we would be starting ivf this cycle. Im just ready to do this.

7 years ago • Post starter

Quick chick update lol. She is hatching number 4 as we speak : ) im so relieved

7 years ago • Post starter

Dandy : Black Cohosh helps with fertility. Many benefits of taking it. It also balances out the clomid side effects too. Increases uterine lining and cervical mucus. The glitch is that you have to take it in the follicle stage but not after ovulation. My temp this morning was 98.56. Hoping that it drops soon so I can be on to the next cycle.

So glad your baby chickens survived. So awesome!

7 years ago

Thats a nice temp Cronins. Hope it goes up not down : )

7 years ago • Post starter

Good afternoon ladies,

Happy Mother's day dandy and lucky (lucky you have a beautiful mothers heart and you'll be cradling those sweet baby or babies really soon)!

I pray that you both have a wonderful day.

7 years ago

Good morning all. Thank you Cronins. Happy Mothers Day to you as well and to all you mothers to be! Hope everyone had a good day. Cronins are you still testing and temping?
Lucky whats next for you? How are finances coming along for ivf?
Afm, af started this morning. I had a couple bcs left but was tired of the migraines that came along with it. So I didn't take it night b4 or last night and ta dah she arived today. Cramping is horrible but I think I have some IBS mixed in, thats been bad lately too. Ill call and schedule my hsg tmrw when I know a babysitting schedule lol

7 years ago • Post starter

Good morning ladies,

Dandy : that is awesome that AF finally arrived. Hoping that those cramps ease up for you. Keep us posted about your hsg test.

As for me, bfn for both hpts and opk's. My temp is still elevated at 98.79. Hoping that AF shows her head by the end of the week. I'm CD 29 today and my cycle usually lasts anywhere from 28-36 days.

7 years ago

Good morning ladies!

Cronins hopefully the witch will show for you soon so you can move on to the next cycle.

Dandy yay for AF. Maybe she'll relax a little for you.

AFM, I'm planning on applying for loan this week and will see where I stand. Just praying I get it and then everything will be underway.

7 years ago

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