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Week of 5/21/2012 testing

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I will be testing 5/27/12 and the excitement is overwhelming, any ladies that will be testing next week feel free to join

[url=]User Image March 29,2012 April 29,2012 May

29 Replies • 12 years ago



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[url=]User Image March 29,2012 April 29,2012 May

12 years ago • Post starter

Thank you for the link to your blog! :)
I'm going to have to admit that I was weak yesterday and HAD to test lol! Even though i KNEW it was way too early to see any legit result. At least that test will keep me quiet until Thursday or Friday. I'm REALLY aiming for Friday (since i'm supposed to start my period on the 30th but hopefully i won't be *fingers crossed*)
Something different for me was all night for hours (before i actually fell asleep) i had cramps like no tomorrow. They weren't really painful they were just noticible, annoying and constant. (like i said before i never have cramps at any time before my period. I only have cramps the actual first day of my period)
Occassionally over the past week or so i feel almost a fluttering type of feeling in my lower abdomen, do you happen to know what that is???

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12 years ago

Hi ladies! We are getting closer to our testing day!

I am going to try and hold off to the date my countdown has, but again i am so anxious that I might hold off until Friday. By then I will be 10 DPO. I think that is pretty good time test, no?

Well ladies!!

I'll be checking in much later!

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12 years ago

I tested today! And I know it was early but I couldn't help it I had to feed the addiction. It was a negative although I could have sworn I seen a very faint line but imma stick with negative and early will test Again sat hopefully but at least fri

[url=]User Image March 29,2012 April 29,2012 May

12 years ago • Post starter

Update 9dpo
Well ladies! I took two hpts and a ovulation test. The ovulation test has two lines. What does that mean and the very faint line I told you about earlier DH sees it as well. And the second test DH says he see a faint line as well but I don't see it on that one. My side aching and a lot of pressure. A lot of it. I am still sleepy a lot but I have a questio. Why would I get two lines on my ovulation test?

[url=]User Image March 29,2012 April 29,2012 May

12 years ago • Post starter

Hi again!!

Mrstruth I did one yesterday at 8 dpo and I too got 2 lines in my OPK test!! I was trying real hard to find some information with regards to that and could not find any clear information. I also took a FRER test today, but unfortunately mine did not appear with a faint line

But I am remaining very optimistic! It is still far too early from what I have read. Many websites would state that testing any where between 8-12DPO is not recommended because the chances for a positive are slim.

My symptoms today at 9 DPO have been the following:

Feeling tired again/nipples feel sensitive and boobs feel heavy/ I continue to feel those annoying mild lower back cramps (have been feeling it for 4 days now) last night was so bad I needed to use a heating pad placed on my lower back to be able to fall asleep. Even as I am typing I can feel it. I am gassy, bloated, and earlier as I was going to get water that I felt a painful pinch in my right side, I had to stop and place pressure on it to ease the discomfort.

I think I am going to wait until Sunday, possible Monday to test.

she is due 5/29

for that

and much to you all!!

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12 years ago

I did a HPT and received a positive check my video out forgive my hair exercising to lose weight

[url=]User Image March 29,2012 April 29,2012 May

12 years ago • Post starter

Hey ladies! Ok sooooo, I have a confession.....I just couldn't help myself......I took a test late this afternoon! I know I know I know I really shouldn't have (as of course it came out negative) but my little mind was going crazy.
I want to give everyone a little word of advice about testing too early.....DON'T DO IT! It's disappointing! LOL!
I sincerely am not going to test again until at minimum Sunday. After that, i'm no testing until I actually miss my period (hopefully *fingers crossed*) which would be Tuesday.
That being said, good luck to everyone! *baby dust* ;)

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12 years ago

Well Ladies, AF arrived today. Looks like I'm out this month : /

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12 years ago

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