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November 2018 babies

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Welcome to the November 2018 babies club! I am starting this discussion a little early I am sure. I carried over from September and October 2018 babies and hoping to see some BFP soon!

please excuse any typos as I'm on my cell phone

380 Replies • 6 years ago



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@BB218 - Welcome to the group!

6 years ago

@BB2018. My expected due date is October 14. I am still nervous as heck but I just need to take it one day at a time and to keep thinking positive. Hope this is your month and you get your November baby.

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6 years ago

Ok Ladies I’m kinda freaking out!! I haven’t been on here for a couple of months cause I just needed a ttc break. So, I’m on CD 30, 12dpo (AF due yesterday) feeling different this cycle so last night I did a First Response dip test and I got a faint positive line right away that just got pinker as the test dried. This morning I did another test and it was very faint positive but again the line was more noticeable and pink after the 10 min mark. I’m going to wait until Sat now to test again. I’ve uploaded my test from yesterday, can anyone tell me what they think? Been TTC since Oct 2015 with a MC at 9wks in June 2016. I’ve never once had an evap before. Please tell me I’m not dreaming!

6 years ago

Wow, bb2018, i totally see it. Lets see how the line progresses. It does look like you Od Fri. Since it is so early, i would keep testing. Just to make sure. I hope you got your bfp!

6 years ago

Hi! I introduced myself in the previous thread as my cycle ran extra long last month af showed up after all! At the very least I was encouraged to track bbt again. So now I’m 6dpo and fully stocked with a new brand of hpts. I’m extra impatient this tww!

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6 years ago

@ Dragonfly23 - Yesterday it was 96.8 and today it was 97.3. I'm trying not to worry yet... If it goes up to 97.5 or higher tomorrow then I'll probably worry and guess that we are out... I will for sure BD today again and tomorrow for extra coverage in case that temperature is an anomaly. I'm hoping that my temperature goes back down tomorrow and rises on Sunday and Monday to my luteal phase range which is between 97.5 and 98.0 usually.

@BB2018 - Did you post your most recent HPTs!? I looked at the one from yesterday and feel like I see the beginning of a line. I'm corssing my fingers for you!!

6 years ago

@BB2018 - It's harder for me to see this line in this one but I definitely see a line in the one you posted yesterday. Post the one you take later today and I'll take a look at it too.

6 years ago

@BB2016 - Thank you mine pains were similar but on right side, the pains were bearable and nothing like my usual period cramps that are quite crippling in the lead up and first day of, I've had non of my usual PMS symptoms, my breast are normally sore as hell for the week lead up but I have nothing but do have other symptoms that are very unusual for me.

hope everyone get the BFP they are wanting this cycle. I know my fiancé and I would be ecstatic if I get one :) I'll probably test tomorrow and see what happens

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6 years ago

@BB2018 i'm so sorry to hear that next cycle is your cycle

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6 years ago

My frer after work

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6 years ago • Edited

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