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November 2018 babies

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Welcome to the November 2018 babies club! I am starting this discussion a little early I am sure. I carried over from September and October 2018 babies and hoping to see some BFP soon!

please excuse any typos as I'm on my cell phone

380 Replies • 6 years ago



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@SheRiskers @dragonfky23 can I ask what led you to the conclusion you needed progesterone cream and were estrogen dominant? I'm in the process of trying to decide whether to get progesterone cream.

Lil 10/28/17 User image

6 years ago

@neomasie. In my last reply, I lacked the creamy cm after ovulation and then I used to spot before my period and I never used to spot. I did a lot of Googling and looking for answers. It took one month to finally decide to give it a try. The only down fall is that you have to continue taking it till a) your period comes and then stop or b) get pregnant and still have to take it till it is safe to stop. Why do you think you need it?

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6 years ago

@dragonfly23 @neomasie I just got the lavender scented Now Solutions kind to try this month. I've been trying to adjust my hormones ever since my April 2016 baby and nothing seems to work. I haven't lost the baby weight, my libido is garbage, I get irritable much more quickly, tired all the time, and seem to have blood sugar regulating issues. It's like 80% of the "symptoms" of estrogen dominance and the only thing I haven't tried. Lol

@dragonfly, can I ask what your routine was for application? I'm waiting until after O to start since that's everything I've read. Did you start earlier? How much did you use? I've read you shouldn't stop until the placenta takes over too... But are you continuing the same kind of cream even though most of them say not to use if you're pregnant?

6 years ago

@beautiful OMG OMG! hot damn! i am so happy for you woman! this is amazing!

please excuse any typos as I'm on my cell phone

6 years ago • Post starter

to all my mommas to be..may this month be ours and ours alone! for all of us!

please excuse any typos as I'm on my cell phone

6 years ago • Post starter

@SheRiskers. That's one symptom I forgot. My sugar always seem to drop and I am not diabetic. I bought Emerita Pro-gest cream lavender. I use a dime size amount twice a day (morning when I wake up/evening before bed) and I put it either on the inside of my arms, behind my knees or on the chest/neck area and I just change locations on the body. Like in the morning I will use on my forarms then at bed I put it in a different location. Then switch locations the next day. I find the lavender scent very strong so think the next tube I buy will be the original. They also came out with single serve (48 packets) and that will take the guess work out figuring how much to use but I am not sure what is more beneficial (last longer) thst way one doesn't have to buy so many tubes.

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6 years ago • Edited

@SheRiskers @dragonfly23 spotting before my period is a symptom I've never had, before having my daughter in October. My periods are like clock work and normalized after only 2 cycles post the late term loss. everything else is back to normal but there's now this random spotting 1-2 days before my period. I also have spells of dizziness which I attribute to a low blood sugar during the tww which I've also never had. But those aren't the reasons I considered the progesterone cream. I considered it for lining issues. I wanted to build up my lining after the loss. But if those are some of the potential estrogen dominance symptoms it's worth having a discussion without my Fert Spec over. Thanks for your replies ladies! I really appreciate it.

Lil 10/28/17 User image

6 years ago

Hi ladies. AF has not arrived yet but I think she will. I started spotting on what I believe was 10-11dpo. Today would be 11-12 and had a bit of spotting this morning also. I also have had BFNs so I am just waiting for AF due date around Feb 6-8. This spotting leads me to believe i may have a lp issue which makes me want to try to progesterone also. We will see. & to all.

6 years ago

Katyfootballmomma- I am still in SHOCK!! DH made me buy a digital to confirm it. He trusts the lines but wants the words before doctor! Lol he has had symptoms as well he even told he he thinks he has the GLOW!! Haha will post digital once i take it.

6 years ago

@dragonfly thanks for the info! I'm hopeful to see if it changes any of my negative symptoms.

@neomasie From everything I read, if you suspect you might be low, there's little to no harm in trying it. I'm gonna try it and if I see any obvious symptoms that it's too much, I'll know.

Let's all progesterone it up this month! Haha

6 years ago

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