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Wishing for January 2020 babies!

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I thought I'd start this after suffering a chemical with our December baby, I hope everyone gets a BFP this month and we all have nice smooth pregnancies for 2020!

User image EBF 10 months!

105 Replies • 5 years ago



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Hi! I'm currently on CD2. This is month #16 ttc. I'm on my 3rd round of Clomid 100mg CD1-5. We plan to try IUI this cycle. I wish everyone the best. If I conceive this month the baby will be due around my 34th birthday!

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5 years ago

Best of luck Nicole for a birthday baby!!

User image EBF 10 months!

5 years ago • Post starter


Crossing my fingers for a January baby! On CD 8 and finished my last clomid pill yesterday. Just waiting to ovulate. Crossing my fingers/praying for everyone on their TTC journey.

5 years ago • Edited

So begins the two week wait for me! I hope you ladies all get your First try for second child for us.

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5 years ago

Nice to see all the new joiners! I'm on CD21 which is normally O day but with my this being the cycle after miscarriage I think O is delayed for sure, no EWCM yet, no change in CP and temp is pretty stable. Luckily hubby is home tonight until Wednesday so we'll just hit every day and hope we catch an egg if this cycle isn't anovulatory.

User image EBF 10 months!

5 years ago • Post starter

I see some familiar faces on here. I am CD 15 and for the first time using OPKs along with tempting per my doctorate request. I start EPO this cycle and I believe its helped some with my lack of CM. I go next Friday on CD 21 to have my progesterone tested and an ultrasound done. I have been having weird twinges in my ovaries for a few days but my temps and OPKs are still not suggesting O yet. I still have a few days to my typically O dates of CD17-20.

Wishing all you ladies luck and some wonderful news that will start 2020 off to a good start.

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5 years ago

Hello! I’m currently 2dpo...i had management of a missed miscarriage (7 weeks+4) on 27th march 2019, bled for a week and absolutely shocked that I’ve ovulated already . I was expecting another 5 month delay (last miscarriage took 5 months for me to ovulate!!) Ive been pregnant 6 times and only have one live birth (DD 3) I couldn’t pass up the chance of trying again even though i’m born in Jan and hate having a Jan birthday , worried that if i do conceive straight away i may lose it but i felt physically ready and i guess i am emotionally prepared for any outcome

5 years ago

Wow @bell that is crazy! I really hope this is it for you!!

@bug good to see you!! Hoping this is your month!!

AFM: I am on cd22 which was O day last month. OPKs and temps aren’t suggesting anything yet though. OPKs are finally getting darker so I am hoping O is only a day or so away. I have had lots of cramping and my chest has been hurting. Both typical signs of O for me. Been on spring break all week and don’t go back till Tuesday so we have lots of time to bd and hopefully catch that egg!!

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5 years ago

OPKs negative and temps still low. No idea how long this post miscarriage cycle will be but my hubby is only home for 4 days so my body needs to get itself sorted in the next few days!!!

User image EBF 10 months!

5 years ago • Post starter

Well I am on cd23 and hopefully I O’ed today. Not really sure since I wasn’t able to have a strong enough hold to really get a good line on an opk. My temps are low and just hoping they spike up tomorrow and the next couple of days. Have had cramps on my left side and a little on my right. Typical signs of O for me.

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5 years ago

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