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March/April TT 2020 babies

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Welcome back to a new month everyone !!! You've got this ladies

315 Replies • 5 years ago



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@scuba I see a little something on your last two pictures! Good luck! I hope it's darker soon!

5 years ago

Hi everyone!! First post and ttc baby #1!
My husband and I have been trying since April, on cycle 4 atm. We managed to fall pregnant cycle 2, but ended in a chemical pregnancy unfortunately :(

Hoping June is our month! We've been bd every second day. Is that recommended above every day in fertile window?

Hope we all get our BFP!!!!

Please let me know your TTC tips :) every day or every other day?

5 years ago

Hi @nadine! We BD every other day until I get a peak opk, then 3-4 in a row plus I skip a day and BD again. It's the Sperm Meets Egg Plan. But I've been trying for no. 2 now for 9 cycles now and honestly you can just do it once in the fertile window and get lucky! xx

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5 years ago

Morning everyone!!

It's gender day lol so we'll hopefully be finding out if we're having a girl or a boy soon

5 years ago • Post starter

@Anna how exciting!!!! xxx

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5 years ago

Right there is the faintest of faintest lines. 11DPO 12dpt. I can see it in person but to be honest I'm not convinced. Hubby can't really see it. But unless it's strong he never can! Testing again with FRER tomorrow and hopefully it will be darker or gone so I can move onto the next cycle xx Let me know what you think xx

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5 years ago

And the cheapie...

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5 years ago

@Pandorica sorry to hear that AF is here. Maybe not opk and bbt for next cycle will help...stress free. Fx for this cycle. Do not give up.

@Nadine welcome. Every other day or every 2days will work. A healthy sperm can stay alive up to 5days in the uterus. It only takes that one time. Are using any other methods to track your ovulation?

@Anna how exciting? I am team boy only because my 1st born is a boy ????.

@scuba i went on your page and once i invert and hue the image i can see a vvvfl so fingers crossed mama.

AFM my parents are out of the country and my dad has been very sicked for a while. Dr just diagosed him with very bad diabetes. That is another reason on top of the others, why i have to try harder at being healthy. It has been very emotional and i cried a lot bc i have been so worried abt him. But im glad that at least now they know what he has and he can get treated. Im praying very hard for his healing and protection. Yesterday i slept a lot. I had a nap twice. I don t think it has anything to do with my cycle but then again if it does i have no idea. Just trying to relax and focus on health and having fun with my husband and baby. We are moving in the rental house in a week. Keep up the faith everyone.

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5 years ago

@lalou sleep is good! Your body and mind probably needed the rest. Sorry, your dad has been so sick. Hopefully they will find a regimen that keeps him healthy going forward.

5 years ago • Edited

It's a girl ladies !!

5 years ago • Post starter

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