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In Need of a 2WW Buddy - April Babies

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I start my 2ww on Saturday but I'm trying to get a jump start on having a group of ladies to journey the 2WW, discuss potential symptoms, type of cycle(no meds or meds, BDing or donor and etc.) The potential of having an April or very early May baby. Heck let's even journey down the discussions of the seasons of maternity clothes. I even want to hear what baby names you have picked out. What kind of delivery do you have planned (home birth, hospital and etc.)Have you used a mid-wife or doula before? I know we are not preggers right now but will be soon regardless of the day or month so why not discuss the thoughts we keep to ourselves and start speaking these babies into existence!!!!!!!!!

155 Replies • 5 years ago



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I am 7 dpo, first month trying. Don't feel any symptoms apart from being tired and having erect nipples almost constantly (how weird?) I think they might be unrelated though. I was on the contraceptive pill for several years up until April so I'm not really too aware of my normal hormonal changes through my cycles. Hoping it doesn't take us too long. I am 30 and we were married in April, have wanted kids for as long as I can remember!

5 years ago

@Beck Welcome!

AFM. 7 dpo today. Might be a little TMI but yesterday 6 dpo I had some discomfort and pinching around my groin/pelvic area. All aroud the pubic bone. Not sure if it was implantation related or if it even is possible this early. Really trying not to get my hopes up because it really could be me just overthinking things.

5 years ago

@Mira1003 fingers crossed it was implantation pains ???? I think implantation can happen anywhere from 5 days so definitely a possibility!

I caved this morning and took a pregnancy test 8dpo, of course it was negative! I feel like I'm going to have no will power now going forward. I didn't think I would be this concerned straight away but I used ovulation tests all last month and didn't appear to ovulate at all so worried that might happen again.

5 years ago

Hi Mummies

I’m 32 live in Australia, have two boys 8 and 6. Trying for bubba #3. Had a chemical last month :(

I have suffered from endometriosis and chronic pelvic pain for 4 years now and was told I should be happy to have two healthy boys as now in my 30s may not be able to have another bub. So last months chemical was exciting as I maybe able to conceive. What will be will be.

I had a laparoscopy in march this year and my pain has decreased so getting my body at a good place is exciting for me.

TTC this will technically be our first month as last month we had a chemical which was a surprise. No meds and trying natural tracking to see what happens :)

How are you all feeling today?
I’m 9dpo with pelvic ache lower back ache nausea aand I had an awful migraine this morning. Oh aren’t hormones fun lol

5 years ago • Edited

@Beck don't be discouraged yet! Did you have any signs of ovulation this cycle?

@Becken Welcome! Having a chemical pregnancy is indeed promising. At least you know something is happening!

This has been a rough day so far. My thighs are sore and I'm exhausted. It feels like I have no energy to do anything. I wonder if it just after a busy weekend.

5 years ago

@mira1003 oh I know. Exhaustion is real wheb your an adult hehe

5 years ago

Welcome to all the ladies who have joined over the weekend.

Today I get my CD21 blood work done. Last time i had it done it was an 8. So i ovulate but they are weak. This cycle was my first Clomid cycle and hoping to see the number bigger this time.
7dpo and having vivid dreams, strange pains in my lower pelvic area, a little scratchy sore throat first thing in the mornings. Feeling a little nauseous but not a whole lot. It could be that I am making more P than I have before and my mind is noticing things I have never notice before. Temps are staying in the higher ranges than normal. So, that's a +.
The wedding venue we checked out this weekend is breath taking. I let them know I will know after the first of the month what date we choose due to if I am pregnant this cycle the baby's edd would be the 13th if April and so that means i would wanna have the wedding on the 7th. If we didnt conceive this cycle. It will be the 20th of March.

When is everyone going to start testing?

I'm thinking of testing at 9dpo if the temps looking promising still. That means on Wednesday I will take my first test and if it's a BFN I will test on Friday again until AF shows if a BFN.

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5 years ago

@Becken3 that's definitely a positive sign that you had a chemical, fingers and toes crossed for you this month! And hormones are definitely no fun, I'm so irritable the past few days I feel for my poor husband!

@mira1003 Yeah I used OPK this month and last (we only started trying this month but wanted to see last month around what date I ovulated) and I got a positive on July 21st and had horrendous cramps so hoping that I did ovulate. The previous month I tested every day and nothing, also had no ovulation pains. But at least I did this month!

@bugttc they all seem like good signs! I tried my first test this morning which was 8dpo and got a BFN. In my head I'm thinking wait till 10dpo at the earliest but I know realistically I'll want to test each morning!

Today I feel fine, was super tired yesterday and had a headache but that may just have been because I'm not sleeping very well. I think I'm also just very conscious of minor changes!

5 years ago

@bug how exciting you're getting married. and you're ins chool you are such a busy woman.
@mira so you graduate this year , that's exciting! How was the birthday party?
trying to keep up with everyone's DPO @ bug @ mira y'all are both 7 DPO, right?? I'm 2DPO have a ways to @mira do you remember when you noticed symptoms with your son, how many DPO were you?

5 years ago • Post starter

@alice you have your hands full but I love it! thanks for being ok with me asking questions!..yay!

5 years ago • Post starter

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