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April 2020 Babies

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These tests were from today at 13-14 dpo, I have a good feeling about this little beanie baby and have convinced myself to stop testing. Won’t have appointment for dating ultrasound until about 8 weeks but I’m fairly sure I’m due early April. Anyone else with me?

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161 Replies • 5 years ago



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Yay Erised you found us! Glad you are here and that your HCG numbers look good! Yes, this seems to be a nervous bunch but really if spend any time on these boards its hard to be blissfully ignorant. I hope we will all be able to support each other throughout this journey! What do you all do for the heartburn? Some people say only Tums (calcium) is OK, but i have read some people take gaviscon and zantac. The tums don't do much for me and i'd like to be able to take something else. I will ask my doctor, but would welcome your recommendations if you have any!

5 years ago

Hope everyone is feeling well today. The cramps stopped pretty fast yesterday and everything seems ok now thankfully. I personally try to avoid any type of medicine during pregnancy. Even Tums has aluminum as an inactive ingredient which worries me but then again i’m one of those crazy people who won’t even take a Tylenol while pregnant (or ever for that matter). Hope you find relief with the heartburn soon though. Have you tried plain old baking soda in water?

5 years ago

Hi Erised glad your here! How are you feeling?

Crampy a bit this afternoon but I think its because I've not drank much at work today. Haven't taken a test today so suddenly don't feel pregnant hahaha

5 years ago

Hi girls! The heartburn is such a drag. I'm going to keep taking the tums and talk to my doctor when i see her next week. My temp was super high this morning (i know i need to stop temping). I had some cramps last night but not really feeling anything today. Very sore boobs still. I'm just counting the days/hours until my appointment next week.

5 years ago

Not much here either Lissa645 and I'm kind of worried but not Haha nothing we can really do but hang around in these early weeks. I don't really get much heartburn just a bit of reflux when I lie down at night, I haven't tried baking soda but I have heard it works and has no adverse effects, it's probably cheaper too Haha

5 years ago

Sorry for my absence, ladies. Been a crazy busy week! Welcome Agatch and Erised! I scheduled my first prenatal visit for Aug 21. It’s a bit earlier than I wanted but it’s 8 weeks from the day of my first bfp, and it will be nice to have EDD and rule out ectopic (no symptoms of ectopic and no reason to think I have one other than everything worries me when it comes to pregnancy lol). For the first 4-5 days I had no sore bbs but oh boy have they shown up and blown up this week. A bit of heartburn and a bit more nausea if I don’t eat small consistent amounts, my left eye Is frequently twitchy, very dull pelvic cramps/feels heavy in that area, some creamy white cm. I’m very very tired and having lots of dreams when sleeping too. Went ahead told close family and friends this week too. I figure even if something happens I don’t want to go through it silently. Just staying on the down-low from social media and others until probably 12-14 weeks. Have even thought about waiting until we know the gender to do official announcement. The last test I took earlier this week was that FRER, it was my last test and test line was darker than control line so I’m absolutely done testing now. Hope you all are doing well!

5 years ago • Edited • Post starter

A weird heartburn hack I learned during my pregnancy with my daughter was eating a teaspoon full of yellow mustard. It may sound disgusting but it really did help. My cousin told me about it. Gave me a break from the tums so I didn’t use too often, especially towards the end when my heartburn got worse.

5 years ago • Post starter

Yeah I’m feeling good, team! I had eggs, sausage, bacon and mushrooms at 8am and by 9am my stomach was growling. Occasional twinges in ovaries and boobs but other than that and the heartburn, I feel great. 5 days late today!

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5 years ago

I spoke too soon. Now I feel nauseous and super drained. Had to sit down while cooking dinner. Which was instant noodles.

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5 years ago

I feel ok this morning, cramps last night and achy hips kept me awake a bit but I think it was more the worrying hahaha sorry your feeling rubbish now Erised, honestly not doing the tests makes me feel not pregnant can't wait for the 25th when I can have a scan!

5 years ago

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