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April/May 2020 TTC

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Morning/Afternoon/Evening Ladies!!

Hi lol...

You're one month closer to your bfp yay !! Hopefully this is it

341 Replies • 5 years ago



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I'm pregnant guys!! did a 4 hour hold and it came up positive I can't believe it that first response was correct. i'm literally so happy that I could cry

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God Bless

5 years ago

BSauce if you did a bloodwork and it came back negative then I would say either you ovulated later than your normal and AF is around the corner or maybe some hormonal imbalance caused this delay. Hopefully is the first case scenario and you’ll have your bfp!

Kait did AF came? I’m having my fingers crossed for you!

Agatch I’m so sorry babe about your friends mom! This is so heartbreaking.. It has been such a hard time for you lately. I really hope things to start changing for the best from now on!
Did you had any answers about waiting 3 months before trying again? Did anything changed? Sorry if you already said that before.. I wasn’t in a very good place and thank you for your encouraging words

Shay I still think that this might be your month! You so much deserve it

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5 years ago • Edited

@alex yep, AF is working on starting. Woke up with cramps and starting to spot. I'll be getting my Clomid prescription tomorrow for CD5-9. Hope you're feeling better!

@shay that's a bummer. I hope you O soon.

@agatch I'm so sorry, that has to be tough when everything keeps coming at once. Did you ever find out more from your doctor about having to wait to keep trying?

5 years ago

I dont temp. I never get good results. I have a pretty normal cycle, I get a positive opk, and my cm changes from ewcm to creamy right after O. All that temping does is stress me out because I never get a confirmed O. I would love to get the Ava bracelet to do all of it for me! Lol why do they have to make fertility stuff so expensive? That thing is nearly $300 I have even looked for used ones and they are very expensive.


5 years ago

@lalou it's the Ava Bracelet. Its tracks temps, pulse, sleep patterns etc and confirms O for you without all the stress.


5 years ago

@lalou yay! We can be on clomid together. I hope things settle down for you at work.

@Shay I think most doctors would be willing to help you out at this point. You've been trying long enough and it sounds like your cycles just need help regulating.

Starting Clomid tomorrow. I'm getting cold feet about it, but I know I'm going to at least try a couple of cycles.

5 years ago

Hi ladies,

I have been reading from a distance. I'm happy to see lots of you having potential breakthroughs/trying new approaches. I really really hope that you all get your ultimate amazing news soon, you all deserve it so much

I just wanted to update you all...I had a private early scan on Monday and I'm pleased to say everything looks amazing so far. I was dated at 7+1 and little bean had a lovely strong visible heartbeat

Praying that everything continues to go this smoothly

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5 years ago

@russian we did wind up bding last night and my opk started to get darker this morning so it's a good thing we did. I agree though, there are days we're quick to get it over with. I think I just get tired of being the one to point out when we need to have sex.

5 years ago

Hey ladies!!! Just waiting for AF to show her full face. I am currently 10 dpo with light spotting. Started late yesterday evening. I tired a tampon since I was going swimming today and there was barely anything there. Not sure what to think at this point. Could just be spotting before AF or implantation!!! I was cramping most of today but it has finally let up! Guess only time will tell!! Good luck everyone!!

And thank you Anna for creating another board!!!

5 years ago

@shay could be a good sign babe I hope it stays away have you tested yet?

5 years ago • Post starter

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