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TTC October 2020 Babies

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Hi all! I'm back in the TTC game as of today. I just got my first post postpartum period so now I feel like I can try and track ovulation. I ordered some OPKs and will start using them in a week or so. I can't track BBT this time around because of my DD.

I used this site heavily while trying to conceive our daughter and made a bunch of friends that I still talk to. I'm looking forward to meeting some new ladies and sharing in this TTC journey again.

Here's a little bit about me. I started TTC in 2017 and it took us 9 months of tracking to get our first BFP. Our daughter was born on Valentine's day 2019 and is almost one! We want our kids about 2 years apart but know that it's not really our choice. We are hoping it will take 9 months (cycles) or less to conceive baby number 2. I expect to have irregular cycles starting out because we are still breast feeding. I had very regular periods before getting pregnant.

So! Who is trying for October babies and how's it going?

145 Replies • 4 years ago



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@PunkRockerMama- That looks pretty positive to me. I’ve only ever used the digital OPKs though so I’m not an expert on them.

@Nasake- I think you are doing great for English being your third language! I’m sorry the drs aren’t considering your trying for so long very seriously. If you haven’t gotten pregnant after a year of trying at your age they should be more helpful: I hope your appointment in March helps.

4 years ago • Post starter

Hey all! I’m currently at 10 or 11dpo. That would put due date sept.30 or oct.1. I have been testing like crazy, but I just keep getting shadow lines. I think I’ve just gotten really good at photographing the slightest indent on the tests. If I don’t have a more obvious positive by tomorrow, I will be more likely a November due date as I tend to have long cycles. My shortest so-far was 30 days. I’m on cycle 5 of ttc baby #3 with a chemical pregnancy last cycle. I’m not holding out a whole
Lot of hope, since all my other pregnancies gave me a light, but clear BFP by 9-10dpo. But I’m still clinging to that last thread of hope until tomorrow’s test. If it doesn’t work out, I’m looking forward to making some more awesome cycle buddies! My current one says are mostly moving on to the side of this journey!!

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4 years ago

@flamingogirl I am ttc #4 @ 35 years old. I'm panicked about "just one more" and my youngest is 3.5 so I miss having a baby. I'm also holding out hope for a boy, as we had 3 girls and I long for a son.

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4 years ago

@K+N'sMomma- I'm on CD5 and I think I will have long cycles too because of BFing my first, so I might be a November due date too. Either way I hope you stay and chat!

@Kaybee3 - I hope you get that son this time! My sister-in-law has two girls and is currently pregnant with a boy. They are super excited!

AFM - I'm trying to be patient and not start OPKs to soon! Since I have no idea what my cycles will be like I'm going to start OPKs as if my cycles were regular like they were before my DD. So I'll start this weekend and we'll see what happens.

4 years ago • Post starter

I will be joining you ladies! Period due in just a couple days. Hopefully my cycle decides to be nice and short (or closer to normal, as my shortest has been 30 days). It’s my goal this month to be more disciplined with my eating habits and to get at least 3 workouts in per week to see if that helps. Otherwise- I’m doing everything I can- and this will be my last cycle being super on top of tracking until spring- as I don’t want another winter baby. If I don’t conceive this cycle- I will just not try-not prevent.

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4 years ago

K+N, are you sure you're out out? Darn!
I am brand new to this site, is there a trick to getting notifications in posts? I turn on the bookmark but don't get anything.

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4 years ago

Kaybee - I’m 11-12dpo and tests are negative. While I still have a couple more days in the TWW, so I can’t be 100% certain I’m out, I am pretty confident that I am. My resting heart rate dropped by 3bpm which usually happens 2 days before my period and I think I’m actually 12dpo and typically have a 13 day luteal phase. Generally get a positive test at 9-10dpo. If I don’t start my period by Thursday, I will retest, but I’m confident enough that I don’t even have the urge to test anymore.

What CD are you on now?

As far as the bookmark- that’s all I do and I get email notifications when people post here.

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4 years ago

I'm sorry if this wasn't your cycle
I only get the e-mails on personal posts but I'll tinker with the settings.
Today is cd5. We'll be a week off from each other but that's close

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4 years ago

@Kaybee3 - Today is Cd6 for me! We are definitely cycle buddies. Did you get the notifications to work?

@K+NsMomma - I'm sorry this doesn't seem to be your cycle for you. It nice to see your positivity for moving on to the next cycle and trying again. this next one is it for you.

4 years ago • Post starter

Kaybee & Flamingo- thank you! Had some spotting- hopefully it’s AF and I can get my fresh start! Maybe we can be closer cycle buddies!

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4 years ago

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