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January 2015 Babies

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Hello, Ladies.

I wanted to start a group for the mama's expecting a January '15 baby.
Let's share our bfp stories and symptoms. Have you spread the news?
How are you feeling?

I am currently 6 weeks and 5 days along. DH and I have been TTC for a year now with two losses during our TTC journey. We have three children and are praying for one more to complete our family. I look forward to hearing from you and

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112 Replies • 10 years ago



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I'm so sorry to hear about your grandmother, shelob! I hope you're not too stressed about it and the fact that you're telling people now! It's supposed to be a happy time and brings such joy to others to hear so enjoy it! :)

Atleast you have a midwife! I considered it but not sure how much they cost. I live in Canada. I hope in 2 weeks you can hear the heartbeat! I'm glad your appt went well and lower blood pressure is good! I agree with a healthy baby - that's all we wanted with our 1st and the same with this one! I don't care of gender especially now that we had a daughter - another girl would be great as we have everything for a girl but a boy would be wonderful too! Doesn't matter! :D Have you got names picked out?

I'm doing ok today - no spotting at all so yay!! I seem to get it early evening so we'll see! My nausea is not to bad today either - yesterday was BAD! I'm still hyper sensitive to smells and tastes - it's like my taste buds don't like anything! lol.

How is everyone else doing?

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10 years ago

Aw thanks Candie :) I am not too stressed about things. I have enjoyed telling close family, especially my sister. She had an amazingly enthusiastic response and apparently has tons of maternity stuff for me! She felt really guilty about getting pregnant just after my miscarriage last year. And now our babies will be less than a year apart :) If things don't go well and we lose this one then I will feel it badly after so many people have found out, but one of my Auntie's had lots of miscarriages and now I can talk to her about it as I never told her about the last one. She will be at the funeral (is organising a lot of it).

Some of my siblings, my husband and I are doing a musical item at the funeral. I am pleased we are because it feels like we are more involved and a real part of what is going on.

10 years ago

Oops baby brain - hadn't finished my reply!!!

All maternity care here in New Zealand is free, so our midwife is too. You can choose to have an obstetrician and pay if you really want to, but if you need one you will be referred for free anyway.

We haven't chosen names. We had a list but I keep forgetting it. One of the names my sister used without knowing I wanted to use it.

That's great about no spotting! I must say I am LOVING going to the toilet now because of the lack of spotting! I was so fearful in the first couple of weeks after the bleeding episode.

10 years ago

Wow! It seems like we are all over the world! I'm from England! We have midwives free too here but only an obstetrician if you need one. People complain about our NHS but I am highly grateful for it.

So sorry to hear about your Grandma Shelob, how sad for you at what should be a happy time. It sounds like you are coping well though, and it sounds like a positive thing that you now have the support of family and friends. I hope the funeral goes well.

Candie, what a shame you don't have a midwife! Do you have scans throughout the pregnancy? What do you do if you need to see someone? Is it expensive? I'm glad to hear you don't have any more bleeding.

Consequently I had some more bleeding at a similar time to you, and my symptoms seem to have gone or are very mild for the past few days. I had a telephone appointment with my doctor yesterday and told her and she's going to get back to me today for a scan hopefully so we'll see what's going on! Am very nervous as the last scans I had were all bad news.

Hope everyone else is doing well!!


10 years ago

Hi, Ladies.

I'm so sorry about your grandmother Shelob.

Fx for you Ruth that all goes well at your scan. They really are nerve wrecking when your worried.

We really are all spread out! I'm in California, and I too have a midwife. I will only see a M.D. once during this pregnancy and then the midwife takes care of me up until the delivery. Insurance is pretty expensive. Crazy how different the systems are from place to place. It'd be great to have maternity covered!

I've told my brother and his wife this week at my nieces graduation party. Everyone is pretty excited. This will be our fourth baby, we have two girls and a boy. My son really wants a brother but my girls want another sister. I'm up in the air, but if it's a boy I wont have to buy bunk beds for the girls! I am definitely finding out the sex, We are all so excited(dh and kids) We're going back in at 14 weeks to The Ultrasound Experience to find out extra early! As for names we have a few we like, but Probably wont have a serious discussion about it until we find out he sex.

Things are going really well and I'm feeling very confident with this pregnancy. My belly is popping a little bit, but this is my fourth pregnancy so it's expected. As for ms somedays are better then others, exhaustion is kicking my butt. I am beyond tired. There hasn't been any spotting since week five. With my last two pregnancies(ending in mc) the spotting never stopped and I never made it past week 6. I'm currently 9w5days.

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10 years ago • Post starter

Hi all! How is everyone doing?

@ruth - how did your scan go?!? I hope everything is okay! Try not to worry too much and fingers crossed!

@shelob - that's great you and your family are musical! How did the funeral go? Still feeling good? Anymore nausea? Well I'm just like you now... Can't stand the smell of meat cooking and now coffee too! :( can't stomach much for supper either though I eat well for lunch so that's good!

@babymine - how you doing? Still super tired? Any other symptoms yet such as nausea, sensitive smells, etc? Sounds like your lucky so far! ;)

Afm - still spotting daily and from very little to average with really lite brown to pale pink to yellowish. Sorry, tmi. Also still very bloated, gassy and constipated! So much so I've had to resort to wearing some of my maternity pants! :( almost everyone knows I'm pregnant now as it's obvious and I won't lie if asked! So didn't want to say until 3 mths but praying that won't jinx me! As for a midwife, I can get one though I would pay out of pocket but all our healthcare with doctors and hospitals are covered so its not all bad! A midwife and/or a doula would be wonderful as they're so much more specialized!

Have you guys been watching fifa?! LOL. Such a nice distraction from every day life when you get the time :)

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10 years ago

Hello, Mamas.

Candie- I have had constant nausea for a few weeks now. Some days aren't to bad but others are pretty miserable. Today was one of those days. I have been really irritable and emotional and dh said " I forgot about this part of pregnancy," and I totally lost it on him. I started sobbing and telling him he's so mean, I went to my room laid on my bed and sobbed. The whole time a little voice in my was telling me I'm totally overreacting but I couldn't stop. With all my pregnancies I've had one completely irrational sobbing episode, I think this was it. Well, I hope it was.

This Friday I go to my first doctors appointment. It's usally an hour long and includes a pap smear. I am not looking forward to it I hate paps. On the bright side I get to have an ultrasound and see my baby again!

Ruth- I hope everything is going well for you.

Yes! I have been watching FIFA. My husband is a huge fan and it's rubbed off on my over the last 8 years.

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10 years ago • Post starter

Hi girls!

All went well with the scan or scans. When I arrived at the hospital they weren't expecting me (surprise surprise) and so they gave me a full check up including 4 blood tests, 3 swabs from cervix, urine test and mrsa test and weight height and blood pressure. This was with a view to getting me a scan on the Monday. But after talking to me and telling them I'd had some funny pains across my tummy area they decided to give me a quick scan to rule out ectopic. All was well and I saw my little blob with a good heartbeat so I was very relieved. But they booked me in for another scan on Monday. All was well with this scan too and the baby measured exactly 8 weeks on the Monday just like I thought with my ovulation dates.

I've had more bleeding since in fact I had some bright red bleeding before the 2nd scan but they said they were confident that it was not coming from the womb and was probably caused by a considerable cervical ectropian I've got which makes sense cause the swabs probably triggered it.

Babymine, that was a funny story about dh saying 'I forgot about this part of the pregnancy'. That's just the thought of thing mine would poor them having to suffer that part of the pregnancy! I've had some emotional moments too, my dd1 brought home a poem from school for fathers day the other day and it made me blub! Ridiculous! Good luck with your first doctors appt on Friday.

Shelob, how was the funeral? Hope it went as well as it could have done.

That's rubbish about the bleeding Candie, hopefully it's just something like what I've got, have you ever had a cervical erosion/ectropian? There's a number of things it could be though. Its horrible not knowing and worrying, I still worry now when I bleed even though I've been checked out.

Not really into the football, I got sick of the obsession of it from dh so it's put me off.


10 years ago

Hi girls.

Candie the funeral went really well. It was great to be a part of it. I was so impressed by how my father's sisters were on top of all the organisation. It was good to spend time with all that side of the family. It was also amazing not having to hide the pregnancy! I can't hide my tummy very well any more. I am trying to get away with not announcing things at work for another couple of weeks but it is getting difficult. I have a limited number of concealing outfits. Yesterday I also felt HORRIBLE! I was sooooo close to being sick a number of times. I thought I was over that! Sure I still had the smell issues and eating issues, but I was feeling less and less sick. Yesterday, I was back to the worst of it. At least I can take it as a good sign!!!

ruth1981 they mentioned carvical ectropian with my last pregnancy so I wondered if that was what caused my bleeding at 7 weeks. Not from the uterus then apparently. It is scary. but glad you have the reassurance of the scans!

BabyMine sorry to hear about your emmotional outburst! It must be hard to feel like that. I am fortunate in that I have been emotionally solid as a rock. It is kind of funny because I was SOOOOOOO unstable in the months prior to the pregnancy. It was bordering on depression. Maybe I used up all my saddness :) Hopefully your DH does understand that you have absolutely no control and comforts you.

10 years ago

Hi ladies!

@babymine - Awwww!! So sorry to hear about your outburst and your hubby's reaction! It's hard to deal with these crazy emotions, I know! I don't think your reaction was bad though and hopefully you felt better after! :) Guess we all got nausea except ruth (don't recall her saying)?! How did your doctor's appt go? I hope the pap went ok and didn't bother you too much! Bet you didn't even notice anymore once you got to see your baby!

@shelob - soooo glad the funeral went well and you got to show off the tummy! Feels so much better when you don't gotta hide! Sorry to hear about your nausea though and I really hope it gets better!! Everything bothering you or still just some stuff? Try eating more stuff with ginger?

@ruth - Thanks for writing so quickly and soooo very happy for you that your scans went well and you got the see the babe!! I bet you were sooo happy! Must've been scary about the bleeding but atleast you know it's nothing bad! Are you going to see your midwife next and see how things are going?

AFM - I've had no spotting for days now and PRAYING that it's done (please god)!!! Not sure if it was an cervical ectropian? My nausea is real bad now though but the last day or so more bare able! Work has been hectic and not helping but last Friday I know I now can't have an empty stomach taking my prenatal vitamins!! We had a friend over and I feel asleep at the camp fire and then while watching TV (soo bad, I know) and woke up at 2am to take my vitamins and went to bed. Had a sore stomach (gas?) and had to get up due to nausea and ended up pacing outside while slowly munching a croissant at 2:30-3am!! It was horrible... can barely stand anything anymore so trying to eat when I want, when I want though can't stomach heavy, greasy, strong tasting foods. With DD the nausea subsided after 10 weeks so praying for next week as I'm 9 week today!

Hope you guys are all having a good day!

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10 years ago

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