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Anyone else 4dpo. . . cycle buddy?

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Hello. . .
I'm about 4dpo - - not entirely sure since I didn't use an OPK and just went off of using temps and an app that predicts when I should (for now...I will use OPKs next month if AF shows)

I was just wondering if anyone would like to be a cycle buddy. . . or a listening ear to all of my symptom spotting and my POAS addiction in another week.

We can drive each other crazy? lol

130 Replies • 8 years ago



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Fingers crossed! With my third, I was temping and I believe implantation was 6dpo (had a temp dip on 7dpo) but didn't get a bfp until 11dpo. Hope this is a good sign for your bfp

6dpo and i feel a little better than yesterday. Still feeling fatigued, some back ache, the cramps in my lower stomach now feel like little pinches and a slight headache with a runny nose this morning. But that could be my allergies. Noticed a slight increase in CM this morning.

8 years ago

Well, I caved and POAS this morning... I could be just a little crazy, or had some sleepy eyes, but I really thought I saw something where the second line should be... (I posted it under my HPT images... I'm not sure if you can see it or not) again, I'm hoping to not get my hopes up...

Hopefully you'll start seeing some signs soon and also get your BFP!! I would love to have a cycle buddy and both of us (or even if I don't) get a BFP!

8 years ago • Post starter

I see it!! Didn't have to use tools either. Looks very promising

8 years ago

Thank you for looking!! I have some more spotting again. I didn't have any all evening after the first time, nothing all night/morning and then early this afternoon it happened again. It was clear CM with what looked like strings of blood in it... But nothing red. (Sorry for TMI)

FX'd for BFP all around!!

8 years ago • Post starter

Lol. Not much is tmi for me anymore Sounds like it could be some implantation spotting or old blood escaping. Will you test with fmu tomorrow?

This afternoon i suddenly became very irritable and moody. Got to my parents house and went straight to the bathroom to cry

8 years ago

Rachel I see it too !! You going to yet again in the morning ??

AFM 6 DPO 3 cycle TTC. Believe I had a CP last cycle . Having less symptoms this month than previous months . Trying to keep myself preoccupied

8 years ago

Thanks ladies!! I only have a digital test left, so I may just save it for Monday morning. :)

8 years ago • Post starter

7dpo. Very gassy today. Back ache. Some mild dull aches in my lower stomach and some pinching/pulling feeling near both hips. Breasts feel a little heavy and my nipples are sensitive, tingly and itchy. Had trouble getting out of bed because i was tired. And (tmi) last night hubby and i BD"d and my cervix felt really tender and was kind of painful! Not much of an appetite this morning either. Might test with FMU tomorrow.

8 years ago

I am 7 DPO as well but I swear I don't have a dang symptom 1. Mild cramps off and on since O. I am guessing I will be on to the next cycle . Which is fine , trusting God's timing

8 years ago

I had some spotting last evening again... Which is what happened to me last cycle on the exact same days last cycle.

I didn't test this morning, since I only have a digital test at home... I'm just saving it for possibly tomorrow morning...

Hopefully good things come for all!!

8 years ago • Post starter

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